ANS Flashcards
Adrenergic, noradrenergic
A nerve ending that releases norepinephrine as the primary transmitter; also, a synapse in which norepinephrine is the primary transmitter
Adrenoreceoptor; adrenergic receoptor
A receptor that binds, and is activated by, one of the catecholamine transmitters or hormones (norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine) and related drugs
The homeostatic mechanism that maintains a constant mean arterial blood pressure; the
sensory limb originates in the baroreceptors of the carotid sinus and aortic arch; efferent pathways run in parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves to the heart and blood vessels
A nerve ending that releases acetylcholine; also, a synapse in which the primary transmitter is acetylcholine
Cholinergic receptor
A receptor that binds, and is activated by, acetylcholine and related drugs
nerve ending that releases dopamine as the primary transmitter; also a synapse in which dopamine is the primary transmitter
Nonadrenergic noncholinergic system NANC
Nerve fibers associated with autonomic nerves that release any transmitter other than
norepinephrine or acetylcholine
The part of the autonomic nervous system that originates in the cranial nerves (and traditionally, the sacral part of the spinal cord); the craniosacral autonomic system.
Postsynaptic Receptor
A receptor located on the distal side of a synapse, for example, on a postganglionic neuron or an autonomic effector cell
Sympathetic Nervous System
The part of the autonomic nervous system that originates in the thoracic and lumbar parts of the spinal cord; the thoracolumbar autonomic system
What is the primary transmitter of the sympathetic nervous system?
What is the difference between ach and dopamine & norepinehrine metabolism at the distal end?
Ach is recycled but norepinephrine and dopamine are diffused and reuptake is important.
Muscarinic receptors
respond to muscarine
respond to acetylcholine
located on autonomic effector cells on heart, vascular endothelium
Nicotinic receptors
Located on Na+ -K+ ion channels
Respond to acetycholine and nicotine by opening channel
Adrenoreceptors or adrenergic receptors
Several subtypes Alpha, Beta, Dopamine
Alpha 1
Found on effector tissues, smooth muscle, glands: causes constriction and secretion
Alpha 2
Found on nerve endings, some smooth muscle. Decrease transmitter release, causes contraction
Beta 1
Found on heart muscle; increases heart rate, force and promotes renin release
Beta 2
Found on smooth muscle, liver, heart: Relaxes smooth muscle, increases glycogenisis, increase heart rate, force
Dopamine (D1) receptor
Relax renal vascular smooth muscle
A primary transmitter at most sympathetic postganglionic nerve endings