Ankle Flashcards
Lower leg
Non weight baron
Medial malleolus where muscle attaches
Calcaneous bone
Heel bone
Articulates with tib/fib
(Tibiotaler joint) modified hinge
On the medial side of the foot
Lateral side and articulated with 2/4 metatarsals
3 medial intermediate and lateral
1-5 medial to lateral
Connect toes to bone
3 bones; proximal middle and distal
Great toe
Big toe
Metatarsalphalangial joint
(MTP) where toes meet the foot
Interphalangial joint
(DIP) distal
(PIP) proximal
Lateral ligaments
Resist extensive inversion
Anterior talofibular ligament
Resists inversion and plantsrflexion
(CF) resists inversion
Posterior talofibular ligament
(PTF) resists inversion and dorsiflexion
Lower leg ligaments
Prevents movement and tibia and fibula
Ant/Post tibiofibular
Tib fib of ankle
Medial ligament
Resists version
Lateral ligament
Resists excessive eversion
Attaches tibia to talus calcaneous, navicular
Tibiotalar joint
Plantarflexion and dorsiflexion
Normal ROM
P: 45-55
D: 20
Subtalar joint
Inversion and eversion
Normal ROM
Inv: 30-40
Ev: 20
Tibialis anterior
Dorsiflexion of ankle and inverter of foot
Extensor hallicus longus
Toe extensor
Extensor hallicus Brevis
(MIP) toe extensor
Extensor digitorum longus
Toe extensor
Extensor digitorum Brevis
Toe extensor PIP
Flexor hallicus longus
Flexes the great toe
Starts at fibula and goes to insert on the distal phalanx of the great toe
Post tibia
Lies on the posterior side of the tibfib
Flexor digitorum longus
Long muscle that covers the tibialis posterior
Peroneous Brevis and Tirsius
In front of malleolus
Inserts on Dorsi side of 5th metatarsal
Peroneus longus
Fibular heel behind lateral malleolus and crosses bottom of foot and inserts with 1st metatarsal (great toe)
Flexes the knee and plantsrflexes the foot; calf; superficial
Crosses knee and ankle
Toned in jumping athletics
Lies under the gastro and crosses ankle
Plantarflexion of the foot
Stretch: seated heel raise or bent knee forward lunge
Posterior tibialis
Pulls navicular toward body causing inversion
Assists in plantarflexion
Plantar fasciitis
Inflammation of the plantar fascia
M: root arch problem of obesity or sudden weight gain
Signs/ symptoms: pain the heel; also toward toes
Heel spur
M: orthotic ultrasound, stretching
S&s: pain of attachment to plantar fascia
Pes planus
Flat arch
Wide foot
Pronated foot
Navicular drop
Lower leg
Main weight baring bone
Distal end forms mortise
Medial malleolus
Hallux Valgus (Bunion)
Valgus pushes distal end of joint laterally
Bunion - enlargement of tone toe
Bunionette- small bunion
5 MTP tailus bunion
Turf toe
Hypertension injury of the 1st MTP
M: sprain in ligament of 1st and 2nd MTP
Jams forcefully into the ground
S&S: extreme inflammation pain and swelling
Ingrown toenail
Keratin - enzyme that grows
Help cut into square shape
Put cotton
Jones fracture
Bone breaks away
M: sharp inversion
S&S: similar to broken ankle
Mortons toe
When 2nd toe is larger than big toe
Plantars neuroma
Mortons neuroma
Intra-digital pain because of pinching of an inter-digital nerve.
third and fourth metatarsal’s
Pain resolves when walking barefoot
Lateral sprain: signs and symptoms
Swelling, edema, Ecchymosis
Lateral sprain: special tests
Great on a scale of 1 to 3 mild moderate or severe
Talor tilt: Primarily accesses CF ligament looking for pain and laxity
Anterior drawer test: primarily assesses ATF ligament or plantarflexion optimum to yield greatest translation
Membrane that surrounds each muscle
Lower leg: reasons for pain: Cramp
Dehydration and imbalance of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and calcium ions)
Medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints)
Any inflammation of a muscle, tendon, or bone in the lower leg.
Posterior tibialis: inverts the foot and starts to pull away from the bone->stress fractures
Anterior compartment syndrome: CCS
- Arises when a muscle becomes too big for the sheath that surrounds it
- normal is 15mHg//anything greater is abnormal
Anterior compartment syndrome: signs and symptoms
Pain/crampy ache in the lower leg during exercise//sense of numbness or tingling//more tender than shin splints
Ischemia may occur if goes untreated