Animal Rights Teachings- Hinduism Flashcards
Bhagavad Gita 5:8
“The humble sage sees with equal vision a learned and gentle Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a person of low caste”
Avoid harming other sentient beings - Ahimsa affects our karma - Because of ahimsa, Hindus are vegetarian - Ahimsa means non-violence.
All life is interdependant- harming others (animals) will ultimately lead to harming ourselves.
If people are violent or unkind, their actions will return to them in the future.
All life contains the Ultimate Reality- Brahman, therefore we must respect animals as well as humans.
All life is equal by nature of Samsura. Animals are part of the cycle of reincarnation.
Laws of Manu
By avoiding any harm to animals, or to nature, humans will come to be ready from eternal life- Moksha
It is the duty of the grihasta (householder) stage of life to feed animals, therefore care for them.
Sanctity of life
All life is sacred because it is God-given. Cows are especially sacred to Hindus and so killing cows is banned in India and Hindus do not eat beef products. Cows are allowed to roam freely in India.
Gods and Goddesses
Many deities are linkied to specific animals- Shiva and the cobra, Ganesha has the head of an elephant and Brahma is associated with the swan.
In the Ramayana, Rama goes hunting. When Vishnu came to Earth as Krishna, he also went hunting. Hunting for food is acceptable.
There is a hierachy because humans have a higher dharma than animals and some atma of humans are closer to Moksha.