Antepartum Flashcards
What constitutes an abnormal oral glucose test?
3 abnormal values
What is initial management for an abnormal oral glucose tolerance test?
diabetic diet and blood glucose monitoring
What is the recommended folic acid dose for pregnant pts? (non-high risk)
0.4 mg/day
What is the recommended dose of folic acid for high-risk pregnant patients?
4 mg/day before pregnancy AND through the first trimester
Valproic acid use during pregnancy is associated with what birth defect?
neural tube defects - lumbar meningomyelocele
Elevated MSAFP is most commonly associated with…
under-estimation of gestational age
How can you diagnose fetal anemia antepartum?
Doppler ultrasonograpy
What are Lewis antibodies?
IgM antibodies
do not affect isosensitization or hemolytic dz of the fetus
What is the mneumonic to remember atypical antibodies?
Lewis lives, duffy dies, kell kills
An intraperitoneal transusion is made into what vessel for the fetus?
Into the umbilical vein
What is the Kleihauer-Betke test used for?
quantify the volume of fetomaternal hemorrhage
What are reasons for an elevated maternal serum AFP (MSAFP)?
multiple gestation, neural tube defects, pilonidal cysts, cystic hygroma, sacrococcygeal teratoma, fetal abdominal wall defects, fetal death
Mo-Di twins occur from division between what days?
4-8 days post-fertilization
Mo-Mo twins occur from division between what days?
8-12 days post-fertilization
Division of an egg after 13 days results in?
Conjoined twins
The twin infant death rate is ___x higher than singletons.
The risk of cerebral palsy in twins is ___x higher than in singletons.
When is the risk of developing microcephaly and severe intellectual disability greatest?
8-15 weeks
What is associated with postterm pregnancies?
placental sulfatase deficiency, fetal adrenal hypoplasia, anencephaly, inaccurate dates
What complications are associated with postterm pregnancy?
macrosomia, oligohydramnios, meconium aspiration, uteroplacental insufficiency, dysmaturity
What is Chadwick’s sign and what does it indicate?
bluish color of cervix - indicates pregnancy