Animal Health Flashcards
What is BVD?
Bovine Virus Diarrhea
Temperature of a calf?
102.5 degrees F
Temperature of a cow?
101.5 degrees F
Pulse rate of a cow?
60-70 heart beats per minute
Respiratory rate of a cow?
30 breaths per minute
What is a disease?
A change in the normal state of the body or its organs which disturbs the proper performance of body functions.
What is a pathogen?
any microorganism that causes disease.
What is a toxin?
A poison produced by a microorganism that kills cells.
What are immunoglobulins?
What do antibodies do?
synthesized by organs of the immune system to eliminate foreign substances such as microorganisms. The Army!
Name 2 immunoglobulin isotypes
IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM
What is a carrier?
An animal that is infected with a disease but has not clinical symptoms.
Diseases are classified based on their primary cause. Name 2 causes.
Environment, Genetics, Infections, Metabolic
Diseases that are viral are:
Blue tongue, Cow pox, warts, BVD, PI-3 (flu)
Diseases caused by clostridial organism
Blackleg, overeating disease, tetanus, malignant edema
Metabolic Diseases
Displaced Abomasum (twisted stomach), ketosis, laminitis (Founder), milk fever (low Ca+), retained placenta
Diseases with color in them
Blackleg, Red Nose, Red Water, Blue tongue, Pinkeye, White heifer disease, White muscle disease
What is zoonoses
Diseases and infections that are transmitted between animals and humans.
Diseases that are zoonotic
Brucellosis, Cowpox, Rabies, Ringworm, Salmonellosis, TB
What is acidosis?
Metabolic disorder when a dairy cow eats too much grain.
What is Blackleg?
Acute fever caused by bacteria (clostridium) and most occurs in pastured cattle during Spring or Fall.
What is a condition when the cow can’t belch?
Eating what makes a cow susceptible to bloat?
Legumes (soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, clover, alphalfa)
What is the instrument used to puncture the rumen in cases of bloat called?
Bovine Leukosis Virus (BLV) infects what part of the cow’s body?
lymph tissues
Brucellosis is also called?
Bang’s Disease
What test is used to identify Brucellosis?
Milk ring test
Humans who drink raw milk can get the human equivalent of Brucellosis which is called.
Undulant fever
Many diseases can be identified early by these signs and symptoms:
weight loss, reduced milk production, loss of appetite, fever, diarrhea, dehydration
Coccidiosis is common in poultry and calves characterized by
chronic diarrhea.
Two types of anti-coccidial drugs=
- kills coccidia and interrupt their life cycle.
2. inhibit the growth and development of coccidia and prevent them from reproducing.
Cryptosporidiosis is a parasite and the common cause of what in calves and animals including humans?
What are management practices to reduce this parasite?
Clean and dry areas for cows to calve, feed colostrum using a clean bottle and sanitize the nipple, clean and dry pens, allow pens to thoroughly dry, feed & care for sick calves last.
Displaced Abomasum (twisted stomach)=
Abomasum moves position inside the body cavity and twists causing severe digestive problems.
DA which side effected?
Left-sided (80-90%)
Factors that increase risk for DA=
acidotic rations, advanced pregnancy, high milk production, low Calcium, lack of exercise, lead feeding (cows eat too much lead on the farm), Selenium deficiency, stress of calving.
Fat Cow Syndrome is a disease when what happens?
A cow gains too much weight during late lactation or dry period.
Grass Tetany is a metabolic disorder associated with what deficiency?
Mangesium. Occurs in adult cows milking heavily and grazing lush green pastures.
Traumatic gastritis is also called
Hardware Disease. A magnet is swallowed and stays in the reticulum forever. The heart is next to the reticulum.
What bacteria infects the small intestine of ruminant animals and does not show symptoms until 2-4 yrs of age?
Johne’s Disease. Cattle are infected soon after birth.
Clinical Symptoms of Johne’s Disease are:
Diarrhea, unthriftiness, soft swelling in the jaw, drop in milk production, wt loss, infertility, death.
2 Types of tests for Johne’s Disease are:
- Measure antibodies in the blood.
2. Test the manure to find the organism
What is the treatment for Johne’s Disease?
No treatment. Strategies used to prevent the disease only.
What are 3 strategies to prevent Johne’s Disease?
- prevent newborn calves and young animals from ingesting manure from adults.
- Calving areas dry and clean.
- Remove calf from dam immediately after birth.
- Do not use same equipment to clean up manure and load feed.
- Do not walk in feed bunks.
- Identify and remove infected animals and their manure.
- Investigate all animals considered for purchase, buy only test-negative herds.
- Do not allow test-positive cows to calve.
- Sell at birth all calves from positive cows.
What is a condition when there is an accumulation of ketones in the body called?
What are the 1st signs of ketosis?
Cows goes off feed, acetone (ketone) smell on cow’s breath.
What is added to the feed to aid in the prevention of ketosis?
Niacin= B vitamin
Why may a cow experience lameness?
