Animal verbs Flashcards
piombare in picchiata
to swoop
svolazzare, sbattere le ali
to flutter
to swarm
to be busy at sth;
to work hard
to beaver away
to run away;
to not do sth;
to be afraid of doing sth
to chicken out
to stop talking
to clam up
to leave secretly/silently
to duck out
to look for sth;
to search
to fish for
to take sth out;
to retrieve
to fish out
to behave in a silly and noisy way (= fare il buffone)
to horse around
to behave in a silly and annoying way;
to touch/change/treat sth in a careless or harmful way
to monkey around (with sth)
to eat a lot/too much (= abbuffarsi)
to pig out
to keep talking
to rabbit on (UK)
to not be loyal to someone, especially by giving away secret information
to rat on
to hide/store sth
to squirrel away
to devour
to wolf down