Animals; Function And Structure Flashcards
What helps blood return to the heart when it is in the veins
The valves
What is the scientific name given to red blood cells
What is responsible for blood clotting
Platelets and blood clotting factirs
Artery or vein is the most muscular to deal with blood pressure
The prices by which gasses move from the alveoli into the capillaries is called
Gas exchange
The blood vessels with the smallest diameter are called
The structure conducts air into the left lung
Bronchi & bronchioles
This structure prevents food from entering the trachea
The primary gas exchange units of the lung are
When the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles contract, what happeneds
The chest cavity expands, which allows air flow into the lungs
What is the name of the mixture inside the esposhagus during digestion
What sphincter opens when chyme exits the stomach
Pyloric sphincter
What would be most affected if the liver could not produce bile
The digestion of fat in the small intestine
The base unit of protein
Amino acids
Amylase is an enzyme in saliva involved in the digestion of:
Starch ( complex carbs) into simple sugars
The stomach secrets this enzyme to start the digestion of protein
The process that moves food through the digestive tract
absorption of nutrients occurs here
Small intestine
Small pear shaped organ that store bile
Gall bladder
Filled with gastric juices
Location of enzymes responsible for the initial digestion of carbohydrates
In the mouth (specifically saliva)