Ankle muscles Flashcards
O: inf lat supracondylar line I: calcaneal tuberosity via calcaneal tendon NWB: Weak plantarflexor WB: control weak dorsiflexion N: Tibial N
O: soleal line & sup fibula
I: calcaneal tuberosity via calcaneal tendon
NWB: Plantarflexes foot at ankle
WB: decelerates forward momentum of tibia when the foot is on ground
N: Tibia
O: Post med/lat femoral epicondyles
I: Calcaneal tuberosity via calcaneal tendon
NWB: Flex knee, Plantarflex foot at ankle
WB: Decelerates int rotation of lower limb, helps decelerate pronation, plantarflexes during push off
N: Tibial N
Tibialis Posterior
O: Lat to soleal line; interosseus membrane; to med fibula
I: through med malleolus sulcus —> navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid, bases of Mt II-IV
NWB: plantarflexes foot at ankle; inverts foot
WB: decelerates subtalar joint pronation; strong stabilizer of the midtarsal joint in direction of supination
N: Tibial N
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O: inf 2/3 of tibia
I: through med malleolus sulcus to distal phalanges of digits II-V
NWB: Flex digits II-V; plantarflexes ankle; inverts foot; supports longitudinal arch
WB: controls dorsiflexion/eversion/ext of digits II-V
N: tibial N
Flexor hallucis longus
O: inf 2/3 of fibula
I: through med malleolus sulcus to distal phalanx of digit I (big toe)
NWB: Flexes digit I; weak plantarflexor
WB: controls ext of digit I / dorsiflexion
N: Tibial N
Tibialis Anterior
O: Ant border, lat tibia & interosseous membrane
I: med cuneiform; base of metarsal I
NWB: dorsiflex ankle; invert foot
WB: eccentrically controls plantarflexion at heel strike; helps to control pronation at forefoot
N: Deep fibular N
Extensor digitorum longus
O: Sup ant fibula & lat tibial condyle & interosseous membrane
I: Extensor expansions of digits II-V
NWB: Ext digits II-V; dorsiflex ankle; evert ankle
WB: Controls flexion of digits II-V/plantarflexion of ankle/ inversion of ankle
N: Deep fibular N
Extensor Hallucis longus
O: Middle ant fibula & interosseous membrane
I: Distal phalanx of hallux
NWB: Extend digit I; inverts foot; dorsiflex ankle
WB: controls flexion of digit I/ plantarflexion/ eversion
N: Deep fibular N
Fibularis Tertius
O: inf portion of ext digitorum longus I: Mt V tuberosity NWB: evert foot; dorsiflexes ankle WB: controls inversion/plantarflexion N: Deep fibular N
Fibularis Longus
O: fibular head & sup lat diaphysis
I: Through med malleolus sulcus/calcaneal sulcus to med cuneiform & base Mt I
NWB: Everts foot/ weak plantarflexor/ abducts foot
WB: stabilizes base of 1st ray / controls inversion, dorsiflexion, adduction
N: superf fibular N
Fibularis brevis
O: Inf lat fibular diaphysis
I: through lat malleolus sulcus & calcaneal sulcus to Mt V tuberosity
NWB: abduction, eversion, weak plantarflexion
WB: stabilizes 5th ray; controls adduction, inversion, dorsiflexion
N: superf fibular N