Antenatal Care Flashcards
Normal Discomforts in Pregnancy (13)
- Nausea/vomiting (*hyperemesis gravidarum)
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Headaches (*pre-eclampsia)
- Back aches
- Heartburn/indigestion
- Varicose veins
- Skin changes and stretch marks
- Mild swelling/fluid retention (*pre-eclampsia)
- Pica
- Bleeding gums
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoids
Smoking in Pregnancy
Nicotine and carbon monoxide reduce placental blood flow and availability of oxygen.
1. Growth restriction and LBW
2. Preterm birth, miscarriage or still birth
3. Congenital defects
4. Nicotine dependence
5. Decreased lactation
6. Childhood/adult physical and mental comorbidities
Smoking in Pregnancy
Advice & Interventions
- Identify smokers and non-smokers at risk from second-hand exposure
- Provide education and recommend cessation or reduction
- Offer behavioural counselling and support services - e.g. QUITLINE
- Supervised NRT use
- Monitor for relapse post-birth
- Advice to partner/family - avoid smoking around pregnant person or infant, smoke outside house/car, illegal to smoke with children in car.
Drinking in Pregnancy
Alcohol passes through the placenta and breast milk to the foetus/infant and can cause:
- Preterm birth, miscarriage or stillbirth
- FASD - range of physical, mental and behavioural disabilities:
* Physical - poor growth, facial deformities, poor coordination, heart/kidney/bone conditions, vision/hearing problems.
* Cognitive - poor attention/memory, learning difficulties, speech delays, intellectual disability, poor reasoning/judgement.
Drinking in Pregnancy
- There is NO safe:
- Amount of alcohol
- Type of alcohol
- Stage of pregnancy to drink - Its never too late to stop or reduce drinking
- Alcohol and Drug support line
Safe Sleeping
- Safe cot - meets current Australian standards.
- Avoid second hand cots. - Safe mattress - firm, clean, flat, well-fitting.
- Avoid cot bumpers, water beds, bean bags, couch, pillows/cushions. - Safe bedding - safe sleeping bag or lightweight, securely tucked blanket at chest height.
- Avoid soft bedding, bulky surfaces, electric blankets, hot water bottles/wheat bags, - Safe sleeping space - own sleep space in parents room for first 6months.
- Avoid smoke, handing cords, electrical appliances. - Infant:
- sleep on their back
- feet at bottom of cot
- face and head uncovered
Advice: Nutrition
Foods to Limit/Avoid
A. Foods to limit
- Caffeine - 200mg/day
- High-energy foods/drinks
- Large fish (mercury)
B. Foods to avoid
- Deli meats, soft cheese and pate (listeria)
- Smoked salmon, raw seafood, precooked prawns/sushi (listeria)
-Unpasteurised milk (lysteria)
- Raw/undercooked meat (toxoplasmosis)
- Raw/undercooked eggs (salmonella)
- Alcohol
Advice: Nutrition
General Advice & Foods to Include
1. Eat for you not for two - approx. extra 300cal/day
2. Rainbow plate
3. Healthy swaps
4. Safe food handling
Foods to include:
1. Folic acid - fortified bread, leafy greens, legumes (blood formation/cell building)
2. Iron - meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, fortified cereals (brain development/energy levels)
3. Vitamin D - eggs, oily fish (calcium absorption/bone health)
4. Calcium - dairy, almond/soy products (bone health)
5. Vitamin B12 - meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy (nerve/brain development)
6. Protein - meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy (blood supply/tissue growth)
7. Iodine - fish, dairy, eggs (brain development)
Advice: Weight Gain
Maternal Screening Tests
- Initial blood tests - blood type, RhD factor, FBC (Hb), rubella, varicella, STIs, vitamin D.
- Combined first trimester screen: MSS + nuchal fold translucency (9-14w) - chromosomal disorders and neural tube defects.
- Second trimester maternal serum screening (15-17w) - chromosomal disorders and neural tube defects.
- Non-invasive prenatal test (optional: 10+w) - chromosomal disorders
- Oral glucose tolerance test (28w) - gestational diabetes
- Edinburgh post-natal depression scale - PND
- Group B strep swab (35-37w)
Antenatal Assessments
Antenatal Interventions
- Rhogam/Anti-D shot @ 28w, 34w and 72hr post-birth
- TDaP vaccine @ 30w
Antenatal Schedule
0-28 weeks - 4weekly
28-36 weeks - 2weekly
26-40 weeks - 1weekly
Safe Co-sleeping
- Reinforce safe sleeping principles
- Tips for safer co-sleeping
- Create clear space
- Infant on back NOT tummy
- Head and face uncovered
- Use safe sleeping bag
- Use firm/flat mattress
- Place on one side of parent away from edge NOT between two people
- Tie up long hair and remove jewellery
- Move bed away from wall
- Prevent infant falling from bed - Avoid co-sleeping if:
- Overly tired or unwell
- Consumed alcohol, drugs or cigarettes
- Premature or small infant
Maternal Physiological Changes
- Endocrine - progesterone, oestrogen, relaxin, hCG.
- CVS - incr. HR, blood volume, CO and clotting ability; decr. SVR; uterine compression of vena cava.
- Respiratory - URT oedema, diaphragm elevation; incr. RR and O2 consumption.
- Renal - incr. size, GFR, Na+ retention and frequency of urination.
- GIT - decr. motility, LES tone; incr. intragastric pressure.
- Integumentary - incr. pigmentation, stretch marks, decr. hair loss.
Foetal Development
- Pre-embryonic (0-2w) - fertilisation to implantation.
- Embryonic (3-8w) - start forming brain, spinal cord, nerves, major organs (incl. heart and sex organs), head/external structures.
- Foetal (8-40w) - weight gain and elongation, muscle/bone growth, lung formation, hearing, sleep-wake cycle.