Animal Transport Flashcards
What features does a transport system have?
A suitable transport medium to carry materials. A pump such as a heart for moving blood. Valves to maintain the flow in one direction.
What do you some systems have?
A respiratory pigment (which increases the volume of oxygen which can be transported). A system of vessels with a branching network to distribute the transport medium to all parts of the body.
What is an open circulatory system?
It’s when the blood isn’t held in blood vessels but it pays to tissue directly in the blood well held in a cavity called haemocoel.
What animal has an open circulatory system?
Describe the circulatory system of an insect?
They have a long dorsal tube shaped heart running the entire length of the body. It pumps a haemolymph via vessels which empty into tissue spaces called haemocoel at low pressure so materials can be exchanged between the blood and the cells. Blood return slowly to the heart with little control over circulation. Blood re-enters the heart via pause called ostria and the open circulation starts again.
What is a closed circulatory system?
It is when blood is transported in the blood vessels. The blood is pumped by small muscular heart at high-pressure. The cells are not in direct contact but are bathed in tissue fluid which can exist out of the capillary walls, the blood contains a respiratory pigment.
What is single circulatory
It’s when the blood moves through the heart once in its passage around the body.
Which animals have a single circulatory system?
Fish and earthworms
How does an earthworm circulatory system work?
The blood moves forward in the dorsal vessel and back in the ventral vessel. Five pairs of ‘pseudohearts’ thick and muscular blood vessels pump the blood from the dorsal vessel to the ventral vessel and keep it moving.
How does the fishes circulatory system work?
The ventricle of the heart pumps blood to the gills where the pressure falls oxygenated blood is carried to the tissues and the deoxygenated returned the atrium of the heart blood moves to the ventricle and the circulation starts again.
How does the fishes circulatory system work using a diagram?
Heart —> Gills —-> Body —-> Heart —->
What is a double circulatory system?
It is when the blood passes through the heart twice in it’s circuit around the body.
Which animals have a double circulatory system?
How does a mammalian in the circulatory system work?
Blood is pumped by the heart at a high-pressure giving it a rapid flow to the blood vessels. Organs and not in direct contact with the blood but are bathed in tissue fluid which seeps out of the capillaries. Haemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood.
Why is the blood pumped through the heart twice?
As blood pressure decreases in the lungs, the pressure would be too low low to make efficient circulation to the rest of the body so the blood is returned to the heart in order to raise the pressure again so it can be pumped to the rest of the body.
Why is double circulatory system more efficient for mammals?
As they have a high metabolic rate and a high energy requirement their cells needs a large amount of oxygen and glucose and the removal of waste products. It is more efficient as oxygenated blood can be pumped around the body at high pressures.
What is the pulmonary circulation?
It is when the right side pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs and once oxygenated it returns from the lungs to the left side of the heart. Heart —> Lungs —> Heart.
What is systemic circulation?
It serves the respiring tissue, the left side of the heart pumps the oxygenated blood to the tissues. The oxygenated blood from the body returns the right side of the heart. Heart —> Respiring tissue —> Heart
What are the three types of blood vessels?
Capillaries, veins and arteries
What is the three layers called found within arteries and veins?
Endothelium/ tunica intima, tunica media and tunica externa
What is the tunica intima layer?
It has endothelium which is one cell thick and is surrounded by a smooth flat lining reducing friction with a minimum resistance to blood flow.
What is the tunica media layer?
It contains elastic fibres and smooth muscle which is thicker in the arteries and veins. In the arteries the elastic fibres stretch to accommodate changes to blood flow and pressure as its pants on the heart. At a certain point the fibres recoil pushing blood to the artery this is felt as a pulse and helps sustain pressure. The contraction of this smooth muscle regulates blood flow and maintains blood pressure as blood is transported further from the heart.
What is the tunica externa layer?
The outermost layer contains collagen fibres which resist overstretching as well as help the vessel to withstand high pressure by the strong fibrous proteins.
What happens at the arteries?
High-pressure blood is taken away from the heart to other regions of the body.
Describe the structure of an artery?
