animal kingdom Flashcards
a plant or animal at an early stage of development
an organism that eats other organisms or organic matter
innate behavior
an inherited behavior that does not depend on the environment or experience
learned behavior
a behavior that has been learned from experience
an area that is occupied by one animal or a group of animals that do not allow other members of species to enter
a period of inactivity and lowered body temperature that some animals undergo in winter as a protection against cold weather and lack of food
a period of inactivity and lowered body temperature that some animals undergo in summer as a protection against hot weather and lack of food
circadian rhythm
a biological daily cycle
social behavior
the interaction between animals of the same species
a transfer of a signal or message from one animal to another that results in some type of response
a substance that is released by the body and that causes another individual of the same species to react in a predictable way
an animal that does not have a backbone
a mass of nerve cell
the digestive tract
a body cavity that contains the internal organs
open circulatory system
a circulatory system in which the circulatory fluid is not contained entirely within vessels
closed circulatory system
a circulatory system in which the heart circulates blood through a network of blood vessels that form a closed loop
any part of a larger structure, such as the body of an organism, that is set off by natural or arbitrary boundaries
a hard, external, supporting structure
compound eye
an eye composed of many light detectors
a feeler that is on the head of an invertebrate, such as a crustacean or an inset, that senses touch, taste, or smell
a phase in the life cycle of many animals during which a rapid change from immature form of an organism to the adult form tased place
an internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage
water vascular system
a system of canals filled with watery fluid that circulates throughout the body of an echinoderm