Annex2 Flashcards
1- Which Annex to the Chicago Convention contain information about personal licensing?
2- The ICAO annex which deals with Rules OF THE AIR is?
3- An aeroplane is classified as a:
Power driven heavier than aircraft
4-The aircraft is:
Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the Earth’s surface.
هر ماشینی که بتواند در اتمسفر از واکنش های هوا بعلاوه واکنش های هوا در برابر سطح زمین پشتیبانی کند.
5- Which of the following statements defines as flight visibility?
The visibility forward from the cockpit of an airplane in flight.
6- Which of the following defines flight visibility?
The forward visibility from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight.
7-How is ground visibility defined?
The visibility at an aerodrome as reported by an accredited observer or by automatic systems.
8- What is aerodrome traffic?
All traffic on the maneuvering area of an aerodrome and flying in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
9- Which one of the following airspaces is designated for Iran?
A, C, D, G
10-An ETA for an IFR flight with navigation facility is referred:
11- Transition altitude is defined as:
The altitude at or below which the vertical position of aircraft is expressed in reference to mean sea level.
12- Who is charged with the safe conduct of a flight?
The Pilot-In-Command.
13- What defines a danger area?
Airspace of defined dimension where activities dangerous to flight may exist.
14- The person who has final authority as to the disposition of an aircraft during flight time is:
The Pilot-In-Command
15-The pre-flight actions for a flight leaving the local aerodrome area, is to include:
A careful study of the available meteorological reports and forecasts for the route.
16- What does pilot authorize to deviate from rules of the air?
Only in the interests of flight safety.
17- Altitude is measured from….
18- who is responsible for compliance rules of the air during flight?
The Pilot-In-Command regardless of which pilot is at the flying controls.
19-Pre-flight briefing for flights away from the vicinity of an aerodrome and all IFR flights shall include which of the following?
1) A meteorological information
2) A consideration of the fuel requirements
3) Alternative actions if the flight cannot be completed as planned
20- When two-way radio communication is lost, a pilot should select _____ on the transponder.
Code 7600
21- Who are safety-sensitive personnel?
A) Air traffic controllers
B) Crew members
C) Aircraft maintenance personnel
D) All answers are correct
22- Which of the following flights has the greatest priority to land?
Emergency aircraft.
23- On an VFR flight in airspace class G, you receive a traffic information from ATC, that a VFR flight is going to cross your flight path from right to left. Who has the right-of-way?
The VFR flight has the right-of-way.
24-Flight plan should be submitted to air traffic service unit:
60 minutes before departure or, if filed in flight, 10 minutes before the aircraft is estimated to reach the intended point of entry into a control area or advisory area or the point of crossing an. airway or advisory route.
25- An aircraft is considered to be overtaking, if it approaching other aircraft from the rear on a line forming an angle of less than:
70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter.
26- Aircraft “A” with an ATC clearance is flying in VMC conditions within a control area. Aircraft “B” with no ATC clearance is approaching at approximately the same altitude and on a converging course. Which has the right of way?
Aircraft “B” if “A” is on its left.
27-What is the minimum flight altitude permitted over obstacle in an area where minimum flight altitude does not provide?
The altitude which permits the aircraft to land safely in the event of an engine failure.
28- if the time estimated for the next reporting point differs from that notified to ATS, a revised estimate shall be notified to ATS if the time difference is:
in excess of two minutes.
29-Anti-collision lights on an aircraft must be switched on, when aircraft is on aircraft stand?
As soon as engines are running
30- Which of the following actions shall be taken in case a controlled flight deviates from the track?
Adjust the heading of aircraft to regain track as soon as practicable.
31- Taxiing is movement of an aircraft on the surface of an aerodrome under its own power…………….
Excluding take-off and landing
32- Advice provided by ATC unit specifying maneuvers to assist a pilot to avoid a collision is:
Traffic avoidance advice
33- A flight plan shall be submitted prior to departure for a controlled flight at least:
60 minutes prior to departure
34- Which one of the following lights will indicate the aircraft flight path?
Navigation light
35- EOBT is the time:
At which the aircraft will enter the runway for take-off.
36- An aircraft taxiing on the maneuvering area of an aerodrome shall stop and hold at:
A) All runway holding positions.
B) At lighted stop bars.
A and B are correct.
37- A steady green light from aerodrome control to an aircraft on the ground means:
Cleared for takeoff
38- On aerodromes aircraft taxiing on the maneuvering area of an aerodrome shall give way to:
Aircraft taking off or about to take off.
