ANS Flashcards
Efferent Neurons
Cause and “effect”, carry impulses away from the CNS to effectors
Afferent Neurons
Influence, carry impulses from sense organs/receptors TOWARDS the CNS
-important in reflex regulation
Somatic NS
Voluntary functions
Autonomic NS
Involuntary functions such as smooth muscle of viscera, heart, vasculature
Preganglionic neuron
-cell body is within the CNS
-relay stations
Postganglionic Neuron
-originates in ganglion and terminates on effector organs (smooth muscle of viscera, heart, vasculature, exocrine glands)
Parasympathetic Neurons
- Originate from cranial (3,7,9,10) and sacral areas
- preganglionic neurons are LONG compared to post-
- little/no branching (most of the time, one to one connection)
- discrete response
Sympathetic Neurons
- originate from thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord
- preganglionic neurons are SHORT compared to post-
- highly branched
- activates numerous effector organs at the same time
- diffuse
Parasympathetic System
- rest and digest: maintains essential body functions and is required for life
- protects the eye/accommodation (miosis, lacrimation), protects the heart (bradycardia), protects the respiratory system (bronchoconstriction, bronchosecretion), aids in digestion (salivation {watery}, peristalsis, gastric acid secretion), aids in urination, defecation, procreation (erection)
Sympathetic System
- fight or flight; used to adjust body to stressful situations but is not needed for life
- increase HR and BP, mobilizes energy stores, increases blood flow from skin and internal organs to skeletal muscles and heart, dilation of pupils and bronchioles, procreation (ejaculation, relaxation of uterus), secretion of renin (kidney) and Epi/NE (adrenal medulla), decreased GI/UT, salivary glands (thick viscous secretions)
Baroreceptor Reflex
Drop in blood pressure causes a:
- decease in parasympathetic outflow (increasing HR)
- increase in sympathetic outflow (increasing HR, VR, CF, TPR)
Present in carotids, vena cava, aortic arch
Light reflex
Protection of retina from bright light -increased parasympathetic outflow (miosis) -decreased sympathetic outflow (miosis) Accommodation for near vision -increased parasympathetic outflow
Nicotinic receptors
- located in the preganglionic synapses, not important pharmacologically
- cholinergic receptor
Muscarinic Receptors
- located at the postganglionic synapses of the parasympathetic system and in the sweat glands of the sympathetic system
- cholinergic receptor
- M1: gastric parietal cells, M2: cardiac and smooth muscle, M3: bladder, exocrine glands, smooth muscle