It has thick muscular walls to withstand high pressure from the heart with a narrow lumen maintaining the pressure. It contains several elastic tissues in its walls allowing it to stretch to accommodate the surge of blood from the ventricles and to recoil maintaining pressure. They can branch into vessels called arterioles which further subdivide into capillaries these can adjust the diameter to adjust the supply of blood in a certain area by contracting and relaxing the smooth muscle. The smooth endothelium reduces friction.
What is the function of the capillaries?
They provide exchange between respiring cells and materials.
What is the structure of a capillary?
They form a vast network which penetrates all tissues and organs of the body. A capillary wall is one endothelium cells thick with no elastic tissue providing a smooth diffusion pathway for exchange. The lumen has a small diameter which causes friction with the walls slowing the blood flow down low speed down in Hances the ability to exchange materials. The small gaps between the cells make the walls permeable to water and salt. In the last number provides a large surface area for exchange.
What is the purpose of veins?
They return low-pressure blood to the heart from the lungs and respiring cells.
What is the structure of a vein?
It has a thin wall and a wider lumen as it aids in returning low-pressure blood to the heart.
The outer layer is made of collagen resisting stretching with little elastic tissue in a tunica media as less as needed as the pressure is low.
For veins above the heart blood travels back by gravity. It moves other veins high-pressure from the surrounding muscles.
They have semilunar valves along the length ensuring flow in one direction preventing back flow.
Blood in the veins has no influence from the heart contractions. Blood from organs below the heart goes there by the venous pumped produced by the action of skeletal muscle. Negative pressure in the thorax produced during inspiration.
What can faulty valves cause ?
Heart failure and varicose veins
Where is the highest pressure of blood?
When the blood leaves the heart
What type of contraction causes a rhythmic rise and fall in pressure?
Ventricular contraction
What happens in terms of pressure in the arterioles?
There is a drop in pressure as they have a large total surface area and narrow lumen. The drop also depends on whether they are dilated or constricted
What is the pressure like in capillaries?
They have low pressure as they have a large total cross-sectional area with a greater resistance to bloodflow. The pores can cause leakage from the capillaries to the tissues causing even further drop.
What is the pressure like in the veins?
Its is low and non rhythmic, so muscles massage the veins to aid the returning of blood.
What is what happened at the Vena cava?
Blood is returned from all organs apart from the lungs..
What happened at the pulmonary vein?
Blood is returned from the lungs.
What happens at the left atrium?
Receives blood from the lungs and pushes it to the ventricle.
What happens at the atrioventricular valve?
It stops blood from flowing back into the atrium during ventricle systole.
What happened at the left ventricle?
It receives blood from a trim and push it to the body.
What happens at the semilunar valves?
It stops blood from flowing to ventricle when it relaxes.
What is the function of the aorta?
It distributes blood to all organs except the lungs.
What is the function of the pulmonary artery?
Distribute blood to the lungs
What is the function of the pulmonary valves?
Stops blood from flowing back into the ventricle as it relaxes.
What happens in the right ventricle?
Blood is received from the atrium and pushes it to the lungs.
The tricuspid (atrioventricular )valve is found on what side?
The bicuspid valve is found on what side?
What is the heart?
It is two separate pumps, 4 chambers which are used both pulmonary and systemic circulatory systems. The atria is thin walled chambers which collect the blood, artrium are found above the thick walled chambers called the ventricles this allows complete separation between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
What is the heart made from?
It consists of cardiac muscle which never tires with myogenic contraction (it can contract and relax rhythmically on its own accord). The heart rate can be modified by nervous and hormonal stimulation.
Which side has a high-pressure atrium or ventricle?
The ventricle side has high pressure because it has a thicker muscle wall as it needs to pump blood to respiring cells around the body whereas the atrium only has to pump blood to the ventricle with a thin muscular wall.
Which ventricle has high pressure?
The left ventricle has the highest pressure as it has to pump blood through the aorta to the rest of the body to respiring cells and muscle wall is three times thicker than the right ventricle muscle wall which only has to pump blood to the lungs.
What is a cardiac cycle?
It describes the sequence of events in one heartbeat the contractions and relaxations of the heart.
What happens at the atrial systole?
The atrium walls contract and the blood pressure in the atria increases and the volume decreases this pushes blood through the tricuspid and bicuspid valve down into the ventricles which are relaxed. After a short delay the atria relaxes and the ventricles contract.
