Animal Physiology-Endocrinology Flashcards
What is a hormone?
A signalling molecule that travels through the circulation to affect the actions of a target tissue
Where does the ‘endocrine’ type of hormone come from, travel via and what does it target?
Produced by the endocrine gland, travels via blood to distant targets/tissue
Where does the ‘neuro-endocrine’ type of hormone come from, travel via and what does it target?
Produced by nervous tissue, travels via blood and targets distant tissue
Where does the ‘neurocrine’ type of hormone come from, travel via and what does it target?
Produced by neurons, travels via synapses and targets neighbouring cells
Where does the ‘paracrine’ type of hormone come from, travel via and what does it target?
Produced by cells, travels via interstitial fluid and affects neighbouring cells
Where does the ‘autocrine’ type of hormone come from, travel via and what does it target?
Produced by cells, travels via cellular fluid and affects itself/same cell
Where does the ‘pheromone’ type of hormone come from, travel via and what does it target?
Produced by animals, travels via external environment and affects other animals
Are hormones always present?
Yes, they are always present in low concentrations. The change in the concentration causes the effect. This is regulated by feedback
Describe these hormone interactions in the same tissue:
Additive: A causes an effect, B causes an effect. This interaction occurs when both effects are simply added together
Synergistic: A causes an effect, B causes an effect. Both together lead to a bigger effect than if they were just added together
Non-additive: A causes an effect, B causes an effect. Both together only lead to the maximum of one of the effects
Permissive: A causes an effect but B does not cause an effect. Together, a very large effect is caused
If a hormone is lipophilic (fat loving), what properties do they display/ what are they able to do?
Lipophilic hormones such as steroids can readily go through cell membranes which are essentially made of fat
If a hormone is hydrophilic (water loving), what are they unable to do?
They are not able to enter cells on their own. e.g proteins/polypeptides/glycoproteins (can act as hormones)
Amines are amino acid derivatives (a class of hormone) from which two amino acids?
Tryptophan and tyrosine. Side note: amines are hydrophilic
Fatty acid derivatives are a class of hormone. They are usually derived from arachidonic acid and are lipophilic. Where are they produced and what sort of effects do they have?
Produced in the cell membrane and produce autocrine and paracrine effects (Self and neighbouring)
What sort of steroid hormones result from stepwise conversion of cholesterol?
Estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, cortisol and aldosterone (vitamin D and A are also produced from cholesterol)
Where are steroids produced and where does that cholesterol come from?
Steroids are produced by the gonad and adrenal glands; more specifically on the smooth ER and on the mitochondria in the adrenal glands. The cholesterol comes from LDLs in plasma (so the diet) but it is important to note that cholesterol can be synthesised de novo intracellularly if there is inadequate cholesterol in the diet
Can steroids be stored? If so what is the storage form?
Not really, they are immediately released into the blood stream. However, in the blood stream they are bound to carrier proteins and are inactive (so this is the storage form)
Which form of steroid hormone can stimulate a cell, be degraded and contributes to the feedback of the concentrations?
The active form (5-10% of all the steroid hormone in the body) which is unbound. The combination of synthesis and level of binding of the hormone is what regulates how much is circulating in the blood
Specificity in hormones is very important. Slight changes in structure can confer massive changes in response. Name two polypeptide/protein hormones which are very similar in structure and can sometimes have a residual effect on one another.
Prolactin and growth hormone.
It is possible to make cows lactate by giving them growth hormone
Are polypeptide/protein hormones synthesised in their final form?
No, they are synthesised as prehormones + signal peptides. Some have multiple units, some are glycosylated and some are synthesised as preprohormones
Can protein hormones be stored?
Yes, in secretory vesicles. They are exocytosed during secretion. This stored hormone makes the response faster than steroid hormones
Secretion of protein hormones is regulated by what?
Trophic hormones e.g GH—->IGF-1
Nervous stimuli e.g Absence of light —-> Melatonin
Levels of metabolites e.g Glucose—-> Insulin
All except from IGF-1 circulate freely
Metabolism of hormones varies depending on how long term (e.g during pregnancy) or short term (e.g calcium levels). Half-life is an important concept in this. What is meant by a hormone’s half life?
The time it takes for half the level of that hormone to disappear after it is inactivated
How are peptide hormones broken down?
By peptidases, deamination and reduction of disulphide bonds. This is done in lysosomes of target tissue and the liver and kidneys
How are steroid hormones broken down?
By mixed function oxidases in the liver. They are excreted via urine or bile salts
What does the rate of response depend on?
- The amount of active hormone arriving at the tissue (form)
- Rate of release of the hormone
- Rate of metabolism
- Affinity and number of receptors on the tissue
What sort of receptors are needed for hydrophilic hormones such as proteins? What is the general mechanism of such a receptor?
Cell surface receptors;
Hormone binds to receptor, activates protein kinase (often via 2nd messenger), phosphorylates specific intracellular protein, altered protein activity, response
Rapid response- uses existing proteins
What sort of receptors are needed for lipophilic hormones such as steroid and thyroid hormones? What is the general mechanism of such a receptor?
Nuclear/ intracellular receptors-acts as transcription factors;
Hormone travels through membrane, binds to receptor, translocation to nucleus, formation of a dimer hormone-receptor complex interacts with 5’ end of gene, intiates transcription, response
Slow response (hours)- has to create proteins
Name the 3 most important endocrine glands found in the brain
Pineal glands, pituitary and the hypothalamus (all placed in center of brain for max. protection)
Where is the hypothalamus located in the brain and why is it the major integration centre of the brain?