39- Aircraft taxiing on the maneuvering area must give way to:
Departing and landing traffic.
40- The visual signal for indicating a state of distress is:
A succession of red pyrotechnics.
41-When a controlled flight inadvertently deviates from its current flight plan, ATC has to be informed in case:
The estimated time is in error by more than 2 minutes.
42- When two taxiing aircraft are converging:
The one that has the other on its right gives way.
43- An aircraft shall display, if so equipped. an anti-collision light:
When the engines are running.
44- Which one of the following manner decreases the safety of aircraft operation?
A) Negligent
B) Reckless
C) Acrobatic
D) All answers are correct
45- When two aircraft are approaching head-on in flight and there is a danger of collision:
Both aircraft alter heading to the right.
46- In formation flight, the vertical separation between leader and each formation flight shall not exceed:
100 ft
47- From sunset to sunrise an aircraft in flight shall display:
Anti-collision lights intended to attract attention of other aircraft, and navigation lights intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to an observer No other lights shall be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for the navigation lights.
48- Where two aircraft are converging at the same level:
The aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way.
49-Air traffic advisory service is provided within advisory airspace to ensure separation between:
Aircraft which are operating on IFR flight plans.
50- ………….…… is provided to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue service.
Alerting service
51- A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth is called a:
Control area
52- A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface to the specified limit is:
Control zone
53- An airborne flight plan must be submitted:
10 minutes before the intended point of entry into a CTA or advisory area.
54-The “total estimated elapsed time” in block 16 of an IFR flight plan is the estimated time:
Required by the aircraft from takeoff to arrive over the designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced.
55- Which lights of the preceding aircraft will be observed by the overtaking aircraft?
56- The highest priority for landing has:
An aircraft that is compelled to land (Emergency landing).
57-What information shall be study carefully by pilot-in-command before beginning a flight as pre-flight action?
A) Current weather report
B) Weather Forecast
C) Fuel requirement
D) All answers are correct
58- The actual time of leaving the holding fix for approach, depends on
Approach clearance
59-A series of green flashes from aerodrome control directed to an aircraft on ground means:
Cleared to taxi
60- When two aircraft are approaching head on or approximately so and there is a danger of collision, each shall:
Alter its heading to the right.
61- Two aircraft are approaching each other in a controlled airspace class D in VMC at approximately the same level on converging courses. Aircraft “A” is flying under IFR, Aircraft “B” is flying under VFR. Who has the right of way?
Aircraft “B”, providing it has “A” on its left.
62- What separation shall be maintained from the flight leader by each aircraft in a formation flight?
A distance not exceeding 0.5 NM laterally and longitudinally and 100 feet vertically.
63- An aircraft is at 12000 ft in class F airspace (VFR). The required distance from cloud is:
1500 m horizontally and 1000 ft vertically.
64- A VFR flight when flying inside an ATS airspace classified as B has to maintain the following minima of flight visibility and distance from clouds:
5 km below 3050 m (10000 ft) AMSL, 1500 m horizontal and 300 m vertical from clouds.
65-Procedure to be applied in case of communication failure in VMC (on a VFR flight plan):
Maintain VMC, land at the nearest suitable airfield and advise ATC as soon as possible.
66-What is the VMC criteria for a flight under VFR in class G airspace at 2000 ft AMSL at 200 kts?
Flight visibility of 5 km, clear of cloud and surface in sight.
67-Except where necessary for landing and takeoff, VFR flights are not permitted over congested areas of cities, towns or settlements, or over an open air assembly of persons at a height less than _____ above the highest obstacle within a radius of _____ from the aircraft.
300 m, 600 m
68- An aircraft flying above the sea between 4500 feet MSL and 9000 feet MSL outside controlled airspace under VFR, must remain on principle at least:
1500 m horizontally, 1000 feet vertically from clouds; 5 km visibility.
69- The VMC minima for a VFR flight inside an ATS airspace classified as B, is:
8 km visibility when at or above 3050 m (10000 ft) AMSL, and 1500 m horizontal and 300 m vertical from clouds.
70- Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, a VFR flight over congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open air assembly of persons shall not be flown at a height less than:
300 m above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft.
71- The VMC minima for an airspace classified as “G” above 10000 feet MSL are:
1500 m horizontally and 1000 feet vertically from clouds, 8 km visibility.
72- In order to comply with VFR outside controlled airspace above 3000 ft a pilot must be 1000 ft vertically, 1,5 km horizontally clear of cloud and:
Have a flight visibility of at least 5 km.
