ANOVA - Between Groups Flashcards
When is it used
When the IV has 3 or more levels/conditions and there’s 1 DV
Parametric assumptions of one way between groups ANOVA
Categorical IV
Continuous DV
Normal distribution
Homogeneity of variance
What’s the non parametric alternative? Kruskall-Wallis Test
Total sum of squares
Overall variance in the experiment
Model sum of squares
Variance due to the IV
Residual sum of squares
Variance due to noise, things we haven’t measured etc
Pairwise comparisons
ANOVA only tells you that one of the groups is significantly different from the others so need to run pairwise comparisons to see which
What types of pairwise comparisons
Planned contrasts / comparisons
Post hoc tests
One way between groups ANOVA APA format
F (degrees of freedom between, within) = value of F , p
Post hoc comparisons using Turkeys HSD test … (M = , SD = )