ANLL Flashcards
What is ANLL?
The blocked differentiation and unchecked proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells, resulting in the accumulation of blasts and replacement of normal hematopoietic precursors
ANLL is more common in children or adults?
T/F: patients who present with de novo AML have no identifiable risk factor
Some symptoms of ANLL include:
Enlarged lymph nodes
If WBC counts are very high => impairment of blood flow => neurological and pulmonary symptoms
If Central Nervous system is affected, patients can have headache
General lab findings of ANLL include? (3)
Normocytic normochromic anemia
Variable WBC counts
T/F: M0, M1, M2, M3 correspond to a granulocytic proliferation
T/F: M4 is related to granulocytic and erythroid lineages
False —> and monocytic
T/F: M5 is monocytic mainly, but could be mixed with other lineages
False —> Monocytic lineage only
M6 is of monocytic and erythroid mixed type
False —> granulocytic not monocytic
t/f: M7 is associated with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia
List the poor prognosis factors for ANLL:
Older age
CNS involvement
Systemic infection at diagnosis
WBC counts >100,000/mm3
Treatment induced AML
History of antecedent hematological disorder
Certain cytogenetic/molecular abnormalities (FLT3 gene mutation)
T/F: t (9; 22) is seen in some cases of ANLL (M0, M1,and less frequently M2 and M4) and is associated with a very bad prognosis
T/f: The myeloid nature of the blasts in M0 has to be demonstrated by immunological markers.
True, light microscopy and cytochemistry aren’t sufficient
What’s the mechanism that leads to maturation arrest in BM cells?
The mechanism involves activation of abnormal genes through chromosomal translocations and other genetic abnormalities
The cell developmental arrest leads to 2 complications that are?
1) Accumulation in liver, spleen, BM and blood due to increased proliferative rate and reduced apoptosis
2) Decrease in normal cell production leading to anemia, thrombocytopenia and neutrpenia
What are the most and least occurring ANLL subtypes?
M2 most (30%), M7 least (3%)
T/F: Trisomy 8 (8+) is a very frequent finding and associated with intermediate prognosis
What are the 4 genetic abnormalities associated with a poor prognosis in ANLL?
-7, 7q-, -5 and t (9; 22)
T/F: CD 17 is a myeloblast marker
False: CD117
How do you differentiate the myeloid nature of myeloblasts?
MPO, SBB and Auer rods positivity in type II (>3%) while negative in type I
How can you demonstrate the myeloid nature of blasts in M0? Why?
immunophenotyping: use of immunologic markers because they are minimally differentiated
What are the antigens expressed by M0 myeloblasts?
HLA-DR, TdT, CD13, CD33, CD34 and CD117
In which subtype(s) are 90% of NEC myeloblasts?
M0 and M1
Majority of blasts in M1 are type __?
T/F: In M2, less than 90% (but with a min. of 15%) of BM NEC are myeloblasts and the rest are maturing cells and monocytes. The monocytic precursors are <20% in BM and <5000/mm3 in PB
False —> minimum of 30%