ANS and anti-arrhythmic drugs Flashcards
Name the classes that decrease automaticity for antiarrhythmics
All classes
What is M2’s role?
parasympathetic control; slows SA/AV node
Makes cell more depolarized at baseline (increases max diastolic potential)
Slows Ca++ influx, opens K+ channels
Works through all 3 paths
non-selective parasympathetic antagonist used to increase cardiac output or to dilate eyes
B1/2/3 - selective antagonist (B blocker), decreases cardiac output
Anti-arrhythmic (decreases Phase 4 slope)
What is a1’s primary role? Where are these located/how do the receptors work?
SM contraction (sympathetic) eye and bladder contraction - in conjunction w/ B2
Also very important for vascular constriction and dilation (a1 dominates so constriction typically wins dominates)
What role do M3 and B2 play in the uterus?
M3 - contractions, B2, relaxation (L+D plus menstrual applications)
name an a1 agonist and describe how it works
phenylephrine; increases BP by increasing vascular constriction Activates voltage-gated Ca++ channels, increases SR release (increases contraction)
Describe how adenosine works
Increases max diastolic potential (cell is more negative between action potentials)
Opens K+ channels, slows CA influx, is a nodal agent
Name the Class III antiarrhythmics and describe their mechanism
K+ blockers
Increase AP duration (increase refractory period and slow repol)
Amiodarone, dronedaron, dofelitide, solatol
What type of muscle does not fire action potentials?
Vascular smooth muscle (under involuntary control - hormones, ANS neurotransmitters like adrenergic receptors, local stimuli)
Name the Class I anti-arrhythmic drugs + subclasses, and describe their mechanism
Na+ channel blockers - increase threshold potential and make it harder to depolarize
Slow resetting of NA+ channels
IA - Procainamide
IB lidocaine
IC flecainide, propafenone
how is a2 different from other receptors?
effects of a2 work on presynaptic neuron (inhibits the release of NE from presynaptic neuron, but postsynaptically, a2 induces smooth muscle contraction like a1)
Class III K+ blocker
Increases APD
Prolongs QT and is associated w/ Torsades
Name the classes that increase refractory period (including those that increase APD and those that do not)
APD increased: IA (because of K+), III
No change in APD: IB, IC, adenosine
B1 agonist, increases cardiac output
IC Na+ blocker (strong)
Don’t use in pts w/ structural abnormalities
Increases threshold potential (decreases automaticity), increases RP (no increase in APD), and decreases conduction velocity
B1 agonist, name and function
dobutamine, increases cardiac output
B1 antagonists
metoprolol, atenolol, carvedilol, propandolol (B blockers)
Primarily works by decreasing the slope of Phase 4 depolarization and decreasing HR
Name the drugs that decrease conduction velocity
IA, IC, Class II, Class IV, adenosine
What is B1’s primary role?
stimulates SA/AV nodes
a1/2, B 1/2 - selective agonist
B1 antagonist, B blocker (decreases cardiac output)
Anti-arrhythmic (decreases Phase 4 slope)
What receptors are used by salivary glands and what are their effects? **what do you need to remember about the sympathetic receptor in this case?
for salivation - M3 = watery, B2 = thick (sympathetic) **note B2’s primary role is SM relaxation, not induction of secretion