What happens at ventricular systole?
The ventricles contract from the bottom upwards reducing its volume, increasing the pressure. It contracts until the pressure is greater in the ventricle than the artery this forces blood up through the semilunar valves out of the heart into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Blood can’t flow back into the ventricles and then the atria as the bicuspid and tricuspid valves are shut preventing back flow by the increase in ventricular pressure. The pulmonary artery carries the oxygenated blood to the lungs and they also carries body blood to respiring cells once the ventricles are in diastole the pressure falls and the semilunar valves shut.
What happens during relaxation of the heart?
The ventricles relax and the volume increases as the pressure falls. The semilunar valves shut and in order prevent back flow of blood into the ventricles via the pulmonary artery and the aorta. The atria is also relaxed during this time so blood from the vena cava and pulmonary vein enter into the atria and the cycle can now start again. As the pressure in the atrium is now greater than the ventricles the atrioventricular valves open.
What happens at the left side of the heart?
The left atrium relaxes and receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary vein when it is full the pressure forces the bicuspid valve open between the atria and ventricle.
Relaxation of the left ventricle draws blood into the left atrium. The left atrium contracts pushing the remaining blood into the left ventricle through the valve as the left atrium is now relaxed the bicuspid valve closes and the left ventricle contracts.
The high pressure forces blood out of the heart through the semi lunar valves into the aorta and closes the bicuspid valve to prevent back flow into the atrium.
What is a heartbeat?
It is the complete contraction and relaxation of the whole heart.
What happens in terms of volume of blood during contraction and relaxation?
As the heart chamber relaxes it feels of blood and as it contracts is emptied of blood.
What is the function of valves?
They prevent back flow of blood as they close under high blood pressure. The semilunar valves are found at the base of the aorta and the pulmonary artery whereas the atrioventricular valves are found between the ventricle and the atrium.
Why does the bicuspid valve close?
It closes when the ventricle pressure is greater than the atria.
Why does the semilunar valves open?
They open when the pressure in the ventricle is greater than the aorta.
Why does the semilunar valves close?
They close when the pressure is greater in the aorta than the ventricle.
What is the Sino atrial node?
It is a cluster of specialised cells found in the heart muscle of the right atrium that initiate waves of excitation across the atria to generate contraction of the heart muscle is also known as the pacemaker.
What is the atrioventricular node?
It is the only conducting area of tissue in the wall of the heart between the atria and the ventricles through which electrical excitation passes from the atria to the conductive tissue in the walls of the ventricles.
What happens during a heartbeat?
The sinoatrial node is spontaneously active and a wave of electrical excitation spreads across both atrium causing them to contract. The ventricles are insulated from the atria by thin layer of connective tissue so prevents the waves from spreading however AVN allows the excitation to spread from this point onwards. The AVN introduced the delay in the transmission, with the ventricles only contracting once the atria has finished contracting. The AVN passes the excitation down the nerves of the bundle of his and continues to travel to the left and right bundle branches and to the apex of the heart. The excitation is transmitted to the purkinje fibres in the ventricle walls which carry the wave of excitation upwards through the ventricle muscle. Causing them to contract from the bottom upwards. The impulses of the cardiac muscle in each ventricle contracts simultaneously from the apex upwards the atrioventricular valves shut and blood passes through the semilunar valves to the arteries.
What is an ECG?
It is a trace of the voltage changes produced by the heart which is detected by the electrodes on the skin.
What does the P-wave indicate?
Indicate the first part of the trace and change the voltage change generated by the sinooatrial node associated with atria systole( atria depolarisation)
Why is the P-waves small?
It is because the atrium has a thinner muscular wall.
What does the PR interval indicate?
The time taken for the excitation to spread from the atria to the ventricle via the AVN.
What does QRS complex show?
It shows the depolarisation/contraction of the ventricle. It is bigger than the P-wave as the ventricle has a thicker muscular wall.
What does the T-wave show?
It shows the repolarisation of the ventricle muscles during ventricle diastole. The fibres are resetting and preparing for the next P-wave both ventricles and atria and now in diastole.
What does the line between the T-wave and the P-wave indicate?
