anglescina 1 Flashcards
She’s on ___________ for six months.
a period of time when college or university teachers are allowed to stop their usual work in order to study or travel, usually while continuing to be paid:
to take/have a sabbatical
sabbatical leave
I’m _______ to spend it all at once.
to be unwilling to do something
Weak coffee is one of my ___ ___ .
pet peeve
something that especially annoys you
Charities such as Oxfam are always trying to ______ volunteers to help in their work.
to recruit
to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army
The _______ of her earlier years gave way to joy in later life.
(a cause of) a feeling of great sadness:
sorrow at
The sorrow she felt at the death of her husband was almost too much to bear.
It seemed to happen ___ ___ ___ ___ - I felt dizzy and I just collapsed.
all of a sudden
very quickly - suddenly
It seemed to happen all of a sudden - I felt dizzy and I just collapsed.
Her teachers regard her as a ___ , trouble-making girl.
If someone is rebellious, they are difficult to control and do not behave in the way that is expected
The slate roof ___ this house from others in the area.
to make someone or something different:
- differentiate something from something
If the weather’s good, we’ll eat ___ (= not in a building).
The _____ provides services such as water and rubbish
a city or town with its own local government, or the local government itself (občina)
I think it should be illegal for non-parents to ____ on/about parenting.
to speak or write and give your opinion about something as if you knew everything about it and as if only your opinion was correct:
The view from the top of the mountain is _______.
extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising
My parents were very ____ with me when I was young.
strongly limiting someone’s freedom to behave as they wish, or likely to severely punish someone if they do not obey
His bedroom’s always _____ .
a messy kitchen
messy hands/hair
My flatmate isn’t very ____ .
having everything ordered and arranged in the right place, or liking to keep things like this.
The house was clean and tidy.
My flatmate isn’t very tidy.
My bike needs a new _____ .
a seat on a bicycle, motorcycle, a leather seat on a horse
saddle up: to be prepared, get ready
the frontal ____ of the brain
any part of an organ that seems to be separate in some way from the rest, especially one of the parts of the brain, lungs, or liver:
The maximum _____ for this elevator is eight persons.
the amount of weight carried, especially by a vehicle, a structure such as a bridge, or an animal
The London to Cairo flight goes ____ Rome.
going through or stopping at a place on the way to another place:
We ____ see each other now.
not often
Early mobile phones were _____ and expensive.
A bulky object takes up a lot of space, or is difficult to move or carry + kosovni odpadki.
She _____ to death on a fish bone.
If you choke, or if something chokes you, you stop breathing because something is blocking your throat
a cut on the ____ of her foot
the bottom part of the foot that touches the ground when you stand or walk, or the bottom part of a shoe that touches the ground, usually not including the heel:
- a cut on the sole of her foot
- shoes with rubber soles
She has a nasty bruise on her ____ .
the front part of your leg between your knee and your foot (golenica, piščal)
Come and sit on my ____ and I’ll read you a story.
the top surface of the upper part of the legs of a person who is sitting down
The horses came to a halt, steam streaming from their ______ .
either of the two openings in the nose through which air moves when you breathe:
My _____ ached terribly after the climb.
the part of a person’s leg above the knee
Oscar Wilde was Irish ___ _____.
by birth
born in a particular place or having parents of a particular nationality
____ _____ ! It’ll soon be the weekend.
chin up!
keep your chin up!
something you say to someone in a difficult situation in order to encourage them to be brave and try not to be sad:
These two ________ by Hockney would sell for £1,500,000.
a piece of this cloth used by artists for painting on, usually with oil paints, or the painting itself:
But it is a _____ - ___ situation - you can’t get people without funding.
catch 22 (dilema, teška situacija)
an impossible situation where you are prevented from doing one thing until you have done another thing that you cannot do until you have done the first thing:
I went to bed early and ____ ____ ___ ___
sleep like a log
to sleep very well
She has ____ _____ hair and green eyes.
dirty blonde
used to describe a hair colour that is between blonde and pale brown, or someone whose hair is this colour
She stood with her ____________ rigid.
backbone = spine; the mainstay (opornik)
the line of bones down the centre of the back that provides support for the body
He _____ that poor dog - he never takes him for walks or gives him any attention.
neglect (zanemarjati)
to not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility:
to neglect your appearance/the house
He neglects that poor dog - he never takes him for walks or gives him any attention.
