This involves the devolution of powers, functions and responsibilities to the local
government both rural & urban.
R.A. 7160 – or the Local
Government Code
This act defines the practice of medicine in the country.
R.A. 2382 – Philippine
Medical Act.
It created the 1st 81 Rural Health Units.
R.A. 1082 – Rural Health Act.
Requires that all health workers shall identify and encourage the registration of all
births within 30 days following delivery
P.D. No. 651
Requires the compulsory immunization of all children below 8 yrs. of age against
the 6 childhood immunizable diseases.
P.D. No. 996
Provides penalty for improper disposal of garbage
P.D. No. 825
Clean Air Act of 2000
R.A. 8749
Code on Sanitation
P.D. No. 856
National Blood Services Act
R. A. 7719
National Policies on Infant and Young Child Feeding
A.O. No. 2005-0014
Salt Iodization Act (ASIN LAW)
R.A. 8172
Phil. Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes
E.O. 51
Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act
R.A. 10028
An act scaling up the national and local health and nutrition programs through a
strengthened integrated strategy for maternal, neonatal, child health and nutrition
in the first one thousand (1,000) days of life, appropriating funds therefore and for
other purposes
R.A. 11148
Rooming In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992
R.A. 7600