Antarctica Flashcards
What are 6 threats to Antarctica?
- illegal resource extraction
- overfishing
- whaling
- climate change
- tourism
- scientific research
What is the ATS?
Antarctic Treaty System, a treaty (legally binding) which aims to ensure peace in Antarctica and encourage sustainable activity
Give 2 examples of what’s included in the ATS
- no military action
- no recognition of territorial claims
- information/research must be shared
Madrid Protocol: no mineral extraction
What is Antarctic Convergence?
2 flows of water (with different densities) coming together which results in upwelling
Why is the Antarctic Convergence zone an area of high marine productivity?
convergence causes upwelling which leads to lots of nutrients
What is Antarctic divergence?
where 2 wind currents meet
What is the Antarctic Circumpolar current?
a current surrounding Antarctica that blocks warmer waters travelling southwards
What direction does the West Wind drift travel?
East, driven by westerlies
What direction does the East Wind drift travel?
West, driven by easterlies
What separates West and East Antarctica?
transantarctic mountains
How much does an average trip to Antarctica cost?
How is tourism in Antarctica environmentally damaging?
- CO2 emissions
- increasing numbers -> put strain on pristine envt
- disrupt animal behaviours
How many tourists visited Antarctica in 2022/23?
How could scientific research damage Antarctica?
damage pristine environment eg, bacteria in Lake Vostok
When is mineral extraction banned until?
Why is mineral extraction a threat despite being banned by the Madrid Protocol?
- only banned till 2048 (potentially)
- extraction could become more viable and would have economic benefits
- pressure on governments
When did the complete Whale Moratorium come into action?
Give 4 examples of whale species hunted for
Blue, Fin, Sei and Minke
How many members does the IWC have?
When did Japan leave the IWC?
2019, from which no longer bound by moratorium
what is IUU fishing?
illegal, unregulated and unreported
Give an example of a species targeted by IUU fishing
Patagonian Toothfish
How is climate change a threat to the Antarctic?
melting ice shelves the ice sheet at risk of melting and speeds up rates of ablation
What 4 organisations DONT offer legally binding protection?
What organisation manages tourism? How many members does it have?
IAATO, 100 members
How many NGOs make up ASOC?
What is ASOC fighting for?
legally binding Polar Code
How many members does CCAMLR have?
Why is ASOC good?
- considers all the major threats facing Antarctica
- considers land and sea
- coalition
- NGOs - not impacted by foreign policy
Why is ASOC bad?
- coalition could cause disputes
- not legally binding
- are they doing too much?
How does the impact of climate change on the Antarctic link to coasts and the water cycle?
- eustatic sea level rise (impacts landforms and increases risks of flooding)
- more freshwater released from long term store of the cryosphere
What is the aim of CCAMLR?
consider inputs from scientists and fishing industry to promote sustainable fishing in the Southern Ocean
Give 2 ways CCAMLR promotes sustainable fishing?
- weighted lines
- specialised hooks
What % of freshwater does Antarctica store?
What did the treaty signed in 2009 impose on tourism?
boast with a max of 500 passengers
When was the ATS signed and implemented?
signed: 1959
implemented: 1961
How large is Antarctica?
14 million km2
When was the IAATO founded?
Give an example of an ice shelf that has collapsed…
Larsen B, 2002
2,700 km2 lost in 35 days
How many nations signed the ATS?
When was the madrid protocol signed?