Angleščinaa Flashcards
present simple 1. uporaba
repeated actions or habits
present simple 2. uporaba
permanent(trajnih) situations
present simple 3. uporaba
general truth
present simple 4. uporaba
talk about future events wich are part of a fixed timetable
present continuous 1. uporaba
talk about smth that is in progress at the moment of speaking
present continuous 2. uporaba
talk about smth that is in progress arount the present
present continuous 3. uporaba
talk about changing or developing situations
present continuous 4. uporaba
talk about smth that we had already arranged or planned to do in the future
present continuous 5. uporaba
to express anoyance
present perfect simple 1. uporaba
for actions that started in the past and are continuing to the present
present perfect simple 2. uporaba
smth that happened during a period of time that continues up to now
present perfect simple 3. uporaba
result of a past action is connected to the present
present perfect simple 4. uporaba
recent past