The ____ had rubbed against his skin and caused irritation.
a narrow piece of leather or other strong material used for fastening something or giving support.
Native Americans traded ____ with early European settlers.
the thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals, or the hair-covered skin(s) of animals, removed from their bodies
Tie a ____ in the rope to hold it in place.
a join made by tying together the ends of a piece or pieces of string, rope, cloth, etc.
To create a deity ____ , include statues or images of the god or goddess you honor, along with symbols that represent them.
a place for worship that is holy because of a connection with a holy person or object
She was sitting on the grass ______ lemonade through a straw.
to pull in liquid or air through your mouth without using your teeth, or to move the tongue and muscles of the mouth around something inside your mouth, often in order to dissolve it
Don’t walk around outside in your _____ feet.
without any clothes or not covered by anything
She was the first television figure to show her ____ ____ on camera.
belly botton
It sucks!
The muscles used in this exercise are the chest, shoulders, upper back, lower back, and _______________.
butt, glute
ledveni del hrbtenice
lumbar (spine)
He was kicked in the stomach and the ________.
I banged my _________ on the shelf.
Aikiko fell down some stairs and broke her _________ .
meča (na nogi)
I hit my head on the _________ as I was standing up.
a long, flat board fixed horizontally, usually against a wall or inside a cupboard so that objects can be stored on it
they posed some difficult questions to answer __ __ __________ (without preparation)
off the cuff
a red dress with a white lace collar and ___ .
cuff (manšeta , zavihek (na obleki), lisice)
the end part of a sleeve, where the material of the sleeve is turned back or a separate band is sewn on.
he company went bankrupt owing $2.4 million of interest ___ ________ (v zamudi).
in arrears
behind with paying money that is owed
I stopped swimming for a moment and _____ _____, looking back to the beach
tread (trod) water
- to float vertically in the water by moving the legs and the arms up and down
- to put your foot on something or to press something down with your foot:
tread on I kept treading on his toes when we were dancing.
tread in Yuck! Look what I’ve just trodden in!
why is even his own family giving him the _______ ___________?
cold shoulder (=to ignore)
a show of intentional unfriendliness
___________ _______ with no medication, is not recommended for those with medical conditions
cold turkey
the abrupt and complete cessation of taking a drug to which one is addicted
= nenadno in popolno prenehanje jemanja zdravila, od katerega je oseba odvisna
some investors got _____ ______ and backed out
cold feet
- loss of nerve or confidence
- to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important such as getting married
a man consumed by _____________
a strong desire to travel
he knew that his _____ for her had returned
very strong sexual desire
a ship or large boat
he looked to his father for inspiration and ______________ .
information and advice given to help someone
they waited ___ _____ for a response
in vain
without success or a result
still vs jet
still: in the progress
jet: still not happening
I am jet to stop drinking coffee.
know it’s frustrating, but don’t let it ___ __ ____ .
get you down
If something gets you down, it makes you feel unhappy or depressed.
in USA when you are tired
I feel very ______ about my childhood and all that I went through
Someone who is bitter is angry and unhappy because they cannot forget bad things that happened in the past.
with an unpleasantly sharp taste
Bitter weather is extremely cold, especially in a way that causes physical pain
more than 2 people
a particular range of values, numbers, etc. (more than 2 people)
I could tell by looking at him that he was ___ ____ _____ , so I avoided him for the rest of the school year.
bad news bears
Said of someone or something that will bring disaster or bad fortune to one.
when it came to practical jokes, he regarded anybody as ____ _______ (tarča) .
fair game
a person or thing that is considered a reasonable target for criticism, exploitation, or attack
I’ve ______ the floor
sweep - swept
clean (an area) by brushing away dirt or litter
She drilled a hole and put a drinking ______ into the coconut.
a thick ________ of envelopes
a collection of things or quantity of material tied or wrapped up together
we are (contraction)
she gave her hair a _____ .
a strip of plastic, metal, or wood with a row of narrow teeth, used for untangling or arranging the hair.
