Ankle and Foot Flashcards
Pronation in open chain
Calcaneus DF
Calcaneus AB
Calcaneus EV
Supination in open chain
Calcaneus PF
Calcaneus AD
Calcaneus IN
Pronation in closed chain
Calcaneus EV
Talus AD
Talus PF
Tibial medial rotation
Supination in closed chain
Calcaneus IN
Talus AB
Talus DF
Tibial lateral rotation
Talocrural joint formed by the
Concavity of the distal end tibia and both malleoli, and the convex trochlea of the talus
MCL in the ankle
Anterior tibiotalar Posterior tibiotalar Tibionavicular Tibiocalcaneal Resists eversion sprains
LCL in the ankle
Anterior talofibular (most common ligament sprain)
Posterior talofibular
Resists inversion sprains (most common)
Main component of pronation in talocrural joint is
Main component of supination in talocrural joint is
DF at the talocrural joint
Superior surface of the talus rolls anterior and slides posterior in open chain
What ligament become taut in DF of the talocrural joint?
calcaneofibular ligament
PF at the talocrural joint
superior surface of the talus rolls posterior and slides anterior in open chain
What ligament becomes taut in PF of the talocrural joint?
Tibionavicular ligament
What ligament is stretched during PF of the talocrural joint?
Anterior tibiofibular ligament
Main components of pronation in the subtalar joint in open chain are
Eversion and abduction