Anterior Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Canal Flashcards
Contents of the Right Upper Quadrant of the abdomen (10)
- Liver: Right lobe
- Galbladder
- Stomach: Pylorus
- Duodenum Parts 1-3
- Pancreas: head
- Right suprarenal gland
- Right Kidney
- Right Colic Flexure
- Ascending Colon: Superior part
- Transverse Colon: right half
Contents of the Left Upper Quadrant of the abdomen (10)
- Liver: Left lobe
- Spleen
- Stomach
- Jejunum and proximal ileum
- Pancreas: body and tail
- Left Kidney
- Left suprarenal gland
- Left Colic (splenic) flexure
- Transverse colon: left half
- Descending Colon: Superior part
Contents of the Right Lower Quadrant of the abdomen (10)
- Cecum
- Appendix
- Most of the ileum
- Ascending colon: inferior part
- Right Ovary
- Right uterine tube
- Right ureter: abdominal part
- Right spermatic cord: Abdominal part
- Uterus (if enlarged)
- Urinary bladder (if very full)
Contents of the Left Lower Quadrant of the abdomen (8)
- Sigmoid colon
- Descending colon: inferior part
- Left ovary
- Left uterine tube
- Left ureter: abdominal part
- Left spermatic cord: abdominal part
- Uterus (if enlarged)
- Bladder (if very full)
What landmark marks the superior edge of the abdomen?
The 4th intercostal space.
The Transpyloric plane contains what organs (7)? What is its corresponding vertebrae.
The Transpyloric Plane contains the: 1. Gall bladder fundus 2. Pylorus 3. Pancreatic neck 4. SMA origin 5. Hepatic portal vein 6. Root of transverse mesocolon 7. Hila of kidneys It is located at the level of L1
The Subcostal Plane is found where in relation to the ribs, and what organ is located in this plane?
The Subcostal Plane passes inferior to the 10th costal cartilage, and is at the level of the transverse colon.
The Transtubercle Plane is found using what boney landmark, and what organ is located in this plane?
The Transtubercle Plane is located between the Iliac Tubercles, and the iliocecal junction is at this level.
The Interspinous Plane is found using what boney landmark, and what organs (2) are located here?
The Interspinous Plane is located between the ASIS and the Appendix and Sigmoid Colon are located in this plane.
What imaginary border separates the Abdomen from the Pelvis?
The border of the pelvic inlet.
What spinal level is the transpyloric plane
Spinal level: subcostal plane
Spinal level: Transtuburcle plane
Layers of abdominal wall in order from skin to peritoneum. There are 9.
Skin, Camper’s fascia, Scarpa’s fascia, External oblique M. , Internal oblique M., Transversus abdominis M., Transversalis fascia, Extraperitoneal fat, and peritoneum.
Liposuction is the removal of what from the abdominal wall
Camper’s fascia
Innervation of External oblique M.
Ventral Rami of T7-T12 of Intercostal N.
Fibers from the Internal Oblique M. that follow the spermatic cord form what?
Cremasteric M.
What is the insertion of all abdominal M. called
Linea Alba
What is the lateral border of Rectus abdominis M
Linea Semilunaris
What is a thickening of Rectus abdominis M in the pubic region that is commonly missing
Pyramidis M.
Arcuate Line
The lower limit of the posterior layer of the rectus sheath. Also where the Inferior epigastric vessels perforate the rectus abdominis.
What is the organization of the ANTERIOR Rectus sheath SUPERIOR to the arcuate line (2)
External oblique and Internal Oblique (EO, IO)
What is the organization of the POSTERIOR Rectus sheath SUPERIOR to the arcuate line (3)
Internal Oblique, Transversus abdominis, and Transversalis Fascia (IO, TA, TF)
What is the organization of the ANTERIOR Rectus sheath INFERIOR to the arcuate line (3)
External Oblique, Internal oblique, and Trasversus abdominis. (EO, IO, TA)
What is the organization of the POSTERIOR Rectus sheath INFERIOR to the arcuate line (1)
Transversalis Fascia
Superior to the Arcuate line, is the internal oblique aponeurosis anterior or posterior?
Both, It bifurcates and is the innermost layer of the anterior sheath and the outermost laver of the posterior sheath.