I have ______ eyesight.
(of a sense) highly developed
she ______ her hands into her pockets
push (something or someone) suddenly or violently in the specified direction
completely in love with you
sweep me off my feet
to make someone become suddenly and completely in love with you:
The first time he met her, he was completely swept off his feet.
______ a cigarete
to move something by pulling it along a surface, usually the ground:
Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you!
to make someone go somewhere they do not want to go:
drag someone away She had to drag her kids away from the toys.
drag yourself somewhere I really had to drag myself out of bed this morning.
She used to work 50 hours a week, but recently she’s ___ _____ .
cut down
to do or use less of something:
cut down on I’m trying to cut down on caffeine.
She used to work 50 hours a week, but recently she’s cut down.
Freddie was an angelic-looking child with blond, curly hair, blue eyes, and _______.
a small hollow place, especially one that appears on a person’s face when they smile:
Freddie was an angelic-looking child with blond, curly hair, blue eyes, and dimples.
I tried to offer friendship and he ____ in my face.
spit - spat
to force out the contents of the mouth, especially saliva:
They bought watermelons and ate them as they walked, spitting out the seeds.
to say or shout words quickly and angrily:
“Get out!” she spat, when Ace appeared in the doorway.
not firmly held or fastened in place
Clothes or shoes that are tight fit the body too closely and are uncomfortable:
That jacket’s too tight - you need a bigger size.
very cool
very cool
intelegent; quick to notice, hear, understand, or react to things
The knife has a short, ____ blade.
having a rounded or smoothly bending shape:
He has demonstrated a ________ interest in the project.
If something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be.
If people or emotions are genuine, they are honest and sincere.
She _____ me with a quick bob of her head.
to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something
She _______ her head on his shoulder
lean (leaned) on something
to sit or stand with part of your body touching something as a support
She has a _______ for inspiring confidence in people.
a natural ability to hear, see, think, move, etc.
a special ability to do a particular thing.
What time does the game ____ ___?
kick off
If a game of football kicks off, it starts
_________ matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.
very ordinary and therefore not interesting
I was carrying three heavy bags of _________ .
grocery / groceries = food
the food that you buy in a grocer’s shop or supermarket
He resigned, saying the president should appoint someone who was more _____ with his views.
- the same as or similar to something else
- supporting or agreeing with another person, organization, or view
House prices have started moving _________ again.
moving towards a higher position, level, or value
Can I have a ___- _____?
Can I have a do-over?
This phrase: Can I have do over is the ability to take whatever painting in that relationship, meaning the experience weve created and say: I wanna erase this! And lets create something new. let`s start anew.
V primeru, ko bi želel nekaj popraviti, drugače povedati, ker prvotni ni izpadlo tako kot bi želel.
It’s _____________ you to be quiet - is something wrong?
- different from
Dan’s actually very nice, unlike his father.
Unlike you, I’m not a great dancer. - not typical or characteristic of
Something to drink?”
Can I get you something to drink?”
you can be old and young at the same time
Young at heart.
Thank God it’s Friday.
Life on the set of the 1964 musical wasn’t always _____________________.
extremely good (made popular in the 1964 children’s film, “Mary Poppins”).
Would you like a _____ of chocolate?
- a set of actions or ideas associated with a specific group or activity
- a small piece or amount of something
- a short distance or period of time
wait a (contraction)
izgovorjava: waida
She had monthly _______ for a year or two before her periods started.
painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, typically caused by fatigue or strain.
