Another Flashcards
Umelecký Rezbár
ART Carver
nechaj ma na pokoji
Leave me alone
Ja by som to urobil
I would have done
Trhla nim
She jerked him
I suppose
Na verande
on the porch
Stuhnutý krk
Stiff neck
Bol som prinútený
I was forced
Zobuď ma pred odchodom
wake me up before leaving
Som tvrdohlavá
I am stubborn
Močiarna krajina
Marsh country
Náš bol najškaredší dom v bloku
ours was the ugliest house on the block
Kiežby som bol / Prajem si aby som bol….
I wish I was
Ľudia si prave podpalili dom
people just set their house on fire
Ľudia odpaľujú ohnostroje
people are setting off fireworks
Po burke bola pláž pokrytá troskami
“After the storm, the beach was covered in debris.”
Moja žena je príliš rozčúlena aby spala
my wife is too upset to sleep
Ako si sa sem dostal?
how did you get here?
Nieje tvoja oslava až o 2 mesiace?
isn’t your party in like 2 months?
Toto je útulné
this is cozy
Vy škrtni to posledné
scratch the last
are you joking?
Prútik je povolený
Wand is allowed
Trvalo ti to dost dlho
took you long enough
Chyt ma okolo pása
take me waist
Všetko si pokazil
you spoiled everything
Poďme dole
lets get down below
Som slabý na prácu na poli
I weak to work in the field
Ver mi , dôveruje mi
trust me
Aký je v tom rozdiel?
What a difference does it make?
Koho to zaujíma?
who cares?
Ani na to nemyslí
don’t even think about it
Moja kamarátka mi poslala Jej fotku
my friend sent me pic of her
Buď sebavedomá
be self assured / be confident
I’m not kidding
Verím tvojmu úsudku
I trust your judgement
Ja sa bojím výšok
I’m terrified of heights
Tichá hrozba
silent threat
Pokračuj ide ti to dobre
keep doing you are doing great
Už si nezaslúžim….
I no longer deserve….