It indicates the next cycle as the baseline of the trace and it’s called the iso-electric line.
How is the velocity and pressure related?
They are directly related to each other.
Does blood flow faster in the veins or the capillaries?
It flows fast in the veins despite having a lot of pressure due to the veins having a large lumen.
How does blood pressure relate to the speed of bloodflow in the arteries in the capillaries?
The higher the pressure the faster blood can flow as both fall as the distance from the heart increases.
What is blood?
It is a tissue made up of cells in a solution called plasma.
What is a red blood cell structure?
It is biconcave so it’s surface area is larger so more oxygen can diffuse across the membrane. The thin centre makes them look paler in the middle. It reduces the diffusion distance making gas exchange faster. They have no nucleus so there is more than haemoglobin maximising the volume of oxygen which can be carried.
What is plasma and what is in it?
It is a pale yellow liquid about 90% water, containing solutes such as food molecules (glucose, amino acid’s, vitamin D and C, mineral ions), waste products (urea, hydrogen carbonate ions), hormones, plasma proteins (albumin, blood clotting proteins and antibodies).
It also distributes heat.
What does exchange between the blood and the body cells occur?
The capillaries
Describe the exchange of materials within the plasma?
Plasma solutes and oxygen move from the blood to the cells and waste products in the liver removed from the cells to the blood.
How has the capillaries adapted for exchange of materials?
They have a thin permeable wall which has pores. They provide a large surface area for exchange of materials.
Blood flows very slowly through the capillaries allowing time for exchange of materials.
It has a short diffusion distance.
What happens to the fluid from the plasma?
It is forced through the capillary walls and as tissue fluid bathes all the cells supplying them with solutes such as glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, salts, hormones and oxygen.
What does the diffusion of solutes in and out of the capillaries relate to?
The blood is hydrostatic pressure and the solute/water potential.
What does tissue fluid do with waste products?
It removes waste by the cells into the blood.
What force counteracts hydrostatic pressure?
Osmotic pressure.
What happens at the arterial end of the capillary bed?
Blood enters the narrow capillaries by hydrostatic pressure from the pumping of the heart and muscle contraction in the artery in arterial walls. The high hydrostatic pressure pushes liquid outwards from the capillary to the spaces between the surrounding cells. The water potential of the plasma is lower than the tissue fluid so water into the blood by osmosis. However the hydrostatic pressure is greater than the osmotic pressure and therefore the net movement is out of the capillaries and into the tissue fluid. The fluid in the blood is forced out of the pores and into the capillary walls this fluid is known as tissue fluid, it surrounds cells and allows exchange of substances across the plasma membrane.
What is found within the tissue fluid?
Oxygen, glucose and amino acids.
What are retained in the capillary during the formation of tissue fluid?
Cells and plasma proteins are retained as they are too large to fit through the pores.
What happens during the exchange when tissue fluid is formed?
The cells are taking oxygen and glucose by diffusion and use it for respiration aerobically. The amino acids will be used in the cell to make new proteins this insures that a concentration gradient is maintained. Carbon dioxide and any other waste products will diffuse into the tissue fluid.
What happens at the Venous end of the capillary bed?
The blood has lost hydrostatic pressure due to the loss of fluid from the capillaries at the arteriole end, the pressure also falls due to friction of the walls and reduced volume of blood. The retention of plasma proteins means that the blood has a very negative water potential compare to the tissue fluid. Water is then wanting to enter the blood by osmosis as the osmotic force is greater pulling water inwards done the late hydrostatic pressure pushing outwards the net movement of fluid into the capillaries is due to osmosis as it goes down the water potential. The fluid returning into the capillary is high in waste products like CO2 which diffuse down a concentration gradient from the cells into the capillaries where is less concentrated. It will be returned to the heart by the vena cava and then to the lungs via the pulmonary artery.
At the Venous end of the capillary bed what is the net movement?
It moves the fluid into the capillaries as there is a greater osmotic force than the hydrostatic force pushing outwards.
How much fluid drains into the lymph capillaries?
About 10%
What is lymph?
It has a similar composition to tissue fluid that contains more lipids and carbon dioxide but less oxygen and nutrients. Then vessels of blind ended and only allow fluid to enter. They form a drainage network and return them to the bloodstream rather subclavian vein in the neck.
