Animal Kingdom Flashcards
Basis of Classification
Organ system
Body symmetry
Diploblastic Triploblastic
What is Metamerism?
and in which animal can it be observed?
When the body is externally and internally divided into segments with the serial repetition of at least some organs
Based on coelom animals can be classified as?
What is Coelom?
The cavity between the body wall and the gut wall lined with mesoderm
What is mesoglea
Undifferentiated layer in diploblastic organisms
Porifera (Sponges)
Water conduction, parts involved, digestion, skeleton, examples
- Aquatiic, Asymmetrical, Hermpaphrodite, cellular level of organisation
- Ostia(pores) to Spogocoel (tract) to Oscullum (little mouth)
- Intracellular digestion, Choanocytes in canals
- Spicules and Spongin fibres form skeleton
- EG: Sycon, Spongylla, Euspongia
Coelenterata (cnidaria)
Digestion,two body forms,get their name from,structure,skeleton ofcorals
- Radially symmetrical, tissue level organisation, Diploblasts
- Get their name from Cnidoblasts which are used for anchorage, stinging and capturing prey.
- Digestion is intracellular and extracellular
- Central gastrovascular cavity w/ single opening, mouth on hypostome.
- Coral skeleton is made of Calcium Carbonate
- Body forms exist as polyp and medusa
common names, characteristics
Structure, digestion, One special trait, Reproduction
- Commonly known as comb jellies or sea walnuts
- They are exclusively marine, radially symmetrical, diploblastic and exhibhit tissue level of organisation
- 8 external rows of ciliated comb plates
- Digestion is intracellular and extracellular.
- Sexes are not seperate, sexual reproduction, external fertilisation.
Structure, absorption, osmoregulation and excretion by? Reproduction
- Dorso-ventrally flattened, hence also called flatworms, endoparasites found in animals including human being, bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, organ level of organisation, acoelomates.
- Has hooks and suckers, may get nutirents directly from the surface of their bodies.
- Osmoregulation and excretion regulated by flame cells
- Sexes are not seperate, fertilsation is internal and development is through various laraval stages
A Platyhelminthes with extraordinary regeneration power
Internal organs, reproduction
- Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, pseudocoelomates, organ level of organisation,
- Complete alimentary canal with a well developed muscular pharynx.
- Sexes are seperate, internal fertilsation, direct or indirect development.
- Females are longe than males.
Structure, reproduction, osmoregulation, sexes, neural system
- Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomates, organ level of organisation, closed circulation, metamerically segmented.
- In aquatic annelids parapodia, a lateral appendage helps in locomotion and they are dioecious (Nereis)
- Land annelids are monoecious and locomotion is due to circular and longitudenal musclrs in the body.
- Nephridia help in osmoregulation and excretion
- Sexual reprodcution
- Neural system consists of paired ganglia connected to a double ventra nerve cord by lateral nerves
Arthro poda
(Joint) (Appendages)
Structure, appendages, breathing organs, sensory organs, excretion, *ovi
- They have a head thorax and abdomen
- Jointed appendages
- gills, book gills, tracheal system, book lungs
- Anntenae, eyes (simple or compound, statocysts, balancicng organs,
- Oviparous, dioecious
- Excretion takes place through malpighian tubes.
- They have a chitinous exoskeleton
Which is the Largest Phylum of animalia?
How does excretion take place in arthropoda?
Malpighian tubes
Structure,(sensory organ), reproduction, CALCAREOUS SHELL
- Mollusca are bilatteraly symmetrical, triploblastic, coloemates with organ level of organisation.
- Body includes a head, muscular foot and a visceral hump.
- Skin coats visceral hump and is called the mantle, the space between the mantle and the hump is called mantle cavity
- Radula: file-like organ for feeding
Which is the second largest phylum in animalia?
Structure, Reproduction, larvae, special features (no excretory system)
- Echinoderms have radial symmetery as adults and bilateral as larvae, thy are triploblastic, organ level, coelomates,
- Complete digestive sysytem, endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles
- Sexes are seperate, larvae swim freely and development is indirec.
- respiration and capture and transport of food and locomotion.
Structure, stomochord, respiration, excretory organ
- Blah blah
- Open circulatory system, structure includes proboscis, collar, trunk (PCT).
- External fertilisation, seperate sexes, indirect development
- Excretory organ is proboscis gland
Chordates are furthur divided into?
Tunicata/Urochordata, Cephalochordata (PROTOCHORDATES)
Defining features of Vertebrata?
- Muscular chambered heart
- kidneys for excretion and osmoregulation
- Jointed appendeges
- Ectoparasites on some fishes
- They have 6-15 pairs of gill slits for respiration
- They have a circular sucking mouth with no jaw
- Circulation is of closed type
- No scales or fiins
*** THEY HAVE CARTILAGINOUS CRANIUM AND VERTEBRAL COLUMN. ** - Marine, but migrate to fresh water foor spawning
- Die a few days after spawning.
Structure, Redropduction, sexual details
Chondrichthyes (Pisces)
- Cartilaginous endoskeleton
*Gill slits are seperate without operculum - Teeth are modified placoid scales growing in backward direction
- strong jaw
- no air baldder gotta swim constantly to avoid sinking
- Two chamrbered heart
- Male pelvic fins have claspers
- Viviparous
- Cold-blooded
- Polikilothermous
- Electric organ:Torpedo
- Poison sting: Trygon
What is Operculum?
Gill cover
- Mouth is located terminally
- Cycloid/ctenoid scales
*Bony endoskeleton - Air bladder present
- Operculum present, four pairs of gills
- oviparous
- cold blooded
- two chambered heart