Anorectal Dz Flashcards
Anal Fissures
- definition
- causes
- most commonly found where?
- clinical presentation
- PE
Def: painful linear tear or crack in the distal anal canal.
- trauma to anal canal
- defication
- straining
- constipation
- Most commonly occur in the 12 or 6 o clock area.
- if tear found in 3 or 9 oclock think crohns.
- Clinical Presentation:
- C/O severe tearing pain during defication
- mild hematochezia (blood on stool or toilet paper
PE: confirmed by visual insepction of the anus
- acute: crack in the epithelium
- chronic: fibrosis and development of a skin tag.
Anal Fissure:
First line: fiber supplements, stool softeners, and sitz baths
Second line:
- 0.4% nitroglycerin ointment BID for 6-8wks (decreases spasm, helps increase blood flow to the area)
- botulinum toxin (inject into anal sphincter)
- Internal anal sphincterotomy
Perianal abscess
- what is this?
- MC type?
- causes
- risk factors
- presentation
What: anal glands at the base of the rectum become infected. Appears as a boil like swelling near the anus.
MC type: Perianal abscess
Cause: anal fissures, anal fistulas, hemorrhoids, blocked anal glands
Risk factors:
- colitis
- inflamm bowel dz
- DM2
- constant throbbing pain that is worse when sitting
- swelling and redness around the anus
- painful bowel movements
- discharge of pus around the anus
- deeper abscesses:
- -fever
- -chills
- -malaise
Perianal abscess:
- lab studies
- tx
Labs: wound cultures and I&D
Tx: I&D
- packing and return in 24hrs
- sitz bath 3x/day and after bowel movements
- f/u in 2-3wks for wound eval.
- **DONT give ABX.
Anal Fistula:
- aka
- results from what?
- etiology
- clinical presentation
- PE
- Tx
aka: fistula-in-ano
results from : previous or current anal abscess
- anorectal abscess
- crohns
- radiation proctitis
- hx of drained abscess
- anorectal pain
- purulent drainage and irritation from the skin
- identification of the external opening that drains pus, blood, or stool
- DRE may express pus or stool from the opening
- fistulotomy
- complex fistulas:
- -fibrin glue
- -fistula plug
Pruritis Ani
- what is this?
- causes
- PE
- Tx
- Prevention
- perianal itching or discomfort
- itch-scratch-itch cycle; skin becomes excoriated and 2ndry infections occur
- idiopathic
- hygiene related
- fistulas/fissures
- fecal incontinence
- parasites
- lichens sclerosis
- inspection of the area may reveal anal excoriations and erythema
- hygiene issues
- chronic issues show thickened or leathery skin
- anoscopy
- treat underlying cause
- avoid spicy acidic foods
- after BM clean with unscented wipes
- place gauze or cotton ball next to anal opening
- talcum powder
- use zinc oxide or hydrocortisone ointment.
Rectal Prolapse:
- aka
- what is this?
- MC gender and age?
- sx
- causes
- dx
- tx
aka: rectal procidentia
What: painless protrusion of the rectum through the anus
MC in older adults w/ hx of constipation and weak pelvic floor muscles.
More common in women over 50*
- feeling a bulge or apperance of reddish colored mass that extends outside the anus
- pain in the anus or rectum?
- leakage of blood or stool
- chronic constipation of diarrhea
- straining during BM
- weakness of anal sphincter
- damage to nerves
- anal EMG
- anal monometry
- anal ultrasound
- colonoscopy
- proctosigmoidoscopy
- 1st use stool softeners and pushing the fallen tissue back up into the anus by hand
- surgery: abdominal repair, rectal repair
- Recovery: 3-5 days w/ complete recovery in 3mo
Pilonidal Cyst
- what is this?
- cause
- MC in what age and gender?
- risk factors
- clinical presentation
- tx
What: cyst near the natal cleft that often contains hair or skin debris
-when hair punctures the skin and becomes imbedded
MC in hair young men
- sitting for long periods of time
- obesity
- local trauma/irritation
Clinical presentation:
- pain
- erythema and swelling of the skin
- drainage of foul smelling pus or blood from opening of the skin
- 1st I&D cyst; may need to leave open or pack
- if recurrent will need surgical cyst removal
- abx if worried about cellulitis; 1st gen cephalosporin(cefazolin) plus flagyl
- what is this?
- types
- classification
- cause
What: dilated veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus in the lower rectum
-external(below adente line) and internal
- Grade 1: hemorrhoids do not prolapse
- grade 2: hemorrhoids prolapse on defecation and reduce spontaneously (slinky)
- Grade 3: hemorrhoids prolapse on defication and must be reduced manually
- Grade 4: hemorrhoids are prolapse and cannot be reduced manually
- pregnancy
- frequent heavy lifting
- repeated straining during defication
- constipation
- clinical presentation
- dx
- tx
- asymptomatic
- external: painful and purplish swelling, rarely ulcerate and cause minor bleeding, swelling lasting a few weeks, itchiness around anus, may become thrombosed.
- internal: bleeding after defication, blood on stool or TP, mucous and fecal incontinence, itchiness, strangulated hemorrhoids may be very painful.
- Anoscopy
- sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy
- stool softeners/fiber
- sitz baths after BM
- anesthetic ointments
- 2nd line is banding if conservative tx is unsuccessful
- 3rd line: surgical removal
- what is this?
- types
- MC type in adults
- a protrusion, bulge, or projection of an organ or part of an organ through the body wall that normally contains it
- normally harmless
- if strangulated the hernia becomes medical emergency
- inguinal (direct and indirect)
- umbillical
- incisional/ventral
- epigastric
- femoral
- spigelian
MC type in adults is inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia
- MC in which gender?
- what is this?
- risk factors?
MC in men
What: weak area in the inguinal canal where the spermatic cord or round ligament exits the abdoment.
Risk factors:
- hx of hernia or repair
- chronic cough or constipation
- abdominal wall injry
- smoking
What are the two types of inguinal hernias? Which type is most common?
Describe each.
Indirect and Direct.
Indirect is MC.
IndirecT: hernia protudes throught the internal inguinal ring, hernia sac is located lateral to the inferior epigastric artery. sometimes the hernia will protrude into the scrotum. (some bowel contents can go into the scrotum and you can hear bowel sounds)
Direct: protrude medial to the inferior epigastric vessels within the hesselbachs triangle. rarely protrude into the scrotum
What are the barriers of the Hesselbach triangle?
Laterally: inferior epigastric artery
Medially: rectus abdominus
Inferiorly: inguinal ligament
Femoral Hernia:
- located where?
- MC in which gender?
- high chance of what?
Located: inferior to the inguinal ligament and protrudes through the femoral ring
MC in women
High chance of strangulation