Ankle Flashcards
What are the landmarks of the tibia we must know?
Tibial tuberosity
Medial malleolus
Deltoid ligament
What are the landmarks of the fibula we must know?
Fibular heard
Lateral Malleolus
Talofibular ligaments (A to P)
Calcaneofibular Ligament
What is the landmark of the joining structure between fubula and tibia?
The interosseous membrane
What constitutes the longitudinal arch?
The plantar aponeurosis, abductor digitiminimi, flexor digitorum brevis
Long Plantar Ligament
Short Plantar Ligament
What makes up the medial arch?
Plantar aponeurosis
Tibialis posterior tendon
Peroneus longus tendon
Adductor Hallucis oblique heads
First layer of the foot
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor hallucis brevis
Abductor hallucis
2nd layer of the foot
Lumbricals 1-4
Flexor hallucis longus
Flexor digitorum longus
Quadratus Plantae
3rd Layer of the foot
Adductor Hallucis (oblique and transverse)
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Flexor digitorum minimi
4th layer of foot.
Fibularis Longus
Tibialis Posterior
Why does the medial side of the foot miss from a foot print?
It is very high and extremely resiliant due to the large amount of component bones.
How does the fibular head glide with pronation?
With supination?
Pronation = Anteriorly
Supination = Posteriorly
How does the talus glide anteriorly? How does it glide posteriorly?
Plantar flexion = anterior glide
Dorsiflection = posterior glide
How does the talus glide in the eversion?
What about in inversion?
How will the calcaneus move in relation to the talus?
Anteromedial = eversion
Posterolateral = inversion
What is the most likely preferential movement of the following bones?
- Cuboid
- Navicular
- Cunieforms
Cuboid = eversion glide / plantar glide
Navicular = inversion glide / plantar glide
Cuneiforms = plantar glide

Distal Fibula Anterior ART

Distal Fibula Posterior Articulatory Treatment

Dorsiflexed Talus Muscle Energy Treatment

Plantarflexed Talus Muscle Energy Treatment

Treatment for
Articulatory Treatment (with traction)
Talus Inversion with posterolateral glide
Talus Eversion with anteromedial glide

Articulatory Treatment (with traction)
Talus Inversion with posterolateral glide
Talus Eversion with anteromedial glide

Muscle Energy Treatment
Inverted Navicular with plantar glide
Cuneiform plantar glide
Everted Cuboid with plantar glide

Dorsal or Plantar Glide Articulatory Treatment

Dorsal or Plantar Glide Articulatory Treatment