Anterior and Medial Thigh Flashcards
The anterior portion of the lumbar sacral plexus have (flexor/extensor) functions
The posterior portion of the lumbar sacral plexus have (flexor/extensor) functions
What are the two muscle groups in the anterior comparment of the thigh and what are their primary functions?
- Hip flexors - flex the hip
- Quadriceps femoris - extend the knee
Main nerve supply of anterior compartment of the thigh is the _______________
Femoral Nerve
The main blood supply of the anterior compartment of the thigh is the ________________ and the two important branches of it are the ________________ and the _______________
- Femoral artery
- Deep femoral
- Lateral circumflex femoral
The quadriceps femoris are the main ____________ of the ____________. They are (name the muscles that make it up) ______________________
- Extensors
- Knee
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus intermedius
- Vastus medialis
The common innervation of the quadriceps femoris is the _________________
Femoral nerve
The common insertion of the quadriceps femoris is the ______________
Anterior tibial bone via patellar tendon
All of the muscles of the quads receive blood from the ________________ and the ________________, except the vastus medialis longus receives blood directly from the ________ instead of the _________
- Deep femoral
- Lateral circumflex Femoral
- Femoral
- Lateral circumflex femoral
What muscle is the “teardrop” muscle in bodybuilding? Its function is ___________________________
- Vastus medialis obliquus
- Medial stabilization of the patella
The vastus medialis longus functions to ____________ the ____________
Extend the knee
All 4 muscles of the quads merge to form the ________________
quadriceps tendon
what bone ossifies within the quadriceps tendon?
Patella bone
The 3 hip flexors are the __________, ____________, __________. They originate on the ____________
- Iliopsoas
- Pectineus
- Sartorius
- Ilium
The sartorius AKA the “____________” is a unique muscle of the hip flexors because it ____________________
- Seatbelt muscle
- Crosses two joints
inserts all the way down on proximal medial tibia
The iliopsoas muscle is a combo of the ________________ and ________________ and does NOT include the _________________
- Iliacus
- Psoas Major
- Psoas Minor
The 2 muscles that make up the iliopsoas muscle, merge around the _____________________
Inguinal ligament
What muscle is the only connection between the spine, pelvis and femur?
The iliopsoas muscle inserts on the ________________. It is the main ____________ of all 3 muscles.
- Lesser trochanter of the femur
- Hip flexor
The Iliacus originates on the ____________ and the psoas major originates on the ______________
- Iliac crest/fossa
- Lumbar spine
The iliacus muscle is innervated by the ____________ and the psoas major is innervated by _______________
- Femoral nerve
- L1-L3 Ventral rami
The iliopsoas muscle receives blood supply from branches of the ________________-
Iliolumbar artery
The sartorius muscle originates on the ________________ and inserts on the ___________________
- Proximal medial tibia
The main function of the sartorius muscle is ________. It also helps with _________________________________
- Hip flexor
- Hip abduction, external rotation and knee flexion
“hacky sack” muscle
The sartorius muscle is innervated by the ____________ and receives blood from the ____________________
- Femoral nerve
- Femoral artery
The pectineus muscle is unique because it borders the ________ and ________ compartments.
- Anterior
- Medial
The pectineus originates on the ____________ and inserts on the _______________
- Superior pubic ramus
- Pectineal line - Femur
The pectineus functions to flex the ________ but also to _______________
ADduct the hip
The pectineus is usually innervated by the ____________, but can sometimes also (or sometimes only) receive innervation from the ____________
- Femoral
- Obturator
femoral = 90% of the time
The pectineus receives blood from the ________________ and ___________________
- Medial circumflex femoral artery
- Obturator
The adductor muscles are antagonists to the abductors which are the ____________, ____________ and ___________
- Glute medius
- Glute Min
- Tensor Fascia Lata
The adductors generally originate on the ____________ and insert on the _____________
- Pubis
- Femur
The adductor longus is innervated by the ____________ and receives blood from the ________________ and _______________
- Obturator nerve
- Deep femoral artery
- Medial circumflex femoral artery
Above what muscle does the obturatory nerve and artery split into anterior and posterior branches?
Adductor Brevis
What adductor muscle does adduction but also weak hip flexion?
Adductor brevis
The adductor brevis is innervated by the ____________ nerve and receives blood from what 3 arteries?
- Obturator nerve
- Deep femoral artery
- Medial circumflex femoral artery
- Obturatory artery
The adductor magnus is composed of 2 parts. The ____________ part and the ____________ part.
- Adductor
- Hamstring
basically 2 different muscles
The adductor magnus has a gap at the bottom end called the ____________ and this is where the ________________ artery and vein passage between the anterior thigh and ______________________
- Adductor hiatus
- Femoral
- Popliteal fossa
The adductor portion of the adductor magnus also assists in ________________ whereas the hamstring portion also assists in ____________________ because it originates on the _______________
- Hip flexion
- Hip extension
- Ischial tuberosity
“one muscle” with two opposing actions
Which adductor muscle is the most superficial and medial as well as is the weakest of the adductors?
