anglo saxon 1060-1066 Flashcards
what was the population of anglo saxon england
2 million
what are peasant farmers
small farms working to survive
worked for lord in exchange for land
what were thegns
local lors
important to community
acted as king soldiers too
what were earls
important lords near to king
loyalty to king key for power
what were some powers of the king
enforced laws
protected kingdom
controlled production of coins
decided taxes
how was edward the confessor different to other kings
relied on powerful earls
focused on keeping peace
religion was important
what were the duties of people
obeyed law
owning land meant paying taxes and owing military services
what was danelaw
place where king did not rule
north/east england
most were descendants of vikings
who was earl godwin
troublesome earl with more money then king
pushed the king to give his sons titles
what was a witan
council that advised the king
decided next king too
what did the king order earl godwin to do
punish dover for rebellion
he refused and was forced into exiled
what was an earldom
given lots of power to help the king rule the country
collected taxes and kept some
applied kings laws and orders
what was a shire
earldoms divided into these
small areas with own powers
what was a fyrd
army with thegns
only called for 40 days to help with harvests
what was a hide
small unit of land for taxing and military service
what were tithings
a group of ten households
what were hundreds
100 hides of land with several tithings in it
what were shire reeves
local who collected kings taxes
paid off vikings attacks
what were blood feuds
if a family member was attacked the family can ounish the attacker
what was wergild
solved blood feuds
victim paid by attacker
what was collective responsibility
community came together to prevent crime
what did they trade