Antenatal booking Flashcards
- Introduction
- Introduction
Reason for visit
Age, BMI and gestation
- Presenting compliant
- Presenting compliant
First visit? Seen any other doctor? Any previous scans? And what were the results?
Planned? Natural or IVF?
a) Dating history
LNMP-Add 9 months and 7 days
Regular 28 day cycle
Recent COCP use (up to 6 months before)
Whether had dating scan (no)
Fertility treatment
b) Symptoms
nausea + vomiting,
breast tenderness
Positive test? (how was the pregnancy confirmed - home test? Etc)
c) Problems
Any problems (pv bleeding, pain, rash)
- Obstetric history
Parity and gravidity
Number previous pregnancies
Duration (full term) , TOPs, miscarriages, ectopics
Fertility treatment, multiple pregnancies and/or birth defects
birth weight - mode of delivery (why? C section) - feeding type
any complications with labour/delivery or previous pregnancies
- Past medical history
Major medical illnesses and treatment
Surgical operations
- Gynae history
Visit a gynaecological doctor? Fibroids, Polpys, adenomyosis
Last cervical smear - when? Normal?
- Drug history
pregnancy vitamins e.g. folic acid and vitamin D
any regular medications-note any teratogenic
- Family history
heart disease, hypertension and diabetes
Thromboembolic (sickle cell disease)
Genetic conditions Pku Cf Thyroid disease MCADD (medium chain acyl coenzyme a dehydrogenase deficiency) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Social history
i. what is living situation like?
ii. Well supported at home?
iii. If previous deliveries - Who do other children live with?
i. what kind of work
ii. Support at work
i. Smoking and Alcohol
ii. Exercise
iii. Illicit drugs
- To complete
Booking tests: • Blood test • Dating scan • Urine dip • Screening test
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