Name the 6 stakeholder groups that make use of information contained in annual reports.
- Managers and employees
- Investment analysts and information intermediaries
- Shareholders and directors
- Customers and strategic partners
- Regulators and tax agencies
- Governments and the public
What constrains the supply of information in an annual report?
Supply constrained by cost/benefit assessment
- Cost: collation, dissemination, business risk
- Benefit: shareholders needs
Who ensures a minimum supply of information in annual reports?
Regulatory agencies
Limitations and constraints of accounting information?
- Materiality thresholds
- Cannot be considered absolute
- Historical
- Quantifiable information
- Only one source of information
What are the 3 components of the regulatory framework?
- Legislation
- Accounting standards
- Governance (stock exchange)
Name the 5 elements of financial reporting legislation (per the Companies Act 2014 and EU directives) adopted in Ireland.
- Accounting standards
- Accounting records
- Audit (small company exemptions)
- Income statement and balance sheet (annual)
- True and fair view
What are accounting standards?
Principles, rules and guidance governing the accounting treatment of transactions and other items presented in the financial statements.
Why do we use accounting standards?
Increase transparency (faithful representation) and comparability of financial information by reducing variations in accounting practice and introducing a degree of uniformity in reporting.
Describe the steps in the standard-setting due process?
- Research programme
- Developing a proposal for publication
- Redeliberations and finalisation
- Post-implementation reviews
What are the two natures of standards and their corresponding strengths and weaknesses?
- Rules-based
- Principles-based
- Strengths: Unambiguous Minimise loopholes; Weaknesses: Potential for manipulation
- Strengths: Non-prescriptive, Reflect established concepts, Professional judgement; Weaknesses: Reliability? Integrity?
What are the two reporting frameworks in Ireland?
- Company law based financial statements - company law and local Irish GAAP (FRS 102)
- IAS/IFRS based financial statements – IAS and company law (as appropriate)
How does governance (via stock exchange bodies) shape the nature of annual reports in Ireland?
- Listing requirements
- Regulations apply only to listed companies
- Generally as required by company law & accounting frameworks
- Not legal regulations but can sanction noncompliance
- Equitable access to information
Why was the conceptual framework for financial reporting rewritten in 2018 (implementation 2020)?
Balance information demand with cost of information supply.
What is the objective of a general purpose financial statement?
Provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to primary users in making decisions about providing resources to the entity.
What are the two primary qualitative characteristics, and related sub-groups, of financial information?
- Fundamental:
- Relevance
- Faithful Representation
- Enhancing
- Comparable
- Verifiable
- Timely
- Understandable