Animal Models in Behavioural Pharmacology Flashcards
General Classification of Animal Models:
Based on operant conditioning Based on classical conditioning Based on instinctual learning (prepared associations) With demands on memory Not based on learning
Based on operant conditioning
○ Stimulus is associated with a response
○ Stimuli preceded and follow a response
○ Response is usually complex
Behaviour is goal oriented, not reflexive, easier to unlearn response
Based on classical conditioning
○ Stimuli associated with each other
○ Stimuli precedes the response
Response is typically simple/reflexive (little to no control over response, not readily changed (inflexible)
Prepared Associations
Prepared to associate certain stimuli with certain responses (i.e. easier to condition a monkey to fear a red block if it is paired with a snake than with a flower)
Not dependent on learning
○ Simpler measures (motor control, analgesia, anxiety…etc)
Need to be careful in experiments to control for confounding variable (If you want to test a drug for reduction of anxiety, but the test relies on an animals ability to learn, don’t know if drug reduces anxiety of ability to learn
Intravenous Drug Administration
Incentive Motivation (operant conditioning)
○ Used to
§ Establish reinforcing properties of drugs
§ Test rewarding properties of drugs (progressive schedule)
□ Increase number of lever presses required until rat stops responding
§ Test subjective properties of drugs (discriminative properties)
□ Train rats to lever press for food when they are on cocaine (food only available when cocaine is in their system), internal effects of cocaine becomes discriminative stimuli
□ If meth is administered, will animals still respond? Can they discriminate between internal effects?
§ Model features of addition
□ Spontaneous drug seeking
Precipitated drug seeking (previously associated cues)
Can be hard to learn, intravenous administration can lead to infection
Intracranial drug self administration
○ Drug administered directly into brain, good for studying specific regions involved in behaviour , drug reinforcement
Too much self administration can cause a build up of pressure in the brain, results in brain regions
Intracranial self stimulation
○ Electrode used instead of an injection, planted in similar brain regions (important for reward, reinforcement)
○ Studies how much an animal will self stimulate, and if stimulation is rewarding or aversive
○ Studies interaction between stimulation of brain area with or without presence of drug
○ Used to assess reward threshold (RT)
○ RT reduced by drugs of abuse and increased by drug withdrawal (and other negative emotional states)
§ Needs lower levels of stimulation if drugs are in system
□ Effects intensified because the drug enhances the same neurotransmitter pathways that stimulation does
§ Needs higher level of stimulation if in withdrawal
Can cause lesions and seizures
Stimulus Response Learning and Memory
• Rodent touchscreen apparatus- skinner box with levers replaced with touch screen, animals nose poke the screen, hits correct response, gets food pellet
• Can record anything the rat does in the box (i.e. latency between correct response and eating food pellet) through technology
• Side that S+ appears on will change (interested in visual discrimination, not spatial learning)
• Animals start at 50% (random) slowly improve up to 85%
• Studies visual discrimination learning- animals rewarded for choosing S+, not S-
• Studies effects of drugs and lesions on acquisition or retention of simple associations
○ Can give drug daily during acquisition to see if that effects the rate of acquisition or retention
• Studies reversal learning
○ Once rats have reached asymptote (85%), switch so that S+ is now S- and vice versa, see how flexible their learning is (dependant on prefrontal cortex)
○ Good for studying neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s patients have no problem with initial acquisition, but are impaired with reversal learning
Fear conditioning
○ Aversive motivation
○ Animal model of learned anxiety and fear
○ Can be used with one trial learning, and lasts a long time
Good for studying storage of memory
Formed from Discrete CS or Contextual CS
Discrete CS
§ Single CS (i.e. tone) associated with US (.e. foot shock)
§ Play tone and give foot shock (once), freezing response develops
§ Put rat in a different box 30 days later, but even after a single pairing, if tone is presented, the rat will freeze immediately
Good way to study fear discriminative learning (amygdala dependent)
