Animal Plant Flashcards
mass extinction
=a mass extinction is a sharp spike in teh rate of extinction of species caused by a catastrophic event or rapid environmental change
scientists have been able to identify five mass extinctions in earths history each of which lead the loss of more than 75% of a species
a paradox
the smallest part about to destroy the others
traditional classification
Observation of nested character states
No subdivision betweeen ‘old’ and ‘derived’ New characters within taxonomy
Binomial classification – the species is the only stable taxonomic unit…
monophyletic group
= all sister groups + their unique common ancestor
synapomorphy =
= new character only shared between C and D sister groups and no other grouping
plesiomorphy =
= older
Character shared by several
does not include all
Descendants of a common
Emergence of cladistics
Numerical methods to establish relationships
are all humans bony fish? (osteichthhans)
-yes but we are also mammals and amniotes and tetrapods therefore as fish are not those three we do not share synamaporphies
remember the entire group is defined by
the synapomorphies of the last common ancestor of this monophyletic group.
Have the (i.e. all) dinosaurs died out at the end of the Cretaceous, after the meteorite impact 60Mya?
-no birds are decedents of dinos therefore some Dions survived
biomineralization =
is the process by which mineral crystals are deposited in the matrix of living organisms. This process gives rise to inorganic-based skeletal structures such as bone during development, which is a complex and dynamic organ with both structural and metabolic functions.
the TCA cycle already existed in archaebacteria
-biosyntehtic pathways
-lots of enzymes contain metals
origins of weathering the TCA
-These are
Acids release ions/metals
From rock into water:
Si, Fe, Cu, Ca, Mg,
origins of weathering BY LOOKING AT TCA
Photosynthetic, TCA cycle dependent release of ions from granite, andesite..
Another key function of succinate, malate etc – ancient heritage archaea!
already happened 1.5 billion years ago!
single cell organisms with shells
chitin-silica scaffolds
on the inside the Golgi apparatus already evolved in
The common (eukaryotic) ancestor of radiolaria and all other metazoans
radiolarian fossils
The earliest found radiolarian fossils – about 500 million years old (Lower Cambrian), however, molecular data suggest an age of > 1billion years
Biomineralization is an ancient eukaryotic heritage
Which got lost again many times secondarily.
chitin at the heart of shaping the diatom shell
discovered enzymes that dissolves chitin
Diatom cycle – sex..size ctrl.
Algal symbionts…
Make 1/5 of all oxygen that you breathe in every day!
Sensitive proxies for climate parameters.
Pattern of the Golgi defines pattern of the shells – cellulose and chitin as scaffolding.
Where does the silica come from?
Weathering of continents – photosynthesis! Why?
Function of silica – uv light protection – buoyancy ctrl.
a bit of phylogenetic Thinking: how to determine
The evolutionary origin of a molecule…
Chitin was later LOST IN DEUTEROSTOMES – this is
why we don’t contain chitin…
although we like to eat it…
how often did multi-cellularity arise?
evolved Manu times independently many times therefore certain tools kit allows Multicellularity to occur
multicellularity principles
1.Aggregation – watch amazing slime mould movie here ! These are facultative metazoans/multicellular organisms
- Staying together after division :
Choanoflagellates.. - Facultative Multicellularity can solve many spatial problems to effectively harvest nutrients in a given area, see in this movie.
Or in this movie here! This tells you how over-rated the term ‘intelligence’ can actually be…..
phylogeny of metazoans
(currently accepted tree on the basis of millions of DNA sequence comparisons)Tree representsrelationships between groups!
