Anterior Knee Pain - Lecture 2 Flashcards
Patellofemoral Pain syndrome affects 9-25% of active sports participants
Things that can cause patellofemoral pain syndrome
* Overuse
* Biomechancial issues (think boney deformitites / brith defects)
* Joint mobility (hyper/hypo)
* Trauma
* Degeneration
Patellofemoral issues can br driven by extrinisc factors
* Acute Trauma
* Chronic Overuse
* Poor Mechanics
* Training Errors
Structures involved in patellofemoral issues
* Intrapatellar fat pad
* Ligaments
* Patellar tendon
* Retinaculum (tight)
* Subchondral bone, joint
* IT band
* Bursa
Dysfunctions that can cause patellofemoral issues
* Patella femora instability
* Patella femoral pain w/ malalignment or biomechanical dysfunction
* patella femoral pain w/o malalignment
* Tightness
* Weakness
* Muscular imbalance
* Neuromuscular factors (think proprioception / poor balance in the area causing overuse of muscles to provide external and internal stability)
These are examples of lateral problems w/ patallela
Patellofemoral knee instability are the pts that say they feel their kneecap roll off to the side or they have to kick their knee out a few times and can pop their patella back into place
* So the pts are often dislocators
Which way patella most likely to sublux?
Latearl subluxations
What 4 things can cause the patella to sublux latearlly?
Q angle, patella alta, tight latearl retinalcumum
Inadeqate medial stabilizers (not much stuff to pull patella back to the middle)
Trauma to stabilizers or shallow groove where their patella should be sitting
5 biomechanical issues that could be causing PF pain
1) Tight latearl retinaculum
2) Weak vastus medialis
3) Neuromuscular deficits in hip musculature
4) Joint hyper/hypomobility
5) Inappropriate firing of quads (arent having as much of an active stabilization component)
Feel all this when walking especially
Things that cause knee pain w/o malalignment:
* Soft tissue lesions to the area (i.e., trauma)
* Tight medial or lateral retinaculum (normally latearl)
* Osteochondritits dessecans of patella or femoral trochlea (where the patella is going to sit - where he was mentioning about ti being shallow)
* Traumatic patellar chondromalcica (trip or fall)
* Apophysitits
* Symptomatic bipartite patella
PF pain w/o malalignment soft tissue lesions
* Plica syndrome
* Fat pad syndrome
* Tendonitis
* IT band Friction syndrome
* Prepatellar Bursitits
What is Plica syndrome
* medial or lateral
* hyper or hypomobility
Synovial membrane that has invaginated in on itself - folded in and gotten pinched
Normally medial plica
because of abnormal loading there is tissue hypertrophy around the area and fibriotic scaring - CAUSING HYPOmibility
KNOW: Its tissue inflamamtion often initaed w/ trauma that results in synovitits
* so i think the synovial fluid swells and causes the irritation
This is showing where that medial plica syndrome is
We use the Plica Stutter test to test for plica syndrome
Plica syndrome hurts the most w/ activity. What movement hurts the most and why
Knee flexion - because thats where its goign to stretch it the most
KNOW: Plica is considered an inflammatory condition
What treatment do we do for plica?
- Massage
- Manage swelling
- Address muscle imbalances (usually strenghtneing quads and hamstrings and adressing tight structures in the area)
- Reduce compression on the anterior knee
- Arthroscopic excision if needed
Fat padsyndrome = Infrapaterllar syndrome = Hoffas syndrome
KNOW: The fat pads function is
* Synovial fluid secretion benefits (enclosis it?)
* Joint stability (keeps patella from tilting anterior / posterior)
* Neurovascular supply
* Occupiers of deadspace
Patella making contact and pinching down can create inflammation of that fat pad
Fat pad syndrome is normally caused by direct trauma
* It can also be caused by overuse
Often fat pad syndrome is caused by posterior tilt of inferior pole of patella - causing the fat pad to become irretated
Where will swelling and tinderness be present w/ fat pad syndrome
Pain inferior to pole of patella along w/ edema
What positions hurt w/ fat pad syndrome?
Knee extension pain (when its in the close packed position)
0-15 degrees or flexion where patella doesnt contact the trochlear groove
What to do for fat pad syndrome
* Rest
* Ice
* steriod injections
* Address cause through orthotic interventions such as heel lifts
* Tape (superior pole posterior, and superior)
* Surgical rescetion if necessary
what is jumpers knee
patellar tendinopathy
KNOW: pattellar tendinopathies are common in sports with sprinting and jumping and people whi are just taking up running
* caused by repetitive eccentric activities (hints jumping)
* Normally caused by some kinf of muscular imbalance
* Often in those weekend warriors that just took up running
Where is a patellar tendinopathiy
what makes it worse
anterior knee localized pain
Made worse by activity or prolonged flexion
also called movie theatre knee
If they dont have OA patellar tendinopathy would be one of my first thoughts
outcome measure for patellar tendinopathy:
* Victorian insttitute of sports assessment patellar tendinopathy or LEFS
Rule out hip / low back for patellar tendinopathy and other non-musculoskeletal causes
Which AROM is limited w/ patellar tendinpathy?
What about PROM
AROM = knee extension decreased w/ pain
PROM = knee flexion decreased (essentially stretching the joint)
w/ reissted provocaion w/ patellar tendinopathy what movement brings about pain?
Extension brings on pain (AROM)
* Note if it was passive flexion would bring on pain (stretching the joint)
What muscle might hurt w/ patellar tendinoapthy resisted?
Extension hurts to quads might be painful