Antebellum America: Politics Flashcards
As the Era of Good Feelings ended, the American political scene in the antebellum period was dominated by the struggle between the Jacksonian Democrats and the Whigs. This deck reviews the rise of judicial federalism, tariff controversies, the struggle for states’ rights, and the Bank War.
The Era of Good Feelings
The Era of Good Feelings began with James Monroe’s election to the Presidency in 1816. With the Federalist Party collapsing, the Democratic-Republicans dominated politics and there was a renewed optimism brought about by a revived American economy and peace in Europe.
The Rush-Bagot Agreement (1815), established disarmament upon what international border?
In the Rush-Bagot Agreement, British and American diplomats severely limited naval armament on the Great Lakes and set the stage for limits on border forts between the United States and Canada.
The Rush-Bagot Agreement inaugurated peaceful coexistence between America and Canada.
Under Chief Justice John Marshall, how did the Supreme Court strengthen the federal government?
The Marshall Court issued decisions that established the superiority of the federal government over the states.
Although the Supreme Court had held a federal law unconstitutional in Marbury v. Madison, in what case did the Supreme Court establish the principle that it could hold a state law unconstitutional?
Fletcher v. Peck (1810)
In Fletcher, the Georgia state legislature had enacted a law that voided some land sales which a previous legislature had made and which were induced by bribery.
The Marshall Court held that the Georgia legislature’s law was a violation of the U.S. Constitution.
In Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), the Supreme Court was faced with a case in which New York State had issued an exclusive charter to one steamboat operator that conflicted with a charter issued by the federal government. How did the Court rule?
The Court ruled that under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, the federal government had wide authority over interstate commerce (one of the steamboats traveled between New York and New Jersey), and the Federal charter overruled the state-level charter.
What prompted General Andrew Jackson’s military actions in Florida in the late 1810s?
After Spanish troops were withdrawn from Florida to suppress rebellions in Central and South America, a mixed band of escaped slaves, whites, and Seminole Indians used the lack of authority to launch raids on American settlements and then flee across the border beyond American retribution.
President Monroe authorized Jackson to stop the raids by crossing the border if necessary.
How did the United States acquire Florida in 1819?
With American troops already in Florida (Andrew Jackson had captured Pensacola in 1818), the Spanish government recognized that the United States would likely conquer Florida and agreed to sell it to the United States, as well as give up its rights to the Oregon Territory.
For payment the U.S. government assumed $5 million in claims against Spain and also abandoned any claim to Spanish Texas based upon the Louisiana Purchase.
In 1823, concerned about European attempts to conquer new republics in Central and South America, James Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine. What did the Monroe Doctrine establish?
The Monroe Doctrine asserted that no further European colonization would be allowed in the New World and any attempt to do so would result in American intervention.
What were the three components of Henry Clay’s American System?
The American System’s three components were:
- Impose a high tariff on foreign goods to protect American manufacturing and provide revenue for internal improvements
- Establish a National Bank to provide stable currency and a credit to the federal government
- Stimulate internal improvements (transportation projects) to aid the development of the West and to funnel agricultural goods to eastern ports
Why did Congress pass the Tariff of 1816?
Concerned that goods from newly peaceful Britain would flood the U.S. market, Congress passed a high tariff in 1816 to protect American manufacturers. It was the first protectionist tariff.
Although passed by Democratic-Republicans, the Tariff of 1816 was similar to one proposed by Hamilton decades before.
A second Bank of the United States was chartered in 1816 (Hamilton’s bank’s charter expired in 1811), but was blamed for the Panic of 1819. Why?
The Second Bank of the United States responded to the inflation that resulted from the end of the War of 1812 by tightening public credit. As a result, the economy collapsed.
The West was especially hard-hit as the government foreclosed on farms and debtors were thrown into prison. As a result, the Bank was exceedingly unpopular in the West.
After Maryland tried to tax the Second Bank of the United States, the case went all the way to the Supreme Court. How did the Marshall Court rule?
The Court held that Maryland could not tax the Bank. The Constitution gave the government the implied power to create a bank, and because the power to tax is the power to destroy, Maryland could not tax an institution created by the federal government.
Prior to Missouri’s petition for admission as a slave state, what was the balance of power in the House and the Senate?
There were more Northern Representatives in the House, since the North had a greater population. In the Senate, however, there were 11 free state Senators, and 11 slave state Senators.
Missouri’s admission as a slave state threatened to upset the even numbers in the Senate, worrying many in the North.
What was the Tallmadge Amendment?
The Tallmadge Amendment made Missouri’s admission to the Union conditional upon its emancipation of the children of all slaves upon their 25th birthday, and required that no further slaves could be taken to Missouri.
The Tallmadge Amendment failed to pass the Senate, but angered Southerners who resented any interference with slavery.
Peculiar Institution
Peculiar Institution was a Southern euphemism for slavery.
The word “slavery” was deemed improper, especially in legislative bodies, and Southerners increasingly used the term “Peculiar Institution” instead.
What were the three key components of the Missouri Compromise (1820)?
The Missouri Compromise:
- Missouri admitted as a slave state
- Maine admitted as a free state
- Slavery disallowed in future territories north of 36°30’ except within Missouri itself