The power of phylogenetics:
We can see a Stepwise assembly of the integrin cell adhesion system in our fungus-like Opisthokont ancestors
cilia were already there in our fungal opisthocont ancestors
another thing they have in common
phylogeny of metazoans
850-55 MYA
making glass is in our metazoan ancestry
ancestors of metazoans
Novelty: Choanoflagellates with microvili seams (actin filaments in red)
and silica skeleton ( white left).
whole genome sequencing of choanoflagellates (M.brevicolis)
provides unprecedented genomic insights into evolutionary novelties during the transition towards metazoans:
cadherins (later part of a unique cell adhesion/cell-cell recognition system)
were already there in common
Single cell opistokont ancestor of fungi- choano-
Flagellates and metazoans
New In Metazoans
to determine if we are in he 6th mass extinction can look
at cumulative extinctions
goes up in 1960s after oil begins to become cheap again (greenhouse gases)
we need technological solutions to this crisis for this you need to know
-how animals and plants work are built = this is written in the DNA in time and space
-and how they interact
multiple cellular animals (us)
-833-560 MYA
photosynthetic activity created first mass catastrophe by archaebacteria because so much oxygen was in atmosphere
antioxidants evolved
excess oxygen useful for ATP therefore big drop in O once ETC evolved
Darwin proposed the theory of phylogenetic trees
that is why organisms look similar to each other (they are related)
B shares fears with another species C but not with teh common ancestor of C and D (sister group)
is a method of hypothesizing relationships among organisms — in other words, a method of reconstructing evolutionary trees. The basis of a cladistic analysis is data on the characters, or traits, of the organisms in which we are interested.
the entire group is determined by
the synapomorphies of the last common ancestor of this monophyletic group
advent of premaxillary jaw contribution
we are oesteichthyans but we are also
means “four legs” in Greek. Amphibians, reptiles (including dinosaurs and birds) and mammals are the major groups of the Tetrapoda. Tetrapods include all land-living vertebrates, such as frogs, turtles, hawks, and lion
generating phylogenetic trees start with
D (last common ancestor)
the TCA cycle already existed in archaebacteria
these acids causing ions/metals to be released into the water from rock
chitin-silican scaffolds on the inside of the golgi apparatus already evolved in the common
eukaryitic ancestor of radiolaria and ALL other mtazoans
earlier found radiolarian fossils about 500 million years old
however molecular data suggests an age of > 1 billion years
when chitin scaffold is dissolved sillica disolves too!
chitin at the heart if shaping diatom shell
where does the silica come from?
-weathering of continents - photosynthesis
function = UV light protection and buoyancy
pattern of the golgi defines patterns of the shells
cellulose and chitin as scaffolding
how often does multicellularity arise
evolved many times independently
hormones help control
outgroup of metazoans are the
-apicobasal polarity inside single cells
fungi + metazoa +chanoflagelates
the power of phylogenetics
we can see stepwise assembly of the integral cell adhesion system in our fungus-like opisthokont ancestors
one necessary functional complex is made of parts of which evolved at a different time
another thing opisthotonos have in common is cilia
were already in our fungal opisthocont ancestors
making glass is in our metazoan ancestry
novelty = choanoflaggelates with microvilli seams (actin filaments in red)
silica skeleton
microvilli at very base of evolvement of chanoflagellata and
while genome sequencing of choanaflagellates
provides unprecedented genomic insights into evolutionary novelties during the transition towards metazoans
later part of a unique cell adhesion/cell-cell recognition system
-were already there in common single cell opistokont ancestor of fungi- choanoflagellates and metazoans
new in metazoan
1)cadherins (see card earlier)
2)enormous gain of introns
3)exon shuffling as mechanism to generate novel genes
4)evolution of notch and hedgehog signalling molecules during the transistor from the common choanoflagelate ancestors to metazoans
two cell layers
no mesoderm
different cell types
trichoplaz sequenced
the first want ligand the first neuronal functionality within universalist cells signalling molecules to subdivide the organism adhesion molecules to keep cells together after division
first metazoans is the sponges
they have choanocytes (have flagella)
first metazoans is the sponges
they have choanocytes (have flagella)
significance of sponges
the solution to Darwins paradox why are there islands of biodiversity in otherwise nutritional deserts in the sea ? SPONGES
sponges feed the corals by providing particulate organic carbon.cellular detritus
therefore sponges at bottom of food chain
how all metazoan cells stick together
collagen genes evolved already very early and many got selectively lost in later lineages
first found in sponges the organ of epithelial sheets
collagens are required for basement membrane formation of all epithelial tissues in any metazoans body
how do we know sponges have stem cells?
