Animal diseases Flashcards
Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculos
- Veterinary institue= Bacteriology + Histopath
- Disease= clinical signs, post mortem lesions, meat inspection, patho + isolation
- Suspected of being diseased= + positive intradermal tuberculin test
Significanse of Bovine Tuberculos
1) State veterinary= compulsory eradication + prohibition of treatment and vaccination
2) Diseased or Infected= SLAUGHTER
3) Suspected of being diseased = official surveillance + movement restrictions
4) Free status= legal characteristics
5) Herd of orgin= significanse for the whole herd
Diagnosis of Bovine Brucellosis
- Veterinary institute= Bacteriology + 2 serology
- Samples
- Seropositivity
- Disease= clinical signs, post mortem, abortions, isolation
Significanse of Bovine Brucellois
1) State veterinary= compulsory eradication + prohibition of treatment and vaccination
2) Disease or infected = SLAUGHTER
3) Suspected of being diseased= offical surveillance + movement restrictions
4) Free status: legal characteristics
5) Herd of orgin= significanse for the whole herd
Orgin of Bovine Brucellosis
- Thomson-rule= later in pregnancy infected, sooner abortion
- Min 2.weeks
- Positive serology= late pregnancy, 8.weeks
- <7.months of preg, 3 weeks
- Epizootic injury
- Min 30days of quarantene
Diagnosis of Canine Parvo
- Age
- Clinical signs
- Patho/ Histopath
- Lab examinations/confirmation
Significanse of Canine Parvo
1) if animal dies–> always significant
2) if animal survives= justified expenses, treatment cost
Orgin of Canine parvo
Incubation period 2-4 days
- 3 day= if disease and deat
- 4day= typical pathological lesions, regeneration of enterocytes
- 5day= disease within 2 days, in spite of treatment
Diagnosis of Canine Distemper
- Clinical signs= resp,tract, mucous membranes, nervous system + skin
- patho/ histpath
- Antibodies/ virus antigens
Significance of Canine Distemper
1) Always significant if death occurs
2) Chronic changes
3) Loss of olfactory acuity
4) Hard pad disease–working dogs
5) Neurological signs= euthaniasia
Orgin of Canine Distemper
Incubation period: 3-7 days
- AB 9. day
- Virus ags- meningeal macrophages
Significance of Hip dysplasia
*X-ray diagnosis= age dependent
Breeding/ Working animals= all stages
Non breeding animals= if clinical manifestion
1) Breeding animals= exclusion from breeding
2) Non breeding animals= neoplastic malformation
Significance of Teeth problems
1) Alter efficient dental function
2) Some cannot be treated
3) Risky, expensive treatment
4) Removal of tooth, surgery
5) Consequent GI disease
Primary GI disease horse
“Feeding accident”= gastric dilation + rupture
- improper feeding
- High intensity training after feeding
- buyer= contributory negligence
- first signs= within 24.hours
- Caecal impaction= 1-2.weeks
- -> 4.week= weight of free caeacum>4.5kg, dry mater >20kg, 2mm mucous wall