Where does the lymph travel to?
The length eventually returns to the venous system through the thoracic duct which empties into the left subclavian vein above the heart.
What is the structure of haemoglobin?
It has a quaternary structure with four subunits each containing a polypeptide chain and a haem group which itself contains is a single Fe2+ ion.
How many oxygen molecules can one haemoglobin hold?
For oxygen molecules
Where does oxygen binds to haemoglobin?
In the lungs
Where does oxygen dissociate from haemoglobin?
In the respiring tissues
What does the ability of haemoglobin loading and unloading oxygen depend on?
The partial pressure of oxygen in the surrounding tissues.
What is partial pressure to measure of?
Oxygen concentration
How can oxygen be transported efficiently?
Haemoglobin must associate readily with oxygen where gas exchange takes place i.e. the alveoli and readily dissociate from oxygen at respiring tissues e.g. muscle. Haemoglobin come perform these contradictory requirements by changing its affinity for oxygen because it changes shape.
What does affinity mean?
The degree to which to molecules are attracted to each other.
What is cooperative binding?
It is increasing ease with which haemoglobin binds to its second and third oxygen molecules as the conformation of the haemoglobin molecule changes.
What happens at low partial pressures?
The haem groups are found at the centre of the haemoglobin making it difficult for oxygen to bind to them meaning they have low saturation levels at low oxygen tensions. As the partial pressure increases the diffusion gradient into the haemoglobin increases.
How does cooperative binding occur?
The first oxygen molecule attaches changes the shape of the haemoglobin molecule make it easier for the second molecule to attach. This cooperative binding allows oxygen to be picked up very rapidly in the lungs. The third molecule doesn’t induce a change in shape so it takes a large increase in oxygen partial pressure to bind to the fourth molecule.
How would you describe a partial pressure and saturation of haemoglobin curve?
It shows a sigmoid – S curve. A very low oxygen partial pressure is it is difficult for haemoglobin to load oxygen but the state part shows oxygen binding becomes increasingly easier. At high partial pressures of oxygen the percentage of saturation is very high. The graph is not linear as oxygen is not absorbed evenly at the partial pressures
What does the oxygen dissociation curve show?
It shows that oxygen affinity of haemoglobin is high at high partial pressures of oxygen and oxyhaemoglobin doesn’t release its oxygen. Oxygen affinity reduces as the partial pressure of oxygen decreases and oxygen is readily released meeting respiration trade commands. The graph shows a very small decrease in the oxygen partial pressure, which leads to the release of a lot of oxygen from haemoglobin.
What is the carbon dioxide concentration affect called?
The Bohr affect
What does the Bohr effect have to the curve?
It moves the oxygen dissociation curve to the right at a higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide because at a given partial pressure of oxygen haemoglobin has a lower infinity for oxygen. It accounts for the unloading of oxygen from oxyhaemoglobin in respiring cells where the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is high and oxygen is needed.
What does the Bohr effect cause?
It results in more oxygen being available when CO2 is being produced. When exercising, the muscles can be supplied with more oxygen to continue respiration. When CO2 is present more oxygen from oxyhaemoglobin dissociates into respiring tissues than would normally be released at ppO2. The higher CO2 levels are lower the amount of haemoglobin. The release of oxygen involves the Bohr effect, where the lowered pH due to the dissolved carbon dioxide reduces the affinity of haemoglobin causing it to release oxygen where it is needed.
Is it easy or hard for haemoglobin molecules to become fully saturated?
It is hard for haemoglobin molecules to become 100% saturated even at high oxygen tensions. The last option can’t refuse an associate with the fourth haem group
What happens when the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is high?
Haemoglobin has a low infinity oxygen so it is less efficient at loading oxygen and more efficient at unloading it.
What happens when the oxygen partial pressure is high?
This is in the long capillaries where oxygen combines with haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin.
What happens when the oxygen partial pressure is low?
This is in the respiring tissues where oxygen dissociated from the oxyhaemoglobin.
Does the haemoglobin fetal dissociation curve moved to the left or the right?
It moves to the left
Why does the fetal dissociation curve differ from an adult dissociation curve?