ability to regenerate themselves
and give rise to multiple different cell types
flask cells in the sponge are the first ever doing EMT and they form the entire adult animal these cells
correspond to what us called the epiblast in vertebrates they are stem cells
-use notch pathway
cnidarian phylogenetic position
new evidence to assume that cnidarians are the sister group of all bilaterians
-evidence based on gastrulation(echo/endoderm)
have three cell layers not two therefore definition is wrong
sponges cells/flask cells migrate into larval cell ball (EMT)but this does not lead to inner vs outer vs cells in between flask cells go on their own ->
cnidarians + all bilaterians :
new sheet invagination process to form endoderm vs ectoderm before EMT of
-stem cells that become mesoderm
-emergence of neuronal nets
-oral- aboral axis kept into adulthood
invagination process
is the process of a surface folding in on itself to form a cavity, pouch or tube
-mesoderm formation (pre-bilaterian) by invagination of larval epithelium
-gastrulation to produce mesderm as third germ layer + an axis
-mesoderm gives rise to muscles, blood and gonads
-ectoderm gives rise to skin, neurons, CNS surface sensing of the environment
-endoderm gives rise to digestive epithelium and associated glands
cnidarian polyps have a head
same genes used in our head
larval specialisation 3 distinct nerve nets
-earliest gene for being a neuron is Soc b 2 gene
all metazoans are
3 cell types (neuronal systems
-nematocytes = explosive capsule to impact another organism (coral warfare)
how genes are
region specific across cnidarians and bilaterians
cnidarian ancestor of
an ancestor gene of nodal the key gene that
determines the vertebrate left-right body axis also determines asymmetric budding in cnidarians (and corals)
sponges transmit light when injured how?
luciferins are chlrophyll heme/flavin ring breakdown products
-the sclerocytes flash light upon regeneration this is transmitted via spicules to contractile pinacocytes/myocytes and sensed by the crypto chromes and effect endogenous oscillations (stem cells to source)
cytochrome’s as blue light sensors - and modulators of circadian rhythms
part of circadian rhythm
coral use cytochrome for reproducing
sensing moonlight
cnidarians sister group of
early larval stages show the transition to a bilaterian
as the anus is a bilaterian invention
cnidarian larvae and bilaterians look similar this raises questions but how are they similar
sensory systems at front end with brain
non bilateral vs bilaterian
sensory systems at front end with some neurons
-body axis
-body appendages
-motile animal as larvae not adults
-keeps moving
-sensory systems at front end with brain
-body axis/worm like
-body appendages/legs
the adult stage of a descendent species looks like a larval/embroyonic stage of a phylogenetic ancestor
how to make a motile body axis from mesoderm
how genes on different chromosomes so bilaterians can use intron invasion to link them all together.(bilaterian novelty)
colinerrity of the hot cluster
how genes followed in order = colinaearity
full box cluster in bilaterian ancestor
-deutoerstome acestor
-protostome ancestor
-cnidarian ancestor of bilaterians
an ancestor gene of nodal
the key gene that determines the vertebrate left-right body axis also determines asymmetric budding in cnidarians
the left-right nodal (LEFTY PATHWAY) pathway emerges in bilaterians
old receptors get a new nodal ligand
nodal gene responsiblee for vertebrate L-R asymmetry
why are butterflies symmetrical (the lefty pathway)
the lefty pathway was lost in the ecdysozoa
when did the bilaterians evolve
520-580 MYA due to burrowing traces of animals
molecular says over 600 mya
minimum number of transitions of characters within a given phylogenetic tree
evolution of body appendeges
