ANS 1 Flashcards
The ANS regulates visceral activities normally outside the realm of consciousness and voluntary control.
Separation of outside world and self, and simulation;
Simulation: “The trouble with overt trial is that it takes time and energy. The trouble with overt error is that it is often fatal. Simulation is both safer and faster.”
“Perhaps consciousness arises when the brain’s simulation of the world becomes so complete that it must include a model of itself.”
What structure(s) / mechanism(s) is/are necessary to achieve a precise control of visceral organ activities?
Sympathetic system
fight-or-flight response
•Most blood vessels •Most sweat glands •Salivary glands
Parasympathetic system
Quiet, relaxed situation
Sympathetic dominance
IncreasedCO(HRxSV) Generalisedvasoconstriction Vasodilationofbloodvesselssupplying skeletal muscles Increased blood pressure Airwaydilation Pupildilation(farvision) Glycogenolysis Increasedsweating Inhibition of urinary and digestive activities
Parasympathetic dominance
‘general housekeeping’ activities:
Increased urinary activity
Increased digestive activity (eg insulin secretion, increased motility of digestive tract)
Stimulation of mucus production in airways
HEART: INCREASE HR, ↑ force of contraction
par: ↓ HR, ↓ force of contraction (atrium)
Blood vessels
sy: constriction
par: Dilation (penis & clitoris only)
sy: Dilation of airways
pa: constriction of airways
Digestive Tract
s: ↓ motility Contraction of sphincters
p: ↑ motility
Relaxation of sphincters ↑ digestive secretion
and urinary tract
s: relaxation
p: Contraction (emptying)
s: dilation
p: Constriction of pupil
s: Glycogenolysis
p: None
adipose cells
s: Lipolysis
p: None
s: Ejaculation and orgasmic contraction
p: Erection (penis and clitoris)
brain activity
s: ↑ alertness
p: none
Exocrine Glands
exocrine pancreas sweat glands
salivary glands
S: ↓ secretion
↑ secretion (most sweat glands)
Small volume of thick saliva
P:↑ secretion
↑ secretion (some
sweat glands)
Large volume of watery saliva
Endocrine Glands
- endocrine pancreas
- Adrenal medulla
S: Adrenaline & and Noradrenaline
↓ insulin
P: None
↑ insulin and glucagon
Adrenal medulla
Adrenal medulla is a modified sympathetic ganglion that, on stimulation by the preganglionic fibre, secretes hormones into the blood.
preganglionic fibres s: short - noradrenaline P: long - ACH postganglionic fibres S - long and P: short - ACH