The gracilis originates on the pubis and inserts on the medial portion of the tibia called the __________________
Pes anserinus
The gracilis adducts the hip but also assists in weak __________________
knee flexion
The gracilis is innervated by the ____________ nerve and receives blood from what 3 arteries?
- Obturator
- Deep femoral
- Medial Circumflex
- Obturator
What muscle does external/lateral rotation out of the adductor muscles?
Obturator Externus
The obturator externus is innervated by the ________________ nerve and receives blood from what two arteries?
- Oburator
- Obturator
- Medial circumflex femoral
The borders of the femoral triangle are the:
- Inguinal Ligament
- Sartorius
- Adductor longus
The femoral triangle contains:
________ nerve
________ artery, including the ________ branch
________ vein, including proximal tributaries such as the ____________________ and ____________ femoral
- Femoral
- Femoral
- Deep femoral
- Great saphenous
- Deep femoral
these are arteries and nerves supplying anterior thigh
The floor of the femoral triangle are the ________ and ________. The roof is composed of an important fascia called the _______________
- Iliopsoas
- Pectineus
- Cribiform
The two compartments of the retroinguinal space are…? What are the contents of each compartment
- Muscular - Iliopsoas, femoral nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Vascular - femoral artery and femoral vein
The femoral sheath is a tube of fascia surounding the vasculature of the _____________________
Retroinguinal space
femoral triangle contents = NAVL
What structure is part of the femoral triangle, but not within the femoral sheath?
Femoral nerve
The femoral sheath has a proximal opening called the ____________ and has clinical relevance because ____________ often originate here
- Femoral ring
- Femoral hernias
The adductor canal runs under the ________________, inferior to the ___________________
- Sartorius
- Femoral triangle
What is the endpoint of the adductor canal?
Adductor hiatus
The adductor hiatus is where the saphenous nerve exits to run with the ____________________ and where what artery/vein changes name when going posterior?
- Great saphenous vein
- Femoral artery/vein –> popliteal artery/vein
The deep femoral artery gives off what two arteries + perforating branches that go to what compartment?
- Lateral and medial circumflex
- Posterior compartment
posterior compartment does not get its own artery - it comes from femoral artery that wraps around to the back
The obturator artery is usually a branch of what artery? It enters the thigh via the ___________________________
- Internal iliac artery
- Obturator foramen
The obturator artery and nerve split into anterior and posterior branches above what muscle? It will form anastomses for ____________________________ around the _______________
- Adductor brevis
- Collateral circulation
- thigh
What artery is the main supply of the lower limb?
Femoral artery, deep femoral specifically
The ____________ artery becomes the femoral artery below what structure?
- External iliac
- Inguinal ligament
The pathway of the femoral artery is from ________________ triangle –> ____________ canal –> _________________
Femoral triangle –> adductor canal –> adductor hiatus
When does the femoral artery become the popliteal artery?
AFTER passing through **adductor hiatus **
popliteal artery = main blood supply to leg
The main blood supply to the thigh portion of the lower limb is the ____________________. What are its two main branches?
- Deep femoral artery
- Lateral and medial circumflex femoral artery
What is the major anastomosis of the hip region? It supplies blood in case what artery(s) gets blocked?
- Cruciate anastomose
- Femoral and Deep femoral
What anastomosis supplies blood if the popliteal artery gets blocked
What are the 3 most important deep veins?
- Femoral
- Obturator
- Deep femoral V
The superficial fascia of the femoral triangle contains what two main contents?
- Great saphenous vein
- Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
The great saphenous vein drains into what structure? The superficial inguinal lymph nodes drains into what structure?
- Femoral vein
- Deep inguinal lymph nodes
GFV drains into femoral by punching through the fascia
The femoral nerve does what compartment of the thigh? What muscle is the exception?
- Anterior
- Psoas major
How does the femoral nerve enter the anterior compartment? All branches arise wtihin __________________________
- Retroinguinal space
- Femoral triangle
Saphenous nerve does what type of innervation? It does innervate anything in the _____________
- Cutaneous ONLY
- Thigh
Obturatory nerve does what muscle compartment? What muscle is the exception? It is instead innervated by the ____________
- Medial
- Adductor magnus hamstring
- Tibial div. of sciatic
The obturator nerve sometimes innervates what muscle?
The obturatory nerve enters the thigh via what structure? It divides into anterior and posterior branches above the ______________________
- Obturator foramen
- Adductor brevis
What nerve innervates the skin of the distal half of the medial thigh? What nerve innervates the proximal half of the medial thigh?
- Obturator
- Medial femoral cutaneous
What are the 2 groups of nerve branches of anterior femoral cutaneous nerves?
Intermediate and medial femoral cutaneous nerve
medial femoral cut. nerve innervates proximal portion of medial thigh