all appendages depend on DII (distalleless) gene action BUT the instructions of how many legs an animal has evolved independently
the urbilaterian animal eyes
were already there but were LOCALISED to the front end in bilateral
old programmes get coopted to the front of the animals new brain
there was a pre-adaptation for big compound eyes (multiple pigment and cell pairs) which happened several times INDEPENDENTLY within bilateria
there are fundamental similarities of molecular and cellular organisation between arthropods and vertebrates suggest a sophisticated brain in
common bilaterian ancestor
for example both have pituitary glands
segmentation a head, a tail. How genes expressed in order in larval segments
in molluscs
teh hot clusters bread down again and become a motor of NOVELTY
ecdysozoa - group features
worm like (cycloneuralia)
appendages (pan arthropods)
ecdysozoa in context (abundance and diversity)
-today the most abundant animals are nematode worms or plankton-forming crustaceans
-most diverse are insects
encysozoa moulting evolved more than
500 MYA
onycophora (claw bearers)
-walking worms 14-43 Pairs of non-articulated legs
-papillae secrete adhesive material
-mouth with claws
-molts every 14 days
tardigrades exact position
still debating
-soke argue closer to nematodes than to arthropods
tardigrades simple body plan
-reproduce by parthenogenesis or male/female
-molts several times during its life
-lives up to year
-eats algae
tardigrades are extremophiles
-survive atmospheric conditions up to 20 years
-desiccated can live for decades at -80 °C
if enters DRY state then rehydrates
tardigrade intrinsically disorders proteins (TDPs) are enriched during dessication
slow drying ->desiccation -> rehydration
caenorhabdiditis elegant genetic model system
genome sequenced in 1988
-apoptosis ->development (understood that certain cells die due to programmed cell death)
life cycle of a terrestrial, free living nematode
embroyo ->L1 -> L2 … L4 ->adult
life cycle of a nematode under stress
-enters Dauer (can resist starvation)after L2 which goes straight into L4
daters can migrate by hitchhiking arthropods
this will allow them to migrate to better conditions
evolved several times independently
the Dauer of free-living species is very similar to infective stage of parasites
making people think parasitic nematodes evened from normal
Arthropods means
= jointed appendages
features of arthropods
-clear segmentation
-modified appendages
arthropods orginiated
-colonized land in the late Cambrian to early trilobites in fossil record - from Cambrian up to 251 MYA (permian)
ordovician (510 - 471 MYA)
arthropods exoskeleton (good for when they were water bound)
-new locomotor/gas exchange solutions can’t move like a worm
-arthropod (jointed foot)
-influence on land invasion
mostly marine
mutations in how protein correlate with body plan evolution
-6 legged insects diverged from crustacean-like ancestor with multiple limbs
one group of chelicerates mites
-some are parasites
-Gravid pyemotes Barbara (eggs grow inside mother and the males/females mate)
-males/females eat mother from inside out
symbioisis of coral and photosynthetic algae
algae obviously provide photosynthesis products (most importantly photosystem 2 which splits water)
coral provide CARBON
what do teh corals do for the dianoflagellate
protection with the green fluorescent protein.
because different pigments can absorb different lights
the sleeping dog of immunity is awakened in corals bleaching
symbiont algae shut down the endogenous apoptosis inducing machinery
-with global warming this system breaks down and the symbiont is thrown out and coral dies (without nutrients)
attack of photosystems
no protection from host any longer - bleaching
process of calcification
hydrogen moving out of space so calcium moves in via transporter.