73-Except when a clearance is obtained from an ATC unit, a VFR flight cannot enter a control zone when ceiling is less than:
1500 feet or visibility is less than 5 km.
74-You are outside controlled airspace on a VFR flight above 3000 ft Your distance from the cloud should be:
1000 ft vertically and 1500 m horizontally
75- Which aircraft has the right-of-way when they are converging?
76- Which of the following converging aircraft has the right-of-way?
Aircraft towing another aircraft.
77- An airplane and a glider are converging. The glider has the airplane on its right. Which aircraft has the right of way?
The glider.
78- Which of the following statements concerning the right-of-way is correct when two or more heavier-than-air aircraft are approaching an aerodrome for the purpose of landing?
Aircraft at the higher level shall give way to the aircraft at the lower level
79- Which lights must be displayed by all aircraft in flight between sunset and sunrise:
Navigation lights and anti-collision lights.
80- Unless otherwise prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, a flight plan for a flight to be provided with air traffic control service or air traffic advisory service shall be submitted:
At least 60 minutes before departure.
81- A VFR flight shall not be flown:
Over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open air assembly of persons at a height less than 300 m (1000 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600m from the aircraft.
82-SVFR may be authorized when the ground visibility is not less than:
1500 m
83- When QFE is set on the altimeter, the vertical position of the aircraft is expressed in terms of:
84-What is the definition of level?
A) Flight level
B) Altitude
C) Height
D) All answers are correct.
85- Aerodrome defines an area over:
A or B
86- Which signal shall be said by an aircraft when it has a very urgent message regarding another aircraft which is in fire?
87- Except when a clearance is obtained from an ATC unit, VFR flights shall not takeoff or land at an aerodrome within a CTR of Airspace Class C or D or enter the aerodrome traffic zone or traffic pattern when the:
Ceiling is less than 1500 ft or the ground visibility is less than 5 km. .
88- Who shall be permitted to switch off the any flashing light?
89-During an IFR flight in VMC in controlled airspace the experience a two-way radio communication failure exists, You will:
Land at the nearest suitable aerodrome maintaining VMC and inform ATC.
90- Above what flight level IFR flight is compulsory?
91-Advisory service shall be provided in accordance with?
B) Suggest and advise
C) Traffic information
D) B & C are correct
92- How much of the sky shall be covered by cloud when you consider it as ceiling?
2/3 sky
93-When flying on an airway on a heading of 255° (M) the correct flight level will be:
Usually even
94-Which lights may be displayed, when there is no adequate illumination to indicate aircraft structure?
Navigation lights
95-Where State has not established minimum IFR altitudes, the minimum height of an aircraft above the highest obstacle over high terrain, or in mountainous areas shall be for an IFR flight:
At least 2000 ft within 8 km of the estimated position.
96-To which flight plan shall an aircraft shall adhere itself?
Current flight plan
97-The lowest flight level for VFR is:
98-When an IFR may cancel its IFR flight?
For a reasonable period in uninterrupted VMC
99- When flying under IFR, the experience of total communications failure is exist in conditions of no cloud and unlimited visibility. What should you do?
If able to maintain VMC, land at the nearest suitable aerodrome and then inform ATC.
100-Flying a magnetic track of 125°, what is the correct non RVSM semi-circular flight level?
101- Which light fitted on aircraft may be switched-off by pilot?
Any flashing lights
102- According to which of the following basis the advisory service shall not be provided?
103-Which signal may be initiated by, an intercepted aircraft which is in distress?
Irregular flashing all available lights
104- In areas where a vertical separation of 2000 ft has to be applied above FL290, which group of the following flight levels contains eastbound flight levels only?
FL330, FL410.
105- What SSR code shall be selected by, a hijacked airplane?
106- In areas where a vertical separation minimum (VSM) of 300 m (1.000 ft) is applied between FL290 and FL410 inclusive an aircraft on a magnetic track of 350 would be expected to fly at:
107-An aircraft with a communications failure is attempting to land at its destination. It must land within:
30 minutes of the last acknowledged EAT.
108- Under which condition the pilot-in-command of an aircraft may depart from rules of the air?
Interest of safety
109- Which of the following aircraft on the final stage of landing has the right of way?
110- Ceiling is the base of lowest layer of cloud covering more than half of the sky below?
20000 ft
111- Over high terrain or mountainous areas, where no minimum flight altitude has been established, flights in accordance with IFR shall be flown at a level which is at least:
2000 ft above the highest obstacle located within 8 km of the estimated position of the aircraft.
