Antenatal care in uncomplicated pregnancies Flashcards
What information should be given to pregnant women at booking appointment? (13)
- Folic acid - 400 micrograms or 5 milligrams for women ar higher risk of NT defects or obese. To be taken when planning, up to 12 weeks 2. Food hygiene 3. Smoking, alcohol, drug cessation 4. Info on screening tests (Hbpathies sickle and thalassaemia, anomalies, Down’s) 5. How baby develops 6. vitamin D 10 micrograms and risks to darker skinned women 7. exercise and diet 8. place of birth 9. pregnancy care pathway 10. breastfeeding 11. antenatal classes 12. mental health 13. advice on working and benefits
How many antenatal appointments for uncomplicated pregnancy in 1. a nulliparous woman 2. parous woman
- 10 2. 7
When is the dating scan done? What else other than gestational age does it detect?
- Between 10+0 and 13+6 weeks - multiple pregnancies
What measurement should be used to determine gestational age? Any exception?
Crown Rump Length If CRL >84mm, gestational age should be estimated using HC
What occupations put women at higher risk of complications?
Nursery teacher w/o chicken pox exposure HCP and infectious diseases Vets toxoplasmosis Chefs/butchers salmonella
What foods to avoid to avoid listeriosis? (4)
What foods to avoid to avoid salmonella? (2)
Listeria: Unpasteurised milk, soft/blue cheese, pate, uncooked meals
Salmonella: uncooked eggs, uncooked meat esp poultry
What is the advice on alcohol in pregnancy?
Avoid completely in first 3 months due to risk of miscarriage
Do not drink more than 1 to 2 units, once or twice a week (small glass of wine twice a week)
Binge drinking is harmful
Advice on car travel?
Wear seatbelt under or above the bump, not over it
Advice on N and V in pregnancy?
- most cases will resolve 16-20 weeks
- not associated with poor pregnancy outcome
non-pharm tx: ginger, wrist acupressure
pharm tx: antihistamines
Other small problems of pregnancy and tx?
Heartburn - diet modification and antacids
Constipation - diet modification like bran
Haemorrhoids - diet modification
Varicose veins - stockings help with Sx
Advice on discharge?
An increase in discharge is normal, but if assoc with itch, soreness or smell then Ix should be considered
Candidiasis in pregnancy can be treated by topical imidazole
What is normal Hb in pregnancy at booking and at 28 weeks?
booking: 11 g/dl
28 weeks: 10.5 g/dl
Who should routine anti-D prophylaxis be offered to?
All non-sensitised rhesus D-negative women
On booking and 28 weeks, if a woman has atypical red cell alloantibodies (regardless of rhesus D status) what should happen?
Referred to specialist centre
How can sickle cell disease be screened for?
Family Origin Questionnaire
Lab (high preformance liquid chromatography) ie electrophoresis