-proton H=/Ca ATPase pumps are the key targets and victims of acidified oceans
essentials of carbon fixation and biomineralization
carbonate and calcium must combine for biomineralisation
coral has 2 carbonic anhydrase enzymes (one makes rock and the thermoses hydrogen out of space
reduction in sea water pH result in significant reduction in pH of
calcifying fluid
take reactant out equilibrium shifts
to the reactant side so more bicarbonate
temperature as driver of pH changes where it matters - carbonic anhydrase are the targets of our destruction
-the higher the sea water temp the lower the pH and the less CO3 available for biomineralization
carbonic anhydrases are particularly sensitive to small reuctions in pH
the lower the pH
the lower the calcification rate
directly proportional
he higher the temp
the lower the calcification rate
INdirectly proportional
algae can create buffer
system at breaking points which is therefore beneficial for the algae (carbonic anhydrase)
comprises annelids and molluscs
close to bilaterians
molluscs- common ancestor
-head with radula
-foot and intestinal sac
-mantle - biomineralizes into
-shell in some (snails bivalves = mussels, air chambers in CONCHIFERAN DESCENDENTS)
-uses chitin for shell bxomineral nucleation (calcium carbonate)
ancient segmentation of some molluscs - probably from common bilaterian ancestor gets lost in the crown molluscs
-a basic mollusc - polyplacophoran. it is unclear if their segmented nature is a primitive feature of all molluscs and shared feature with annelids (or even bilaterians)
Eric kandel discovered the molecular mechanisms of long term memory storage using the mollusc aplasia
found cAMP and Kreb involved in memory formation
gains and losses of shells
-shells evolved in conchifera and got lost several tikes independently again
deuterostomes contain
chordates(craniates amphioxus and tunicates all have notochord)
echinoderms all have
hox gene order - collinearity of gene order and expression maintained- just one cluster like in ascidians and amphioxus
teh notochord is an essential signalling centre
however some of these features evolved already in a common deuterostome ancestor
cooption of signalling centre by notochord
sonic hedgehog molecule
patterns the developing embryo using a concentration gradient
teh notochord and neural tube - key inventions of all chordates
germ layers- ectoderm blue
endoderm - yellow
mesoderm - red/green
left right asymmetry of mesoderm is because
nodal pathway is active
turichates - Ciona (ascidian) teh simplest chordate
can track each cell division
teh turnichte larva but not adult look like chordates
all other chordates (us included)
can be thought of as larval ‘retards’
developmental arrest as an evolutionary strategy (pedomorphosis)
has brain cells and pituitary gland
truncates in their notocord
cellulose synthesis Inecessary for metamorphosis
notochord = chordates
a vast cross-species comparison gives the answer
striking similarity of truncate cellulose synthase to related gene of a cyanobacteria symbiont (notsoc)
horizontal gene transfer unique to
tunicate lineage
the early chordate/tunicate brain
certain markers to become eyes (retina cells)
potential for hindbrain
reutilisation of Pax6
programme within the brain
neural crest cells as
4th germ layer
-Hox genes inside neural crest
-NC forming skeleton
somatic vertebrae
neural crest sheaths
three sheaths form at base of vertebrates
crenate and amphioxus chordate shared filter feeding
gill basket BUT cartilage/skeleton
(derived from neural crest cells)
vertebrates craniates
neural crest
tissue generating and organising a branchial apparatus
yellow CNS-brain
green notochord
blue cartilage
the head of jawed vertebrates
chondrocranium - originally made of cartilage, later either replaced by endochondral ossification
or covered by bone (through dermal ossification)
viserocraniu or spanchnocranium - cartagnious and dermal bone parts surrounding
palatoquadrate (important)
upper jaw of the vertebrates
first ever predator
had compound eyes
giant arthropods predators roaming the Cambrian seas
hard tissues
the arthropods were well ahead of the vertebrates by (at least 50-100 MYA)
our chordate/vertebrae ancestors were arthropod food for a long term
Palaeontology informs us about the deep evolution of structures:
why oeistchythyans are not the first fish with bones
-placoderms first with jaws
-Bony fish evolved fro the common ancestor Osteostracans, placoderms and shark
dark area had electrical currents
enamel outer layer
evolution of vertebrate skeleton in steps
-cartillage no bone ancestor
-dermal bone, acellular (no cells inside) enamel caps
-cellular dermal bone pectoral fins
