Annelids Flashcards
serially segmented/metamerism
body composed of repeated similar segments
second body cavity that surrounds and is completely separate from the digestive cavity
Hydrostatic skeleton
fluid filled coelom is divided into a series of compartments against which the circular and longitudinal muscles of the worm can act.
Contraction of circular muscles= elongate
contraction of longitudinal muscles= shorten
Each segment, except the first and last, have tiny bristle-like structures called setae. These structures help the earthworm to move and act to sense the environment.
little fleshy projections (legs) that have setae on them. They also function as gills for respiration underwater
Clam worm eating
When feeding, the clam worm extends its proboscis, which contains hook-like jaws to
grasp its prey, and then retracts the proboscis to draw the food into its mouth.
earth worm eating
Earthworms eat by pulling food into their mouth with their prostomium combined with the muscular pharynx which creates a very high suction (like a vacuum).