Ankle Flashcards
What type of joint is the inferior tibfib?
fibrous (syndesmosis)
What ligaments support the inferior tibfib joint?
- strong interosseus ligament
2. Ant and post talofibular ligaments
What is the blood supply of the inferior tib fib joint?
peroneal and anterior tibial arteries
What is the nerve supply of the inferior tib fib joint?
Deep peroneal and tibial nerves
What is the classification of the talocrural joint?
Hinge joint
What is the articulation of the talocrural joint?
tibia, fibula and talus
what type of cartilage is on the articular surfaces of the talocrural joint?
what does cartilage do?
allows for friction free movement and is a shock absorber
Describe the capsule of the talocrural joint?
Fibrous capsule completely surrounds the joint and attaches to the posterior tibfib ligament posteriorly.
It is thin and weak in front and behind to allow movements. Capsule is strengthened laterally by collateral ligaments
What ligaments support the talocrural joint?
medially (deltoid lig)
deep= posterior and anterior tibiotalar ligament.
superficial= tibiocalcaneal and tibionavicular ligaments.
How many degrees of freedom does the talocrural joint have?
one degree
what is the blood supply of the talocrural joint?
ant and post tibial arteries
What is the nerve supply of the talocrural joint?
branches of deep peroneal and tibial nerves
What muscles plantarflex the foot?
tibialis posterior, FDL, FHL (tom,dick and harry)
What muscles dorsiflex the foot?
tib ant, EHL, EDL
What type of joint is the subtalar joint?
synovial plane joint
What is the articulation of the subtalar joint?
talus and calcaneus
inferior surface of the body of the talus
What ligaments support the subtalar joint?
post, medial and lat talocalcaneal ligaments (capsule supported by these).
Interosseus ligament
What is inversion a combination of?
Talocrural plantarflexion and foot supination and adduction
What is eversion a combination of?
Talocrural dorsiflexion and foot pronation and abduction
What is the nerve supply of the subtalar joint?
Plantar aspect from the medial or lateral plantar nerve.
Dorsal aspect by the deep fibular nerve.
What is the blood supply of the subtalar joint?
Posterior tibial and fibular arteries.
What muscles perform inversion?
tib ant and tib post
What muscles perform eversion?
peroneus long and brev