Annotations Flashcards
at vero Aeneas aspectu obmutuit amens
Obmutuit -> hammer blow
arrectaequae horrore comae et cox faucibus haesit.
horrore -> rolled r’s represent trembling
ardet abire fuga dulcesque relinquere terras
ardet abire -> assonance creates grandeur
attonitus tanto monitu imperioque deorum
attonitus tanto -> dentals show harsh nature of the task
elision for emphasis
imperioque deorum -> assonance shows awe of gods
heu quid agat?
Rhetorical question and direct address
Creates sympathy
quo nunc reginam ambire furentem audeat adfatu?
Tricolon - crescendo - catches the ear
quae prima exordia sumat?
pleonasm -> emphasises how overwhelmed he is
Rhythm disrupted by elisions
atquae animum nunc huc celerem, nunc divisit illuc
Repetition of harsh c sounds represents conflicting thoughts and the harsh nature of the situation
Elision adds to the franticness and adds pace- blurring the words
Repetition shows confusion and urgency
in partesque rapit varias perque omnia versat
Varias -> vivid description
Scattered word order represents scattered thoughts
Elision emphasises omnia
haec alternati potior sententia visa est:
Alternati -> word choice shows conflict
Aeneas is not in the nominative -> reflecting how he is not in control and alluding to the orders of the gods
at regina dolos (quis fallere possit amantem?) praesensit
at -> tone change to negative
Direct address, philosophical part shows aeneas’ foolishness
praesensit -> enjambement emphasises Dido’s intuition and sensitivity
motusque excepit prima futuros omnia tuta timens.
Elision emphasises the speed of her discovery
Futuros delayed
Tuta timens -> dentals represents worry
Caesura -> uncertainty
eadem impia Fama furenti detulit armari classem cursumque parari.
Fama -> rumour is personified as a goddess- emphasises paranoia
saevit inops animi, totamque incensa o’er urbem bacchatur,
Bacchatur imagery -> Dionysus, animal sacrifice, blood thirsty, frenzied trance
ubi audito stimulant trieterica Baccho orgia
orgia -> indicates anger, excessive passion
dixerat. ille Iovis monitis immota tenebat lumina;
caesura -> pregnant pause. Finality
et obnixus curam sub corde premebat.
promotion of curam -> shows power of his emotions
tandem pauca refert:
Defensive, careful
“ ego te, quae plurima fando enumerare vales,
Promotion of ‘ego’ indicates his defensiveness
‘Ego te’ he still thinks of them together
(Promotion of te shows he is thinking of her)
Plurima -> superlative, complementary
(Also promoted)
numquam, regina, negabo promeritam
Regina promotion -> respect
Enjambement shows gratuity
Deferring promeritam?
Alliteration of ‘m’ -> trembling
nec me meminisse pigebat Elissae
Alliteration of m -> trembling emotions
Assonance -> urgent insistence
pigebit future tense -> he sees a future without her
dum memor ipse mei, dum spiritus hos regit artus.
Repetion of dum -> forceful dentals, insistence
Repetion of m sounds -> trembling emotions
pro re pauca loquar.
Legalese -> cold, impersonal
neque hanc abscondere furto speravi (ne finge) fugam,
Repetion of negatives -> emphasises negative situation and Aeneas’ defensiveness
nec coniugis umquam pratendi taedas, aut haec in foedera veni
nec, aut -> defensive tone
umquam -> high impact position
me si fata meis paterentur ducere vitam auspiciis, et sponte mea componere curas
Repetition of personal pronouns -> selfish
meis -> promotors, suggests he has no control and emphasises frustration
repeated c sounds are guttural
urbem Troianam primum ducelsque meorum reliquias colerem
primum -> shows his priorities
dulcesque -> promotion shows patriotism
more personal pronouns
Priami tecta alta manerent, et recidiva manu posuissem Pergama victis
Elisions emphasises Alta -> fond memories
Recidiva -> promoted for pride ; emotive
sed nunc Italiam Magnam Gryneus Apollo, Italiam Lyciae iussere capessere sortes:
magnam -> shows misplaced hope/optimism
Italiam -> rhetorical repetition
Sibilance -> pleading
Assonance -> pleading
hic amor, haec patria est. si te Carthaginis arces, Phoenissam
Elision is forceful
Phoenissam delayed, emphasises with caesura