ANT 100 Flashcards
What is the disease described as “bad sugar” in the film Unnatual Causes?
Which populations in the U.S. live longer, healthier lives? Why?
People with high income in charge of their life.
What did the Whitehall Study (described in Unnatural Causes) reveal about the relationship between wealth and health?
More and betta health
What happened to the Pima tribe’s water? What impact did the loss of water have on their prosperity, culture and way of life? Who benefited from their loss?
Relied on river, when dame created water stopped following and the tribes’ lifestyle food died off.
What kinds of structural factors created differing social vulnerability to the effects of Katrina?
the lower class and sea level, while higher class lived above the sea level.
What is the difference between sex and gender?
Sex _ physical biology
Gender _ male/female. Various by culture role gender
What are some features of American masculinity?
sport, powerful, muscle
What are 2 biological characteristics that differentiate male and female?
sex orgasm
body size
bone size
genetic x,y
What are some of the arguments for biological determination of gender?
Most young boys have more aggressive play than most young girls.
Sex differences in aggression are too large to be explained by society alone.
Non-human male primates are more aggressive than females.
Fetal boys are more active than fetal girls.
Girls with high testosterone show more aggressive behavior than girls with normal levels of testosterone.
What are the arguments made for the cultural/social determination of gender?
specific toys
gender base chores
access to hood and health care
True or false: It’s just as easy to enter the country legally today as it was when my ancestors arrived.
Describe one of the positions taken towards immigration reform found in the reading about U.S. immigration policy.
let everybody in the country
smart people should be allowed to enter the country
let people in for education purposes
What are some measurements of the racial achievement gap?
standardize test score
college graduation rate
What are Ferguson and Ogbu’s explanations for the racial achievement gap?
less positive reinforcement were given by the teacher _ Ogbu
social economic status _ Ferguson
What are the two opposing environmental stressors that drive the evolution of human skin tone?
vitamin D
UV rays
What is the gender binary?
only male and female
Define sexual orientation.
people with romantic feeling towards each other.
What is one advancement made by the feminist movement since 1970 as described in “A Day without Feminism”?
pregnant woman can not be fired.
When does Katz say the notion of heterosexuality was invented by?
Give one example of how social vulnerability created different impacts of Hurricane Katrina on different individuals.
if you did not have financial access to leave New Orleans it impact you even more.
What is the difference between an impairment and an activity limitation?
impairment _ problem with bones in the function of structure
activity limitation _ doing tax on action exuding a task or action
What is the difference between an activity limitation and a participation restriction?
not attend a class
What is one feature of autism spectrum disorders?
visual things
repetitive movement
What might be one evolutionary benefit of neurodiversity?
different way of thinking give you different way of perspective on a problem
What are the four fields of anthropology?
biological anthropology
cultural anthropology