The haemoglobin in the blood of a fetus must absorb oxygen from the maternal haemoglobin at the plaenta. The fetus has haemoglobin that differs in two of the four polypeptide chains from the haemoglobin of an adult. Fetal haemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than their mothers haemoglobin at the same partial pressure of oxygen with a percentage saturation of the fetus blood always being higher than in the mothers. As the blood flows very close together in the placenta oxygen transfers to the foetus his blood and at any partial pressure of oxygen.
What happens for fetal haemoglobin at low partial pressures?
As it is low in the placenta, haemoglobin dissociates releasing oxygen. Oxygen diffuses into the fluid across the placenta. Fetal haemoglobin picks up oxygen as it has a higher affinity. Foetal haemoglobin has to load oxygen while the mother blood must release the oxygen. In the placenta the fetal haemoglobin binds to oxygen at a low partial pressure in the mothers haemoglobin would. But at a partial pressure the haemoglobin will be more saturated in the adult haemoglobin.
What is three transport of oxygen examples that we need to know?
Lugworms, llama and myoglobin.
Where does a lugworm live?
It lives head down in it’s borrow in the sand in a low oxygen environment. At a low tide, oxygen is not brought in through the burrow.
What would you say about a lugworms metabolic rate?
It is low
How can you describe the dissociation curve of a lugworm?
Because is to the left of the human haemoglobin curve meaning it can load oxygen very readily and only released when the partial pressure of oxygen is very low.
What happens to the dissociation curve of a llama?
As there is an increase in altitude the partial pressure in the atmosphere decreases. The haemoglobin has a dissociation curve to the left of human haemoglobin. Well it’s haemoglobin having a higher affinity for oxygen it or oxygen partial pressures so it can load oxygen more readily in the lungs and release oxygen when the partial pressure is low in its respiring tissues.
What is myoglobin?
It is a skeletal muscle binding protein which has an intracellular oxygen to do in storage so allows oxygen to be held for a period of time as it allows organisms to hold their breath for extended periods of time.
What happens to the dissociation curve of myoglobin?
It has a higher affinity of oxygen haemoglobin and is more saturated any partial pressure. Oxyhaemoglobin doesn’t associate unless the partial pressure is very low energy in exercising tissue therefore the curve moves to the left.
What are the three ways that carbon dioxide can be transported?
Dissolved in the plasma (5%)
Bound to haemoglobin as carbamino-haemoglobin (10%)
As the hydrogen carbonate ion HCO3- (85%)
Describe the reactions in the red blood cell?
Carbon dioxide in the blood diffuses into the red blood cell. The enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyses the reaction of water and carbon dioxide by forming carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is very unstable so it dissociates into hydrogen and hydrogen carbonate ions. The hydrogen carbonate ions diffuse out the red blood cell into the plasma. In order to balance the outflow of negative ions and maintain electrochemical neutrality chloride ions diffuse into the red blood cell from the plasma. This movement is known as the chloride shift. Hydrogen ions would lower the pH and affect enzyme activity . H+ ions cause oxyhaemoglobin to dissociate into oxygen and haemoglobin. The hydrogen ions combine with haemoglobin (acts as a buffer) to make haemoglobin acid HHb. This removes the H+ ions so the Ph doesn’t fall in the cell. As H+ ions have a higher affinity for haemoglobin than oxygen, oxygen is ‘pushed off’ into the tissue fluid and diffuses into the cells.
How does the sequence of carbon dioxide transportation explain the Bohr effect?
The higher the CO2 level the more hydrogen ions produced to displace the oxygen. The hydrogen ions released from the carbonic acid will compete with the oxygen for space on the haemoglobin. Therefore more oxygen from the haemoglobin is dissociated into respiring tissue (haemoglobin becomes less saturated than oxygen then they would be at a particular partial pressure.
How does the transportation of carbon dioxide result in more oxygen delivery to respiring tissues?
The more carbon dioxide present the more oxygen is provided to respiring cells as oxyhaemoglobin dissociates. The more the cells respire the more CO2 is produced. More hydrogen ions push more oxygen off the oxyhaemoglobin and into the respiring tissues therefore the cells that require more oxygen receive it