Abscess (wound), foot rot, infection, injury, soft sole syndrome, trimming too close
This is a fatal brain disease of cattle that affects the brain and spinal cord.
Mad cow disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)=originated in the UK
This is caused by a deficiency of blood calcium related to an inbalance of Calcium, phosphorus and Vit D.
Milk Fever
What percent of cows are affected by Milk Fever?
6%. Most cases occur within 72 hrs of calving.
What group of cows are at greater risk for Milk Fever?
Older cows, fatty liver cows and Jerseys (Oh, No!)
Symptoms of Milk Fever are:
Cows go down, rapid heart rate, dilated eyes, below normal body temperature.
What is given IV for immediate treatment?
Calcium Gluctamate is an IV (intravenouse) injection.
Mycotoxin is a toxin produced by what?
fungus, especially a mold.
Clinical symptoms of Mycotoxins in dairy cattle include:
abortions, cystic ovaries, feed refusal, GI upsets, infertility, no milk, weight loss, unthriftiness, silent heats, rise in metabolic disease due to liver malfunction, poor response to therapy.
What disease causes abortions and occassionally causes birth of weak “dummy” calves with serious brain infections?
Neosporosis, caused by a protozoan. Dogs are classified as a definitive host for this organism.
Name external parasites in dairy cattle.
- flies
- lice (Winter and Spring= worst times)
- mites
- mosquitoes
- ticks
Names types of flies
house, stable, face, horn, heel and deer
Which fly spreads pinkeye?
face fly
Which fly is associated with grubs or warbles in cattle?
heel fly
Which flies need heat, moisture and a suitable breeding medium to survive and reproduce?
House and Stable.
What are the phases of a fly’s life cycle?
- Egg
- Larvae
- Pupa
- Adult
What is the most effective management tool to control flies on a dairy farm?
Name internal parasites in dairy cattle.
- Lung worms
- Round worms
- Stomach worms
- Liver flukes
- Coccidia
Which worm is the most economically detrimental parasite of cattle?
Brown stomach worm
What is the class of chemicals used to kill internal parasites?
What is a highly contagious disease characterized by an infection in the cornea or membrane lining of the eye?
What Season is pinkeye seen the most?
What is the primary infectious agent of pinkeye?
Moraxella Bovis is a bacteria.
Name the measures to prevent pinkeye.
Fly control, vaccination, clipping pastures to prevent seed-head development.
What would cause Pneumonia in calves?
poor ventilation, high humidity, dirty pens, poor nutrition, overcrowding, wide range of ages in one pen, drastic change in temperature.
What types of organisms cause Pneumonia?
bacteria, molds, parasites, viruses and yeasts
Pneumonia-causing viruses include:
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBR), parainfluenza-3-virus (PI3), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV)
What is a deadly viral infection spread by infected animals?
Suspected Rabies are confirmed by what tests?
Fluorescent antibody test of brain tissue, by injecting brain tissue into mice and observing.
What non-domestic animals carry Rabies that can be spead to cattle?
- bat
- bobcat
- coyote
- fox
- raccoon
- skunk
What is a contagious disease caused by a fungus that invades the hair follicles and outer layer of skin that can be easily spread to other animals called?
How do you treat ringworm?
Tincture of Iodine or anti-fungal medicine (lamisil, lotramine) used topically on the infected areas, isolate the animal, sunlight.
What disease is characterized by diarrhea, dehydration and unthriftiness?
How is scours transferred from one animal to another?
through the manure of an infected animal.
What causes scours?
Bacteria, viruses and protozoa.
What is a respiratory disease that cattle can develop after being transported by truck or train called?
Shipping Fever
What is udder edema?
When an excessive amount of lymph accumulates between the skin and secretory tissue of the utter.
What causes warts?
A virus and it is contagious to other calves.
What disease is caused by a deficiency of Vit E and /or Selenium?
White Muscle Disease
How do you treat White Muscle Disease?
Add Vitamin E and Selenium to the diet.
What is the term to describe the number of sick animals during a specified period of time?
Morbidity rate
What is Mortality Rate?
The number of dead animals during a specified period of time.
Vaccinations for calves should be considered for these diseases:
Blackleg, Brucellosis, BVD, Clostridia, IBR, Leptospirosis, malignant edema, PI-3, scours
Major types of vaccines are:
killed and modified live
These are chemical agents given to animals that kill or stop the growth of bacteria.
What ways can you administer antibiotics to a cow?
Intramuscular injection, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection, intramammary infusion, intrauterine infusion, in feed.
What vein is “ideal” location for IV injections?
Jugular vein (neck)
What items should be in the medicine chest?
alcohol, disinfectant, iodine, bloat remedy, teat and udder ointments, adhesive tape, scissors, soap, trocar and canula, petroleum jelly (vaseline), sterile bandaging material, wash basin, syringe and needles
What is the instrument called that is used to give an animal a pill?
balling gun
What describes management practices that protect the herd from the entry of new diseases and minimizes the spread and /or adverse effects of disease in the herd?