112-When not flying over high terrain or mountainous areas and where no minimum flight altitude has been established, flights in accordance with IFR shall be flown at a level which is at least:
1000 ft above the highest obstacle located within 8 km of the estimated position of the aircraft.
113- Which procedure do you follow after having experienced a two-way communication failure during a flight in accordance with IFR in VMC?
Continue to fly in VMC, land at the nearest suitable aerodrome, report the arrival by the most expeditious means to the appropriate Air Traffic Control unit.
114- When an airplane and a balloon converging, which one has right of way:
115- The Vertical Separation Minimum (VSM) between reciprocal flights operating in accordance with IFR, within controlled airspace, above FL290, is:
2000 ft (600 m).
116- The Vertical Separation Minimum (VSM) between flights operating in accordance with IFR, within controlled. airspace, below FL290 is:
1000 ft (300 m).
117-You are flying IFR in IMC and you suspect communications failure. Which combination of the following actions would you take?
1) Try to contact another aircraft for relay.
2) Try to make contact with ATC on another frequency.
4) Continue the flight according to the flight plan.
1, 2 ,4
118- Above FL290 the vertical flight separation between aircraft on the same direction in VSM area is:
4000 feet
119- The aircraft has the right of way shall maintain its:
A) Heading.
B) Speed.
D) A & B are correct.
120-When communication facility at an aerodrome is not available, arrival report shall be made?
Before landing
121- An aircraft which is intercepted by another aircraft shall set its transponder to:
Mode A, Code 7700 unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate ATS unit.
122- Cargo sling loads by helicopters require air taxiing in order to reduce ground effect turbulence with a height of:
Above 25 ft
123-An aircraft intercepted by another aircraft shall immediately attempt to establish radio communication with the intercepting aircraft on the following frequencies:
121.5 MHz or 243 MHz
124- Authorization for an aircraft to proceed under condition specified by air traffic control unit is:
ATC clearance
125- Which one are the objectives of air traffic control service:
A) Prevent collision between aircraft
B) Prevent collision between aircraft and obstruction
C) Expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic
D) All answers are correct
126- The transition level:
Shall be the lowest available flight level above the transition altitude that has been established.
127- Transition from altitude to flight level, and vice versa is done:
At transition altitude during climb and transition level during descent.
128- The pilot of a departing aircraft flying under IFR shall change the altimeter setting from QNH to standard setting 1013.25 hPa when passing:
Transition altitude.
129- What is the definition of “aerodrome traffic”?
Traffic on the maneuvering area and in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
130-“A surveillance technique in which aircraft automatically provide, via data link, data derived from on-board navigation and position-fixing systems, including aircraft identification, fourdimensional position and additional data as appropriate” is the definition for:
Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS).
131- Control Area (CTA) is defined as follows:
A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the Earth.
132-The expression “Expected Approach Time (EAT)” is defined as follows:
The time at which ATC expects that an arriving aircraft, following a delay, will leave the holding point to complete its approach for a landing.
133-Controlled airspace is:
An area within a FIR/UIR in which an ATC service is provided.
134-The estimated time at which the aircraft will commence movement associated with departure is:
135- A control area or portion thereof established in the form of a corridor known as:
An airway.
136- The units providing Air Traffic Control Services are:
Area Control Centre - Approach Control unit and Aerodrome Control Tower.
137- IMC is a meteorological condition………………..
Less than minima for VMC
138-Flight Information Region (FIR) is an airspace within which the following services are provided:
Flight Information Service and Alerting Service.
139-The Approach Control Service is an Air Traffic Control Service:
Provided for the arriving and departing controlled flights.
140-The controlling authority for a CTA is an:
141- Approach Control has the following duties:
Provide approach control service for arriving and departing aircraft.
142-The pilot-in-command of an aircraft:
3) may deviate from air regulations for safety reasons.
5) may ask for the modification of an unsatisfactory clearance.
3, 5
143-When, in airspace where VFR are permitted, the pilot-in-command of an IFR flight wishes to continue his flight in accordance with visual flight rules, until the destination is reached:
1) The must informs the control unit “cancelling my IFR flight”.
3) The may request his IFR flight plan to be changed to a VFR flight plan.
144- The vertical IFR separation minimum being applied by ATC within a controlled airspace for reciprocal track above FL290 in VSM airspace is:
2000 feet (600 m).