-extensive bone remodelling, teeth
shark have secondary
dermal bone loss
two Different types of bone formation
-bone sheet formation directly from mesenchyme the oldest ossification form - in the gnathostome stem : astraspis hesterostracans
2)endochondral ossification
-cartilage formation first - to be replaced by bone
-the last form of ossification evolving - in placoderms the first gnathostomes with proper jaws
hesterostracan fish and juvenile placoderm have
remarkably similar dermal bone ontogeny
key embryological components of all crown gnathostomes
-brnchial arches
-mesodermal limb buds
-mesodermal somites
neural crest segmentation retained in muscle attachment system
matching between hindbrain
-neural crest in branchial arch
-and its innervation by hindbrain
giant sea scorpions arms race lead to
giant placoderms (first vertebrate with proper jaws)
they have tooth like denticles all over their body to generate laminar flow along it
structure of shark teeth (similar to humans)
they can regenerate teeth through life (revolver dentition)
key embryological components of all crown gnathostomes
-branchial arches
-mesodermal limb buds
-mesodermal somites
osteichthyan chondrocranium =
cartilage the endochondral ossification
osteichthyan dermatocranium =
dermal ossification
osteichthyan lower jaw
mockers cartalige
osteichthyan part of jaw that joins
osteichthyan top jaw
osteichthyan back part of jaw
entelognathus - placoderm
very close to osteichthyan stem group
two nostrils on each side
teh crown gnathostome micrometry gets inherited to
osteichthhans micrometry is secondary loss
origins of lungs
actinopterygll all had the basis of lungs
ventral lungs evolved before
when did the osteichythyan liveq
silirian time period
high CO2 levels for a very long period of time
earliest arthropod trackway fossils on land:
488 MYA (shortly after Cambrian/ordovician transition)
arthropods related to myriapods
early radiation of tetrapods happens in a time of low oxygen/high CO2
new methods of breathing (lung vs gill)
probably with lung being additional air storage device in low oxygenated waters - greenhouse effect
tetrapods move onto land AFTER
end devonian <362 MYA
evolutionary novelties within the tetrapodomorphs
evolution in steps
- a primary palate direct opening of nasal cavity into mouth = china
-another sarcoterygian novelty: a toungue
principles of a sarcotergian fish head
capsules around nose and inner ear (no hearing)
the choana
-two nostrils in a fish (osteithycan even in placoderms = a crown gnathstme feature
-in tetrapods there is only 1 nostril outside the china is the second posterior nostril in fish
evolution of teh choanae
1)inwards motion of the posterior nostril
2)freeing the neck dissolution of the head-shoulder junction in the dermal armour
loss of dermal cheek bones in transistor from fish
3)hearing - hyomandibula = stapes + tympanic membrane hearing (acanthostega one of the first few tetrapods)
evolution of choanae cotinued
-fish hyomandbula bone turns into tetrapods stapes single hearing bone of all tetrapods establishing new connection in inner ear fenestra ovalis
assembly of the hand 8 fingers
-compariosn between extra tetrapods would suggest that the ancestors all had 5 fingers(digits) there were digits before animals went on land and we have footprints
key early steps of tetrapod limb and girdle evolution
gradual loss of dermal body armour in head and neck region
how can one reconstruct ancient climates
count the number of stomata in fossil plants
it is the biosphere that drove down atmospheric CO2 levels into the ground
oceanic algae - photosynthesis - deposition
forest ecosystems
Amniote phylogeny climate
firm transition onto land happened within the amniotes but not in teh early amniotes : eggs on land with egg shells and amnions protecting embryos against drying out
tetrapod tree
tetrapodmorphs (tetrapod stem group)
some are aquatic still;; and some are terrestrial
aquatic vs terrestrial lifestyle does not map to tetrapods
it emerged (and got lost) repeatedly in the tetrapod crown groups
mixed early amniote lifestyles
early amniotes had juveniles with gills - like tadpoles
tetrapods are terrestrial or
large subdivisions of amniotes
one group is reptiles and teh other is thesnapsids
amniotes developed scaly skin because
change of dominant climate
where did the first amniotes emerge
in carboniferous forests around equator (warm and wet)
early tetrapods were living in high CO2 atmosphere so very different periods
amniote hearing system
all can hear
hair cells are overlaying little particles called oltoconia
pectoral membrane vibrates allowing hearing to occur
within cochlear (tonotopic) different hairs different frequencies