Contextual CS
§ Environment rat is in is the CS, becomes associated with shock
§ When placed in box later (no tone), rat will freeze
Requires hippocampus (integrates various aspects of environment
Place Conditioning
○ Animal model of learned preference/avoidance behaviour
○ Commonly used to assess motivational properties of known or novel compounds
○ 2 distinct context are connected by a door, door closed during training
○ Inject rat with saline or drug, pair drug with one of the 2 contexts (consistent pairing between drug and one context)
○ If drug is rewarding, then if given a choice the rat will spend more time in the drug paired context (context is CS, drug is US)
§ During withdrawal, rat will spend more time in drug compartment (drug seeking behaviour)
If drug is aversive, rate will spend more time in the saline paired compartment
Social transmission of food preference
Instinctual Learning
○ One trial test
○ Rats are social animals and learn from one another
○ Rats avoid novel foods (can’t throw up, avoid novel foods in case it is toxic)
○ Demonstrator rat is fed a novel flavour, learns it is ok
○ Demonstrator rat interacts with observer rats (hasn’t encountered the novel food before), smells the novel food on the demonstrators breath, learns that it is safe to consume
When observer rat is given a choice between 2 novel flavours, it will choose the flavour that it smelled on the demonstrator rat’s breath
Conditioned taste avoidance/aversion
Instinctual Learning
○ Pavlovian conditioning
○ Animal learns to drink from 2 water spouts
○ On training day, presented with a novel flavour (not aversive), drinks it
○ After drinking, rat injected with lithium chloride, makes them feel sick
○ Sickness is paired with novel flavour (but flavour isn’t what made them sick), can happen hours apart (prepared association)
On test day, rat given choice between water and novel flavour, will avoid novel flavour if there is a learned association between the novel flavour and sickness
Memory Testing:
• Tests
○ Stages of memory (acquisition, consolidation, retrieval)
○ Capacity for memory retention (short/long term, delays)
○ Types of memory (objects, spatial, egocentric, spatial allocentric)
○ Rigours control measures are critical, need to rule out alternative explanations
§ i.e. motivation, attention, perception, motor control, anxiety…etc
Changes to any number of behaviours could result in escape latency. If a rat becomes slower, blind, no longer motivated to escape, escape latency will increase, doesn’t mean that spatial learning and memory is impacted
Morris water maze
○ Aversive motivation
§ Stress based test (component behaviour- if stress response is altered, escape latency may increase because the animal is not stressed anymore, not because learning is impaired)
○ Hippocampus is important for spatial learning and memory
Platform inside pool can’t be seen, but there are lots of cues throughout the room, animal forms a cognitive map
○ Important to asses component behaviours (other behaviours required to complete the task- ability to see, swim, stress…etc) ○ To assess non-learning memory, make platform visible If animal can perform the task when the platform is visible (not hippocampus dependent learning), but is impaired when the platform is visible, then you can rule out other component behaviours being affected
Allocentric Memory
○use of landmarks, external cues to navigate the environment (hippocampus dependent)
Egocentric learning
ability to navigate without external cue (uses body positions in space)
□ i.e. navigating out of a dark room
□ Not dependent on hippocampus
Start rat in different place each time to prevent egocentric learning
○ Incentive motivation (food motivated)
○ Spatial memory task
○ Involves working memory (animal needs to adjust their behaviour from trial to trial, needs to remember where they went before, and to go somewhere different)
○ Exploits natural tendency of animals to avoid a region where they previously got food (already ate all of the food in one region, try somewhere different to look for food)
○ Most animals use egocentric memory for this task
○ During sample phase, block off one arm (forced choice) ○ Delay of 15s to 1 min (tests working memory) During choice/ test phase, if rat goes into the wrong arm, receives no food, block him in for a short period of time as punishment
Radical Arm Maze
○ Incentive motivation
○ During training, each arm has food at the end
○ In working memory test, error if rat goes back down the same arm they already went down (already ate the food there, want them to go down a different arm- relies on hippocampus, acetylcholine)