She was ____ __ with doing all the work
fed up (tired of)
- bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long
- annoyed or disgusted by something that you have experienced for too long:
He _____ a great suit of black armor
skoval je velik črn oklep
make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and beating or hammering it
I have a _______ (a problem, difficulty) at work
a problem, difficulty, or disadvantage
The car was ________ by helicopters.
to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her, or i
What a ______________ old man!
- extremely unpleasant or unacceptable
- causing a feeling of strong dislike or disgust
The holiday was a last chance to ______ their love.
to make someone have a feeling that they had in the past
The jury took five days to __________ on the case.
- to think or talk seriously and carefully about something (verb)
- (of an action or a decision) intentional or planned, often with the result of being harmful to someone (adjective)
When they argued, I remained ___________.
- not interested or involved, usually because you do not approve of what is happening
- not taking part in things, esp. in a way that seems unfriendly
These practices _________ from traditional Chinese medicine.
stem from something
- to start or develop as the result of something
- to develop or come from something
We have _____________ eighty children in this day-care program.
- to put yourself or someone else on an official list for an activity or for membership in a group, or to accept someone in such a list
someone looking into someone else zodiac reading in order to gain knowledge
Many people believe that a broken mirror is an _______ of bad luck.
an event that is thought to tell something about the future
The _________ of Christ is depicted in this stained-glass window.
- the process of rising to a position of higher importance, rank, or success
- the action of climbing or moving upwards
- the process of going up from earth to heaven
The bones in my broken wrist took eight weeks to _________.
- to repair something that is broken or damage.
- to become well again after an illness or injury
I returned the material because it had a _____ in it.
- a fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one that happens while something is being planned or made, or that causes something not to be perfect.
I was wearing a newly ___________ jacket.
-to get or obtain something
I was wearing a newly acquired jacket.
- to gradually learn or gain something such as a language or skill
I soon acquired a taste for the local cuisine.
He has acquired a reputation for being difficult to work with.
The experiments were _______ by scientists in New York.
conduct (vedno uporabljaš v prihodnjiku ali pretekliku)
- to organize and perform a particular activity
The experiments were conducted by scientists in New York. - to lead someone to a particular place
May I conduct you to your table?
A guide conducts tours of the cathedral every afternoon at 2.00.
I’ve made _______ about the cost of a ticket.
inquiry (vedno uporabljaš z make / made)
- the process of asking a question or asking for information about someone or something
I’ve made inquiries about the cost of a ticket. - official attempt to discover the facts about something
The Council has set up an independent inquiry which will show the effect of closure of the plant.
I thought they were married but _____ not (= they are not married).
- used to say you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true
Apparently it’s going to rain today. - used when the real situation is different from what you thought it was
She looks about ten, but apparently she’s 14. - used to say that something seems to be true, although it is not certain
The train was delayed, apparently due to leaves on the line.
The house is beautiful. _______ , it’s in a great location.
- in addition; more importantly
The house is beautiful. Furthermore, it’s in a great location. - (used to add information) also and more importantly
I don’t know what happened to Roberto, and furthermore, I don’t care.
My __________ surprise was soon replaced by delight.
- of or at the beginning / first
My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight. - the first letter of a name, especially when used to represent the whole name
He wrote his initials, P.M.R., at the bottom of the page.
He has absolutely no _______________ of how a successful business should run.
conception (spočetje)
- the process of a male and a female sex cell joining and causing a baby to start to form
- an idea or a particular way you understand or think about something, or a basic understanding of a situation or principle
The most important thing is for parents to spend time with their newborn _________ .
infant (dojenček)
a baby or a very young child
newborn infant: The most important thing is for parents to spend time with their newborn infant.
Negotiators were called in to __________ between the two sides.
- to talk to two separate people or groups involved in a disagreement to try to help them to agree or find a solution to their problems
I’ve booked the car into the garage because the _____________ is slipping.
- to take or try to take hold of something or someone tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain
Clutching the money to his chest, he hurried to the bank.
He collapsed, clutching his stomach. - a device that allows turning movement to be sent from one part of a machine to another
I’ve booked the car into the garage because the clutch is slipping.