Animation Flashcards
What is animation?
Animation is the apparent movement of an object.
It is the result of a series of graphics or frames presented in rapid succession (to give the illusion of movement).
Animations often direct the attention of the user to an area of the screen or an interesting feature.
They are usually started automatically when a frame is viewed or by the user clicking a button.
What are some common file formats for animation?
SWF (ShockWave Flash object)
Animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
MOV (Movie)
What are two types of Animation?
2D Animation and 3D Animation
What are two main types of Tweens?
Motion Tween
This is where one object moves from one place on the screen to another in a typical smooth animation.
Shape Tween
This is where one object changes its shape from one object to a different object.
What is Cel animation (stop motion, claymation)?
A cel, short for celluloid, is a transparent sheet on which objects are drawn or painted for traditional, hand-drawn animation.
Each frame of animation is drawn onto paper, then transferred onto a cel. Colour is then added on the reverse of the cel. Layers are built up to create dimension. The cels are then photographed onto film by a rostrum camera.
What is a Path animation?
A path animation controls the position and rotation of an object along a curve. An object must first be attached to the curve for it to become a path curve.
What is a NURBS curve?
A NURBS curve is a curve that cannot be designated as a motion path.
Non-Uniform RationalBasis Spline(NURBS) is a mathematical model commonly used incomputer graphicsfor generating and representing curves and surfaces.
What is Morphing?
Morphing is a special effect in animations that changes one image or shape into another through a seamless transition.
Most often it is used to depict one person turning into another person or object
Define Morphing.
Morphing is a term for transforming one image to another. The object is changed and modified to look into another object. Such as changing a square into a circle.
What is a transition?
- a transtion is change from one scene to the next scene like in movies or powerpoints.
- a transition also occurs when an element changes from one state to another, and the browser fills in that state change with a sequence of in-between frames. It has a beginning and an end state.
What is a Behavior animation?
Behavioral animation is a type of procedural animation.
Which is a type of computer animation or artificial intelligence.
In behavioral animation an autonomous character determines its own actions, at least to a certain extent.
This gives the character some ability to improvise, and frees the animator from the need to specify each detail of every character’s motion.
What is Tweening?
Tweening is a very simple concept in computer graphics that has very powerful and visually impressive applications.
In tweening, key frames are provided at set interval along a timeline, and “in-between” frames are calculated by the computer to make a smooth looking animation.
It adds the extra frames in for you to create a smooth animation. Tweening has applications in both computer animation and hand drawn animation .
Which techniques are required for Morphing?
Morphing in 3D animations uses the following techniques:
- Morph target animation, Per-vertex animation, Shape interpolation, and Blend shapes
Define Morphing.
Morphing is a term for transforming one image to another.
What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual Reality is a combination of both the physical world we live in, and a virtual world generated by computer technology, in particular, 3D animation
What is a Virtual Reality Walk through?
A virtual tour (walkthrough) is a simulation of an existing location, usually composed of a sequence of videos or still images
What is “Looping” in a 2D Animation?
An animation loop is the repetition of part of the animation
For example, an animator can animate a clock pendulum swinging from one side to the other just once, then repeat the animated portion using animation softwares instead of repeating his work manually
What is a 3D Animation?
3D Animations are objects that appear in a three-dimensional space.
They can be rotated and moved like real objects.
What is 3D Modelling?
3D modeling is the process of developing a mathematical representation of any three-dimensional surface of an object (either inanimate or living) via specialised software
What is a 3D Wireframe?
A wire-frame model is a visual presentation of a 3-dimensional (3D) or physical object used in 3D computer graphics. Wire framing is much quicker when rendering and viewing. It helps a computer function faster.
It is created by specifying each edge of the physical object where two mathematically continuous smooth surfaces meet, or by connecting an object’s constituent vertices using straight lines or curve.
What is Rendering?
Renderingis the final process of creating the actual 2D or 3D image or animation from the prepared scene.
What are different rendering methods?
Wireframe rendering Polygon-based rendering Scanline rendering Ray tracing Radiosity
What is 3D Motion Capture
Motion Captureisthe process or technique of recording patterns of movement digitally, especially the recording of an actor’s movements for the purpose of animating a digital character in a film or computer game
What is a Virtual Reality simulation?
A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time
A flight simulator is a virtual reality system capable of simulating the environment of a flying machine for a pilot
What is a navigable scene in Virtual Reality?
Navigable scenes 360-degree VR is an audiovisual simulation of an altered, augmented or substituted environment that surrounds the user, allowing them to look around them in all directions, just as they can in real life.