Answer Structures Flashcards
How do you answer question 1?
Outline two ways in which the source shows…
How do you answer question 2?
One is [use own own knowledge and outline with two sentences]
Another is [use own knowledge and outline with two sentences]
How do you answer question 3?
Look at answer template
How do you answer question 4?
One key feature of … Is
[described what happened in detail]
Try to do it three times, if not enough time then twice
How do you answer question 5?
[event name] is important because it improved/worsened international relations - explain why using detailed evidence
It was important because it…
How do you answer question 6?
[event 1] is regarded as a flashpoint because… [detailed explanation to how the event had a significant impact]
Same for event 2
Come up with own event Nd do the same
X is the most important reason why… Is regarded as… Is more important than Y and Z because it led to…