Answers To Final Oral Flashcards
What time do you wake up from Monday to Friday? And on Saturdays and Sundays?
Me despierto a las cinco de la mañana
On what occasions do you wear elegant clothes?
Llevo ropa elegante en las bodas
Who did you talk to last night
Hablé con mi novia
What time did you fall asleep last night
Me quedé dormido a las 10 en punto
Where did you go on vacation last summer
Fui a Myrtle Beach
In which class did you have a test last week?
No me hice un examen la semana pasada
What is a good book you read recently
Leí el infierno de Dante
Who understands you
Mis padres me entienden
Who mowed the lawn at your house last summer
El verano pasado, mi padre cortó el césped
What are the chores you had to do when you were a child?
Tuve que lavar mi ropa y sacar la basura
When was the last time you washes you clothes
Ayer lavé mi ropa
What was your favorite movie as a child
Mi película favorita eran los coches
How did you celebrate your birthday as a child
Tuve fiestas en mi casa
Where did you meet your best friend
Lo conocí en la clase de artes marciales
When you were at a party recently what did you eat
Comí hamburguesas y ensalada
Who were your friends when you were at years old
Mis amigos eran Roy Aaron y Austin
Where and when weee you born
Nací en Stafford Connecticut en dos mil dos
When you pack your suitcase, what are the most important things for spending a week at the beach
Traijo un traje de baño, sandalias, pantalones cortos y protector solar
Where did you live when you were 15 years old
Viví en Ellington, Connecticut, cuando tenía quince años
How did you spend your summer when you were very young
Pasé mis veranos con mis abuelos