Antenatal Care Screening Flashcards
What is antenatal care?
-Provides pregnancy, labour & postnatal (after birth) care
-Provided by skilled health-care professionals to pregnant women & adolescent girls
-Ensures best health conditions for both mother & baby
Components of antenatal care?
-Risk identification
-Prevention & management of pregnancy-related or concurrent diseases
-Health education
-Health promotion
Aims of antenatal care?
Prevent, identify & manage conditions that cause maternal & neonatal morbidity - & which may result in/contribute to:
-Maternal mortality
-Neonatal death
Organisation of antenatal care - who gets involved & in what order?
When might additional care be required for expectant mothers?
-Maternal characteristics
-Past medical history
-Obstetric issues
What are the WHO screening principles?
-Respond to recognised need
-Objectives defined
-Target population
-Integrate education, testing, services & management
-Quality assurance
-Ensure informed choice, confidentiality, autonomy
-Promote equity & ensure access
-Benefits outweigh harm
Screening VS diagnostic testing?
-Screening = ALL (e.g.,) pregnant women offered – will highlight any increased chances of certain conditions in babies of some women – who will then be offered further diagnostic tests
–> so screening = sieve
-Diagnostic = used to provide more information following screening – i.e., so can either confirm a diagnosis or not
–> involves interpreting history, clinical obs, lab test results or imaging studies -> all are “tests” to refine estimate of probability patient has a condition.
Give the order of tests done prior to, in pregnancy & after pregnancy.
- Pre-conception screening
- Screening tests = antenatal
- Diagnostic tests = antenatal
- Newborn screening
What is preconception screening used to do & when is it used?
For prospective parents to understand carrier status before are pregnant (use of Family Origin Questionnaire)
-Used ideally 12 weeks before plan to become pregnant
Examples of diseases preconception screening can look for?
-Sickle cell
What are some antenatal tests - split them into screening & diagnostic?
-Booking appointment
-Combined test - ‘12 week scan/dating scan’
= involves nuchal translucency
-Quadruple test
-FASP (foetal anomaly screening scan) - ‘20 week scan’
-Blood test -> screening for sickle cell & thalassaemia in parents - see if are carriers
-NIPT (non-invasive prenatal screening test)
-IDPS (infectious diseases in pregnancy screening)
-CVS (chorionic villus sampling)
Summarise sickle cell & thalassaemia testing.
Summarise combined, quadruple & FASP.
Summarise nuchal translucency (part of combined test).
Summarise NIPT.