Antenatal Checks Flashcards
What happens in first meeting? when does it occur?
- weeks 8-10
- used to calculate EDD
- arrange dating scan
- gain consent for antenatal screening
- health promotion (folic acid, vit D, flu vac, smoking cessation)
- risk assessment
- obs (BP, FBC, STI’s etc)
what is measured in the dating scan that can calculate Downs syndrome risk?
- nuchal translucency
- B- HCG, raised in abnormalities
- PAPP A levels
What is done in the examination in antenatal visits?
- BP and urinalysis (UTI)
- fundal height
- lie and presentation
- engagement of the presenting part
- foetal heart auscultation
What is checked at 20 week scan?
- anomaly scan
- low lying placenta
- development of foetus
what is checked at 25 weeks?
- serial growth measurements begin
- screening for IUGR
What is done at 41 weeks if baby not born?
- membrane sweep to try and induce labour
what happens in rhesus sensitisation?
what events may this occur in?
- small amounts of foetal blood enter maternal circulation
- sensitising events:
delivery, placental abruption and amniocentesis
What happens if the mother develops immunity?
- second exposure causes mass antibody escalation
- cross placenta and bind to foetal blood cells causing anaemia. jaundice
- worsens with successive pregnancies
What is done in prophylaxis for rhesus?
- anti-D given even if mother and father rhesus negative at birth at 28 and 34 weeks
- also given at any sensitising event
When is the Downs and Turners test performed?
what determines high or low risk?
what happens to those in high risk?
- at the booking scan (b-HCG and PAPPA)
- > 1 in 150 is low risk, less is high risk
- offered chorionic villus sampling from 11 weeks or amniocentesis from 15 weeks
risk of miscarriage
what other viral tests are done?
- HIV screening: occurs at booking bloods, must consent
- Hep B screening: high risk if mother antigen + and antibody negative mother, baby given immunoglobulin at birth
- syphilis
- rubella
- haemoglobinopathy
what test can be done in late Downs syndrome? when?
- uE3
- inhibit A
- quadruple test
- 14-20 weeks
what are the risks in smoking in pregnancy?
- increased IUGR
- miscarriage
- stillbirth
- Sudden infant death
what are the minor side effects of pregnancy? PART 1
- Itching: > blood flow to skin, check for cholestasis/ jaundice
- Abdo pain: usually benign and unexplained
- reflux: common in 70% of women, pre-eclampsia can present with epigastric pain
- backache
- constipation
Minor side effects of pregnancy?
- ankle oedema: poor predictor of pre-eclampsia, sudden increase requires BP and urinalysis
- leg cramps affects 30%
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- vaginitis: candidiasis common, itchy, non-offensive white-grey discharge associated with excoriation
- N+V: Only 1/10 experience nausea after week 20.
How should hyperemesis gravidarum be treated?
- exclude predisposing factors (UTI/ molar pregnancy)
- IV rehydration, anti-emetics and thiamine
what is done at the booking scan?
- first booking has great importance: > FBC > Blood grouping > haemoglobinopathies > Group and save > Infection status ( HIV, syphilis and Hep B)