145- The vertical IFR separation minimum being applied by ATC within a controlled airspace for reciprocal track below FL290 is:
1000 feet (300 m).
146-An Expected Approach Time (EAT) is given:
When an aircraft is instructed to hold.
147- Unless otherwise specified, in RVSM airspace the vertical separation of 1000 ft is valid up to:
148-A VFR flight constitutes essential traffic to other VFR flights, when operating in controlled airspace classified as:
B, C, and D
149- Above 30000 ft, the vertical separation between aircraft on reciprocal tracks will be:
1000ft within RVSM airspace, 2.000 ft in VSM airspace.
150- What is the minimum vertical separation between reciprocal aircraft flying IFR below FL290?
1000 feet.
151-Air traffic advisory service is provided in:
B) Advisory area
C) Advisory route
D) B & C are correct
152- Based on what facility the ACAS operate:
SSR transponder
153- What is vertical position of an aircraft, if set 1013.2 hPa?
Flight level
154- What will be the level of aircraft below lowest usable Flight level?
155- What will be the level of an airplane at transition altitude?
156- Who is the relevant authority for an aircraft operating over high seas?
State of registry
157- Chang over point may be established on a route which is equipped with:
158-Clearance limit are limited to:
A) Appropriate significant point.
B) Controlled airspace boundary
C) Destination
D) All answers are correct
159-Repetitive flight plan is submitted by the:
160- Within which airspace SVFR is authorized?
161- What will be the minimum ceiling for VFR at a controlled aerodrome?
1500 ft
162-What is minimum height of a VFR flight over congested area?
163- Who is responsible to establish minimum flight altitude?
164- Who is responsible for the operation of aircraft?
165- Which navigation light of overtaken aircraft may not be seen at night?
A) Port
B) Starboard
D) A or B are correct
166- Which aircraft has right of way?
167-What is the first action of pilots when two aircraft are approaching head-on, on the ground?
Both aircraft shall stops
168- What is the purpose of using navigation light?
Indicate relative flight path
169- What is the direction of turn when approaching for landing and after taking off?
170-Which flight plan is used as a reference to continue flight on a specific route when total communication is lost?
Current flight plan
171- Within which class of airspace the VFR flight are not permitted?
class A
172- Who is responsible to publish AIP:
173- What is the purpose of ACAS?
Provide traffic and resolution advisory to pilot
174- What is the term of level above transition altitude?
Flight level
175- Who is the appropriate authority of an aircraft operating over a territory of a state?
The state having sovereignty
176-The lowest layer of clouds is called ceiling when it is:
A) Below 6000 m
B) Below 20000 ft
D) “A” or “B” are correct
177- Which portion of flight is called “significant portion” of flight?
178- Which area shall not be established over the high seas?
A) Prohibited area
B) Restricted area
D) A and B are correct
179- What is the minimum flight visibility for VFR at 12000 ft?
180- Above what flight level, the VFR flight shall not operate?
181- When may an IFR flight cancel its IFR flight?
Uninterrupted VMC
182- An IFR flight shall not operate?
Below minimum flight altitude
183- Who are responsible to arrange a formation flight within uncontrolled airspace?
Pilots -in-command
184-What is the maximum lateral distance between aircraft in formation flight?
B) 0.5 NM
C) 1 km
D) B or C are correct
185- What is the maximum vertical separation of formation flight?
30 m
186- The aircraft that has right of way shall maintain its:
A) Heading
B) Speed
D) A and B are correct
187-What action shall be taken by an overtaking aircraft on the ground?
Keep well clear
188- Which lights may be switched off during flight?
Any flashing lights
189- How long after ETA or acknowledge expected approach time the radio failure aircraft must to be landed?
Within 30 min
190- Who is the appropriate authority regarding flight over other than the high seas?
State of territory being overflown
191- ADS stand for:
Automatic dependent surveillance
192- Acrobatic flight is a flight consist of manoeuvers performed by an aircraft involving abrupt changes in attitude or speed ………………
193- Advisory route is ….
A designated route along which air traffic control and advisory service is available.
194- Movement of helicopter(VTOL) above the surface of an aerodrome is normally at a ground speed ……………… .
Less than 20Kt
195- Aeronautical information publication will be issued by:
196- ACAS operation is based on:
Secondary surveillance radar transponder
197-An airspace of defined dimension established around an aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic is …………….
198- Maneuvering area is consisting of:
199-All aircraft in flight or operating on the maneuvering area of an aerodrome is:
Air traffic
200- How many airspaces are designated by ICAO?