Animal Reproduction Intro, Unifying Feature of Animal Repro. Flashcards
Two Types of Reproduction
-Sexual Reproduction
-Asexual Reproduction
_____ is the creation of new individuals from existing ones.
_____ creates offspring that are genetically identical to the parent.
Asexual Reproduction
Enumerate Four types of Asexual Reproduction.
The type of asexual reproduction that produces offspring by the outgrowth and eventual splitting off of a new individual from the parent.
This is an asexual process where a parent separates into two or more offspring of about equal size.
This is an asexual process where the parent body breaks into several pieces.
The type of asexual reproduction that typically follows after fragmentation and is the regrowth of a whole animal from the pieces.
It is the fusion of Gametes (Sperm and Egg) from two parents, then the formation of a zygote happens.
Sexual Reproduction
_____ are individuals with male and female reproductive systems.
It is the study of the development of the embryo.
What are the 5 major stages of Embryology.
-Gametogenesis (Gamete Production)
-Fertilization (Gamete - Zygote)
-Cleavage (Zygote - Blastula)
-Gastrulation (Blastula - Gastrula)
-Organogenesis (Organ Formation)
-i.e. Neurulation- (Gastrula - Neurula)
Produces gametes, haploid cells, by meiosis.
-Is the formation of sperm cells.
-Occurs in seminiferous tubules inside the testes.
-Primary spermatocytes are diploid cells that undergo meiosis and produce secondary spermatocytes.
Is the development of eggs within the ovaries.
What does Meiosis I Produce:
-Secondary Oocyte
-Polar Body
What does Meiosis II Produce:
-A mature Ovum
-A polar Body
_____ - Male and female gametes fuse to form a zygote.
Sperm must pass through 3 barriers. What barriers are these?
- Jelly Coat
- Vitelline Layer
- Plasma Membrane
____ contains digestive enzymes that eat away at jelly layer.
Acrosome Cap
____ -species-specific boundary involved in sperm-egg recognition./ Ensures that other species cannot fertilize the egg./ Hardens and separates from the plasma membrane.
Vitelline Layer
What occurs when sperm nucleus and egg nucleus form a 2N zygote
The process of fertilization (Sexual Production)
- Sperm attaches the jelly coat of the egg.
- Sperm reach vitelline envelope.
- Sperm/ egg plasma membrane fuse.
- Prevention of Polyspermy
Prevention of Polyspermy is the prevention of what?
Prevention of entrance of multiple sperm.
____ reside just below of plasma membrane.
Cortical Granules
____ - Under high Ca levels granules release contents between plasma and vitelline membrane, causing water to rush in.
Cortical Reaction
____ - Rapid succession of cell division./ Doubling with each division./ Each cell is smaller than a zygote.
____ - Multi-cellular embryo formed from a single celled zygote./ Hollow ball of cells with a large cavity surrounded by one or more layers of cells.
____ - Fluid filled cavity forms at the center of embryo.
____ - Sorts all the cells into distinct cell layers (ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm).
What are the three germ layers/ three primary cell layers.
-Endoderm (Inner Layer)
-Ectoderm (Outer Layer)
-Mesoderm (Middle Layer)
____ begins when blastopore is formed.
____ is the midway opening on one side of the blastula.
____ - Primitive gut formed (endoderm)./ Future mouth.
The process of Gastrulation:
- Gastrulation Begins- Blastopore formed.
(PLS REFER TO SLIDE 35) - Cell migrating to form layers.
(SLIDE 36) - Gastrulation Complete- Gastrula formed.
-Endoderm and Archenteron
-Yolk Plug
(SLIDE 37)
____ - (Endoderm) marks the site of the blastopore and the future anus.
Yolk Plug
____ - The embryonic formation of the neural tube directed by the underlying notochord.
____ - a stiff rod (mesoderm) runs down the back of the embryo and provides support for other developing tissues./ Future Backbone.
The process of Neurulation:
- Neurulation Begins- Neural tube Formation.
-Neural plate
-Neural Tube
-Future brain and spinal cord - Neurulation Complete- Neurula Formed
____ - thickened region (ectoderm) arises a pair of pronounced ridges called the neural fold.
Neural Plate
____ is formed when neural folds meet.
Neural Tube
____ - intestinal segmented structures (mesoderm)/ Give rise to vertebrae and associated muscles of the backbone.
____- Body cavity (mesoderm) developed next to somites.