○ Reference memory- rule about the task that is constant from trial to trial (contrasts with working memory)
§ To test reference and working memory, have 4 arms always baited, 4 arms never baited
§ If rats are able to acquire reference memory, rats will learn which arms are never baited, and will go into those arms less
§ Enter non baited arm- reference memory error
Enter previously entered arm- working memory error
Object Recognition- Delayed Non-matching to Sample
○ Incentive motivation
○ One trial learning
○ Sample phase
§ Animal sees object for very first time, placed over central food well
§ Animal displaces object, eats food underneath
§ Learns about object in this phase
○ Delay
§ Short delays to study working memory
§ Longer delays to study long term memory
○ Choice phase
§ Sample object and novel object presented, rewarded for displacing novel object
§ Reference memory- animal needs to learn that they need to displace the novel object to get food
Tests working memory- animal needs to choose the new object (working memory- remember which object they’ve seen before and which one is new)
Spontaneous Object Recognition
○ Naturalistic learning (doesn’t require incentive motivation)
○ Also called novel object preference, novel object recognition, visual paired comparison (humans)
○ Animal will naturally spend more time looking/exploring a new object
○ Put rat in box, with 2 of the same novel object, allow them to explore
○ After delay period, put rat back in with a triplicate of the now familiar object ands a novel object- if they recognize that object, they will spend more time in the choice phase exploring the novel object
Stages of Memory:
- Injecting a drug at different stages can be used to study different aspects of memory
- i.e. injecting a drug during the delay period to study the effect of the drug on consolidation
Delay-Dependent Impairment in Object Recognition:
• Give drug before sample phase, run test with short retention delay (30 s- basically 0) and 3 hour delay
• If performance is fine with short delay (0 delay), but impaired with 3 hour delay, then indicates that the drug may impact regions associated with long term memory
• Also eliminates the possibility that other component behaviours are affected, because the animals were able to perform the task with a short delay period- can be used as a control
• Can only be used if the lesion or drug is administered before the sample phase
Using multiple delays helps draw stronger conclusions about the effect of the drug (impacts LTM), as well as eliminates other explanations (component behaviours)
Anxiety- Elevated Plus Maze
○ Elevated Plus Maze
§ Rats and mice have good depth perception, but don’t like being in an elevated space
§ Animals with normal anxiety responses will spend more time in the closed arms than on the open platform
§ If given an anxiogenic drug, anxiety increases, animal will spend more time in enclosed space
If given an anxiolytic, anxiety decreases, animal will spend more time on the open space
Anxiety- Open Field
§ Square area on the floor with lines drawn on it
§ Rats don’t like being in open space, will spend more time hugging the wall (thigmotaxic behaviour)
§ Highly anxious animals will spend all of its time against the wall
§ Less anxious animals will spend more time in open space (will cross more lines)
Need to make sure drug is making animal less anxious and not hyperactive
○ Forced-swim Test
§ Put rat in a cylinder of water, make them swim until they give up (very stressful activity)
Antidepressants will increase struggle time
Motor Activity
○ Open field test/photobeams
§ Measure locomotion levels
§ Measure how many lines/beams the rat crosses
Drugs that cause hyperactivity will result in more lines crossed
○ Open field test/photobeams
§ Measure locomotion levels
§ Measure how many lines/beams the rat crosses
Drugs that cause hyperactivity will result in more lines crossed
Motor Control/ Catalepsy
○ Bar Test
§ Many drugs, such as cannabinoids, opioids cause catalepsy (When put into a weird position, animals won’t move due to muscle rigidity)
Place animal’s paws on a bar, measure the time it takes for them to return to normal position
Muscle Tone
○ Incline Plane Test
§ Put rat on a board and slowly increase slope
Rats are good at hanging on, but if muscle tone is effected, the rat will fall off at a lower angle
Postural Reflexes
○ Righting Reflex
§ Give rat a drug, knock him over, see how long it takes for him to get back up
Many dugs affect motor control, ability to walk or stand