Anterior Chapman's Points - You know you love'm SRS Flashcards
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Abdomen
Upper edge of the body and superior ramus of the pubic bone near the pubic symphysis.
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Adrenals
2-2.5” above and 1” lateral on either side of the umbilicus
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Appendix
Upper Edge of the 12th rib near the tip on the right
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Arm circulation
Muscular attachments of the pectoralis minor to the 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Arm neuritis
Between the 3rd and 4th ribs (3rd intercostal space) near the sternum
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Bladder
Around the umbilicus, as well as on the pubic symphysis close to the median line
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: The broad ligament
From the greater trochanter to within 2” of the knee joint on the outer aspect of the femur
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Bronchus
Between the 2nd and 3rd ribs (2nd intercostal space) close to the sternum
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Cerebellum
Tip of the coracoid process
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Clitoris
Upper, inner aspect of the posterior thigh, 3-5” long and 1.5 - 2” wide
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Colon
Holy shit, this one is best in a picture. But I’m in the simple editor and don’t want to lose my work. Imagine that you slit your belly, took your colon and laid it out on your legs with the transverse colon near your knees, the ascending colon on your right thigh, and the descending colon on your left thigh. Take a look at the image and description in the book.
I remember being told it was along the anterior aspect of the IT band bilaterally. -Kash
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: conjunctiva
anterior aspect of the humerus, middle aspect of the surgical neck inferiorly
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Esophagus
Between the 2nd and 3rd ribs (2nd intercostal space) close to the sternum
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Inguinal Lymph nodes
Lowest 2/5th of the sartorius muscle and its attachment to the tibia, and just above the medial femoral condyle
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Gallbladder
Between the 6th and 7th ribs (6th intercostal space) from the midclavicular line to the sternum on the right
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Intestinal peristalsis (constipation)
Between the ASIS and the greater trocanter
Anterior Chapman’s Reflex point for: Kidney
1” above and 1” lateral on either side of the umbilicus