The hypothalamus is located just below the 3rd ventricle, above the median eminence. It receives signals from all parts of the body and regulates most of the endocrine system (and autonomous system)
It has the suprachiasmatic nucleus located inside
It also controls hormone release from pituitary and pineal glands
What two glands does the hypothalamus control?
Pineal and pituitary
What is the job of the suprachiasmatic nucleus and how is this regulated?
It functions as the body clock which controls circadian rhythms in mammals. This is done through neurons which have a 24 hour rhythm of activity. This is due to a regular pattern of transcription, translation and post-translation activity which allows the neurons to run the body of a 24 hour clock.
The suprachiasmatic nucleus relies on environmental cues to tune the body clock to the correct pattern. Why is it important that the SCN lies above the optic chiasma (the cross over point of the nerve fibres from each eye)?
Light detecting retinal ganglion cells (Melanopsin photoreceptor cells) feed back to the SCN via the retino-hypothalamic tract to tell it whether it is dark or light outside. These cells are separate from the cells to do with vision
To help keep the body on the same clock, signals are sent out from the SCN to cells through neural connections or sympathetic NS to the adrenal cortex. Some hormones are released in a diurnal pattern. State which ones
Cortisol is released in the morning to get you active (metabolism etc) and decreases when you go to sleep
Melatonin (amine- derived from tryptophan) is secreted from the pineal gland in the dark- this indicates day length-so helps body recognise the time of the year which affects seasonal breeding animals
What is meant by a short-day breeder and a long-day breeder?
Short-day breeders such as sheep need to be bred in shortening days (autumn) as their gestation period is around 5 months. This means their offspring will be born in the spring where there is an abundance of food available. Long-day breeders such as horses need to be bred in days which are lengthening as their gestation period is 11 months (need to breed after winter solstice)
Which gland is the hypothalamus linked to by a stalk (infundibulum) that releases hormones?
Pituitary gland. (The hypothalamus never controls the body directly)
Name the two parts/lobes of the pituitary gland and what they do
Posterior pituitary- aka neurohypophysis
-made out of nervous tissue
-receives hormones from neurocrine cells in hypothalamus via axons
This means the hormone actually came from the hypothalamus but it is secreted by the posterior pituitary
Anterioir pituitary- aka adenohypophysis
- made out of glandular tissue (creates its own hormone)
- produces a ‘releasing’ hormone (aka trophic) which stimulates target tissues to secrete hormones
Name the two hormones produced by the POSTERIOR pituitary
Vasopressin- aka antidiuretic hormone (contains Arg+ Phe)
Oxytocin (contains Ile+ Leu)
Both are peptides and have an almost identical structure, only have two amino acid difference but these confer v. different specificity for the hormones (do very different things)
What are the key roles of Vasopressin and Oxytocin?
Vasopressin regulates extracellular fluid osmolarity.
It stimulates water resoprtion from distal part of the kidney tubule if blood volume and pressure fall
Oxytocin stimulates contraction of some smooth muscle, e.g mammary gland and uterus during birth. Oxytocin has been very widely used since it was synthesised in 1955 in obstetrics and livestock (injected in animal if uterus becomes tired during birth- increases contractions to encourage it)
How are Vasopressin and Oxytocin synthesised, secreted and released?
Synthesised by hypothalamic neurons as preprohormones then cleaved to active hormones during rapid axonal transport. Stored in secretory granules at nerve end. Secreted by exocytosis into capillaries and hence general circulation in response to nervous signal from the hypothalamus. This is a ‘Pulsatile release’.
Half-life in plasma = 3-5min so very rapid.
(Release in response to changes in osmotic or barometric pressure, pain, fright, stress, adrenal insufficiency, hypoxia, cardiac failure. Oxytocin also in response to teat sensory nerve stimulation – also in parturition)
The anterior pituitary produces trophic hormones. Is it just one type of cell that secretes hormones in the ANTERIOR pituitary?
No, each hormone secreted by a specific cell type in the anterior pituitary e.g gonadotrope, corticope
What sort of hormones are secreted from the anterior pituitary? How is their secretion regulated?
Proteins or glycoproteins which are regulated by releasing or inhibiting factors of the hypothalamus. Their half-life ranges from 10/15 mins (cortisol) -4 hours (FSH)
Anterior pituitary hormones include; TSH (thyrotrophic hormone) PRL (prolactin) LH (luteinising hormone) FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone) GH (Growth Hormone or somatotrophin) MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone)
Which organs do they target and what effect do they control?
TSH= Thyroid, ↑T4 and T3, ↑ metabolic rate
PRL= Mammary glands, Initiating/maintaining lactation
Many diverse functions
LH = Ovaries, Testis, Ovulation, ↑ steroid sex hormones
FSH= Ovaries, Testis, Follicle development ↑oestrogen, Regulates spermatogenesis
ACTH= Adrenal cortex, ↑Cortisol (Stress response)
GH= Liver (↑IGF-1 & binding proteins), increased growth, ↑ milk production in dairy cows
MSH=Melanocytes, CNS, Immune system, ↑skin pigmentation,↓ feed intake, Anti-inflammatory response
How does the hypothalamus regulate anterior pituitary secretion?
Specific neurons in the hypothalamus produce releasing or inhibiting factors (in tiny amounts) which are secreted into the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system and stimulate specific cells in the anterior pituitary. Many of the hormones are then secreted as PP hormones are but into the portal system rather than systemic circulation