anglu Flashcards
to stop saying that you are right
back down
to start or be made to start a new and difficult activity that you are not prepared for
be thrown in at the deep end
to change your decision or opinion
change your mind
to find an answer or a solution to sth
come up with (a scheme)
to think of a new idea or plan
conceive (an idea)
that is a point, situation, etc. from which you can make no further progress
dead-end (job)
to have an idea, especially a very unusual or silly one
dream up (an idea)
to become less strong or unpleasant
ease off
to take part in sth
engage in sth
to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation and do sth about it
face up to sth
to stop fighting against sb/sth; to accept that you have been defeated
give in (to sb/sth)
especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people
to do sth after not being sure that it was possible
go ahead (with a plan)
to have a lot of work, problems, etc. to deal with
have a lot on your plate
to make a choice or judgement after thinking about various possibilities
make a decision
to decide
make up your mind
to sit down and relax, especially with your feet off the floor and supported
put your feet up
to think again about sth, especially because you may want to change your mind
reconsider (a decision)
to show that you are able to deal with a problem, etc. successfullly
rise to the challenge
to show sb how a job should be done
show sb the ropes
to start sth (an activity, conversation) that involves or is done by a group
start/get the ball rolling
the most important things to consider when you are discussing or deciding sth
the bottom line
to force sb to leave a place
throw sb out